Quote by Blackmagic16:
Gamefly shipped this out to me today, which is impressive on their part...
Thinking gameplay will be fun, MORPGFPS, but dont like the graphics style from what ive seen...
Ok , well Im loving this game. The commercial made the graphics look bad, but really their not bad at all.
Anyways, for the bunch of stuff I wanna say Ill just break it down
Glitches: Achievements are buggy for this game

which usually really annoys me, but no to much (comparatively), Just have to make a new character.
~Never got my Twelve days of Pandora achievement (secret). The Million Dollar one never gave me on my main (even though I have the "How much for the planet" challenge. And I never got y Corrosive and explosive achievements.
Ive noticed that my guns level requirement sometimes go down when i equip them. Example, a level48 gun may appear as 42 when equipped (annoying when your looking at your full epic pallet and it shows low level reqs when there not.)
~anyone else having this problem?
Also, games a little to easy to 1000. Two of my friends that got it on release day 1000'd it yesterday with me when they hit 50. I should have it my the end of the day.Wish there was something else long term to go for because this game was really fun.
Anyways on a different topic, anyone find a gun with a higher req then 48?
Quote by Bullets Chase:
I was really skeptical about this game, with the mixed reviews and all, but after watching a video walkthrough of the beginning, I think I just might pick it up. But one question, is the game open ended, meaning can you play after beating the game
Yes you can. Also their is a second playthough mode, which ups the level of everyting you fight, what was 4 on your first playthough with you character are now 34.
Also when your 50 and have beaten your second play though ( or maybe just beating the second play though))
Spoiler: Click here to toggle spoiler everything is around 50(48-52 i think) when you go back out and drop better loot. kinda adds a little replay to that