Archived: Borderlands!
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10/19/09 7:26 am | #1
Please check the Events Scheduler for the posted Borderlands All Nighter for the initial release. I will personally be accepting all FRs and Invites all night long. Check back here later on Tuesday Afternoon for the my Fresh Out The Box Game Review. I also encourage everyone else that had the opprotunity to pick up this title to add your own reviews. Theres a huge majority of gamers out there that are a little reluctant of this title for various reasons. Lets make em hate themselves for not pre-ordering for the weapons pack. lmao
Re: Borderlands!
10/19/09 8:56 am | #2
Dam I cant wait for this game! Looks amazing
Re: Borderlands!
10/19/09 10:13 am | #3
I've been waiting all year for this game. Can't wait to pick it up!
Re: Borderlands!
10/19/09 11:52 am | #4
I think the game looks rather primitive. The graphics don't look that great and the crosshairs/reticle don't appeal to me. Reminds me of a L4D type of shooter only instead of no aiming there's too much aiming. C'mon a long range pistol? Stupid imo.
Re: Re: Borderlands!
10/19/09 3:31 pm | #8
Quote by animefr33k:
So we're not buying amazing games now because they are kind of cartoon-ish looking? You've played the Simpsons movie, enough said..
Re: Re: Borderlands!
10/19/09 3:45 pm | #9
Quote by animefr33k:
So we're not buying amazing games now because they are kind of cartoon-ish looking? You've played the Simpsons movie, enough said..
i guess so. i think the art design for this game looks a lot better than before. it sets it apart from fallout and makes it a better game IMO. i CANNOT wait to get this game. i went today and picked up the strategy guide and it made me even more excited. 390 pages long!! this game is going to be epic

Re: Borderlands!
10/19/09 3:58 pm | #10
Is this game any good??
Re: Borderlands!
10/19/09 3:58 pm | #11
wont know until tomorrow man
Re: Borderlands!
10/19/09 4:01 pm | #12
I will be picking this up Wednesday for some co-op fun! Hopefully I've beat MagnaCarta2 by then.
Re: Borderlands!
10/19/09 4:08 pm | #13
There is 1240 Gs in Magana Carta? Seems kinda odd that they just wouldnt make it 1250
There is 1240 Gs in Magana Carta? Seems kinda odd that they just wouldnt make it 1250
Re: Borderlands!
10/19/09 4:48 pm | #14
Yeah it's wierd... there is only 1240 score for the game. Kinda strange huh?
Re: Borderlands!
10/19/09 6:44 pm | #15
omg flipping through the guide for this game is making me very very happy. 46 main quests, 79 side quests, and looking at the guns in the guide............. FORKING AMAZING!!!! i am counting the hrs until i have this game. 15 hrs and 45 mins!!