not sure if i'll be on this game tonight or tomorrow but we'll get something going.
Archived: Borderlands!
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
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Re: Borderlands!
10/30/09 3:57 pm | #166
oh yeah man i'll do that now.
not sure if i'll be on this game tonight or tomorrow but we'll get something going.
not sure if i'll be on this game tonight or tomorrow but we'll get something going.
Re: Borderlands!
10/30/09 4:01 pm | #167
No problem. I won't be playing again untill late tonight any way. But once I get something bad ass I'll tell ya. I save shit for other friends too. And if u want a beast rocket launcher or whatever I have we can do the duplicate thing too
Re: Borderlands!
10/30/09 4:05 pm | #168
i've heard about that, but haven't actually looked into it.
that would really turn my 250K in a fast mill huh? lol.
i'm in no hurry though. taking my sweet time with this one.
if you do happen to find a beastly shotgun i'd really appreciate it man. or a sniper with 400+ damage and a RoF of 1.0 or more. that would be sweet as well. seems you get one or the other with the snipes, lol.
that would really turn my 250K in a fast mill huh? lol.
i'm in no hurry though. taking my sweet time with this one.
if you do happen to find a beastly shotgun i'd really appreciate it man. or a sniper with 400+ damage and a RoF of 1.0 or more. that would be sweet as well. seems you get one or the other with the snipes, lol.
Re: Borderlands!
10/30/09 4:18 pm | #169
My sniper is like 331 with 97 acuracy and .9 rof. I can't seem to find a better one. All the ones over 1 rof are lower damage with elemental effects
Re: Borderlands!
10/30/09 4:27 pm | #170
lol yeah same here.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Borderlands!
10/30/09 7:31 pm | #171
Quote by Noah 9000:
Quote by Drunk3nDuffman:
While I was at work last night I was thinking that I would use the lost cave to level up some when I play later. It helps that there are health and ammo machines as you enter the cave.
One question, is there a point where I should stop grinding out levels? I am to the point where I have the mission to get the key to go to Sledges safe house. Is there a point this early were the game will be to easy playing at a higher level?
what level are you now duffman?
i think i'm at 26 now, and the last enemies in the arid badlands still hurt a little bit.
if you like a challenge, i'd recommend doing missions at their suggested level. sometimes they prove hard even if you're a couple levels ahead. depends on your weapons and all that too. if you find yourself in a tight spot, your turret will save your ass lol.
Right now I am level 15. A little bit away from 16. I went ahead and did the mission for sledges safe house already. I died once, but that was because of my own stupidity.
Re: Borderlands!
10/30/09 8:31 pm | #172
I'm still waiting for you guys to catch up with my 46 Siren on 2nd playthrough so we can CO-OP!

Re: Borderlands!
10/30/09 9:10 pm | #173
I'm getting there slowly. I just got to level 17 thanks to taking down Moe and Marley. The first time I tried a couple of days ago they handed my ass to me. But this time I went in with much better weapons and my leveled up turret and proceeded to hand their asses to them.
Re: Borderlands!
10/31/09 4:55 am | #174
I'm almost level 42 and on 2nd play through and now have 7 Alien guns. I want level 50 in the next day or so.
Re: Borderlands!
10/31/09 5:50 am | #175
I'm almost Lv. 42 as well, on second play through, but I don't use the alien weapons. I use:
125 x12
corrosive x1
Assault Rifle:
Rocket Launcher:
501 x3
corrosive x4
Sniper Rifle:
125 x12
corrosive x1
Assault Rifle:
Rocket Launcher:
501 x3
corrosive x4
Sniper Rifle:
Re: Re: Borderlands!
10/31/09 2:46 pm | #176
Quote by Krueger1428:
122 x12
corrosive x1
... YOU SHARE! lol jk
what's the accuracy and RoF on that sniper?
Re: Borderlands!
10/31/09 2:49 pm | #177
lol I don't know man I'll have to get back to you on that. Next time I'm on I'll chat you and tell you the stats.
Re: Borderlands!
10/31/09 2:53 pm | #179
alright cool.
i had one that was something like:
0.4 was a tad too slow for me though. now i'm using something like:
91.something (kinda fail)
2.7! lol
EDIT: mask, i doubt i'll ever catch up to you lol. considering how much time i get to game anymore. after you beat the first playthrough can you still play it or do you have to jump right into the 2nd?
i had one that was something like:
0.4 was a tad too slow for me though. now i'm using something like:
91.something (kinda fail)
2.7! lol
EDIT: mask, i doubt i'll ever catch up to you lol. considering how much time i get to game anymore. after you beat the first playthrough can you still play it or do you have to jump right into the 2nd?
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