i think i picked the wrong class though. i started with the soldier, because of the shotguns basically, but the 2 or 3 shotguns i've found are junk. i'll stick with him for now though.
Archived: Borderlands!
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Re: Borderlands!
10/23/09 4:00 pm | #46
i'm absolutely loving the game so far. level 6 or 7, can't remember.
i think i picked the wrong class though. i started with the soldier, because of the shotguns basically, but the 2 or 3 shotguns i've found are junk. i'll stick with him for now though.
i think i picked the wrong class though. i started with the soldier, because of the shotguns basically, but the 2 or 3 shotguns i've found are junk. i'll stick with him for now though.
Re: Borderlands!
10/23/09 4:15 pm | #47
So what is so good about this? It looks really "arcade-y" to me. Everyone is raving about it, even my friends on my Friends List are like, "OMG, this game is great."
So explain, what is so great about it that you all like?
So explain, what is so great about it that you all like?
Re: Re: Borderlands!
10/23/09 5:14 pm | #48
Quote by ReAl ImPuLsE:
Does any one want to do co-op with me tonight? and get some co-op achievement. I will be on at7pm east time. Send me friend request.
I will send you a friend request, I don't need any of the achieves but I can help others power-level up. I have a few good methods

Quote by GoingPostal000:
So what is so good about this? It looks really "arcade-y" to me. Everyone is raving about it, even my friends on my Friends List are like, "OMG, this game is great."
So explain, what is so great about it that you all like?
So explain, what is so great about it that you all like?
For me it is the perfect fusion of two of my favorite game genres. For me it brings alive the experience of playing other 4 player co-op RPG's like Diablo 2. The game has very few flaws and endless replayability with new game+ mode. I can't really find much to complain about with the title, & I LOVE to complain.[/size][/i][/b]
Re: Borderlands!
10/24/09 5:45 am | #49
I think I'm starting to come around. There is a definite curve at the beginning, but there was a point where the UI went from clunky to intuitive. There ARE a lot of menus to go through but once you get it you can really get moving.
There are still some WTF moments, (and not the good kind!) a bunch of unnecessary deaths, and things can still be difficult to pick out of the cel-shaded back ground. I went to a place that was a little beyond my level and got spawn camped by enemies for about an hour. That was frustrating as there are absurd spikes in difficulty at times that keep the game from being smooth, but the fun factor definitely outshines any of these flaws which are just nitpicky!
The achievements are not bad either! They are reminiscent of Fable 2's. People who play through will get a lot of the points, but the people who really enjoy it, (and point whores) will have no problem getting the 1000! By the looks of it, that will probably be quite a few gamers!
Pretty good game!
There are still some WTF moments, (and not the good kind!) a bunch of unnecessary deaths, and things can still be difficult to pick out of the cel-shaded back ground. I went to a place that was a little beyond my level and got spawn camped by enemies for about an hour. That was frustrating as there are absurd spikes in difficulty at times that keep the game from being smooth, but the fun factor definitely outshines any of these flaws which are just nitpicky!
The achievements are not bad either! They are reminiscent of Fable 2's. People who play through will get a lot of the points, but the people who really enjoy it, (and point whores) will have no problem getting the 1000! By the looks of it, that will probably be quite a few gamers!
Pretty good game!
Re: Borderlands!
10/24/09 9:16 am | #50
As I've said somewhere else before, this is plain awesome, esp with a full compliment of co-op players of around the same level. Gotta be quick on the loot with strangers cuz ya gots ta share it. Otherwise, just go out killin'. fun, fun, fun, I think this is def a sleeper hit.
Re: Borderlands!
10/24/09 10:47 am | #51
I'm up to lvl 19 with the soldier guy and still liking this game VERY much. 100% single player so far since I want first crack at all the loot, but will be trying some coop this weekend. I split my time between this game and Prototype this week and prototype is a stinky turd compared to Borderlands. Prototype isn't a bad game, but Borderlands is just a REALLY good game.
Worst experience so far was searching for the 4 pieces of the sniper rifle. Best experience so far was getting my ass kicked in the lvl 3 arena challenge, but being able to come back to it a few hours later with better level, stats, and guns and just own the battle.
Worst experience so far was searching for the 4 pieces of the sniper rifle. Best experience so far was getting my ass kicked in the lvl 3 arena challenge, but being able to come back to it a few hours later with better level, stats, and guns and just own the battle.
Re: Borderlands!
10/24/09 11:02 am | #52
I am so torn about this one or Dragon Age:Origins. But my wallet is itching.
Re: Borderlands!
10/24/09 11:32 am | #53
Ralph you know when you pick up money, you and your partner get it? Same thing with EXP when you kill things.
Re: Re: Borderlands!
10/24/09 11:34 am | #54
Quote by GoingPostal000:
I am so torn about this one or Dragon Age:Origins. But my wallet is itching.
How about you buy me this and you can have Dragon Age.

Re: Borderlands!
10/24/09 1:33 pm | #55
I'm gonna buy this on MW: 2 night

Re: Borderlands!
10/24/09 1:34 pm | #56
I finally beat borderlands in the wee hours of the morning! The ending is AWESOME. Now I just need to save 2 more ClapTraps and I'm off to start my 2nd Playthrough

Re: Borderlands!
10/24/09 1:36 pm | #57
damn mask... that was fast lol.
i'm really bummed about not being able to play through it with you. jen recently picked up brutal legend, so the only gaming time i really get anymore is when i boost gears.
i'm really bummed about not being able to play through it with you. jen recently picked up brutal legend, so the only gaming time i really get anymore is when i boost gears.

Re: Borderlands!
10/24/09 1:38 pm | #58
I'm sure I'll still be playing this game after I hit level 50, there are after all- ALIEN GUNS to freakin find!
Re: Borderlands!
10/24/09 4:50 pm | #59
Playthrough 2 is fairly challenging, I recommend being 35++ with good guns and armor before attempting.
Re: Re: Borderlands!
10/24/09 4:52 pm | #60
Quote by Detroit SniperX:
Ralph you know when you pick up money, you and your partner get it? Same thing with EXP when you kill things.
I could care less about the money and experience. I don't want to have to fight over the mega purple weapons and shields. Yes, I did see that exp and money are shared assets. It's like being married I guess.