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Suggestions & Bug Reports

Suggestions & Bug Reports Threads
ThreadThread StarterRepliesViewsLast Post
Competitions Kizyrix141,698

05/05/11 10:07 am
by Kizyrix

Changing Thread Titles IRiSH71,457

04/24/11 3:54 pm
by Demonic Aspects

Closed: They gotta go BIGP 6373,931

04/14/11 12:52 am
by Mudkip

cant edit profile BIGP 691,321

04/09/11 3:23 am
by AJ

More pc games AlecJackDemolay51,403

04/07/11 4:29 pm
by PureEvil x21

Bug report. Certain Games in "My Games" showing up twice. MizTian Cage11,381

04/01/11 11:25 pm
by ShadowMachine X

A (somewhat) newer member's ideas for the site. This thread contains a pollxZYKERx433,719

03/27/11 8:53 pm
by EnemyBritBomber

Darth has another one.... Darth Rankine141,588

03/24/11 2:14 pm
by Detroit

Yay, another suggestion thread... Melissa Evol212,740

03/23/11 8:27 am
by Darth Rankine

Completion Percentage Mo the Surfer41,669

03/17/11 6:18 pm
by Mo the Surfer

thumbs up or thumbs down Darth Rankine151,864

03/17/11 1:06 pm
by Mudkip

Award for Game Reviews ? Thoughts ? Setsuna252,204

03/15/11 11:18 pm
by ShadowMachine X

A new award idea. MizTian Cage121,678

03/15/11 6:37 pm
by ShadowMachine X

genre leaderboards HollowSix71,519

02/28/11 9:36 am
by Tremmor

Community Service Award Nominations Thread MizTian Cage202,355

02/27/11 1:20 pm
by Durtie

Site Gamercard angrymoo222,684

02/26/11 10:05 am
by Mo the Surfer

waffle awards Darth Rankine141,617

02/25/11 9:13 am
by Darth Rankine

Motto and Bio Disappeared AJ836,651

02/24/11 10:47 am
by Darth Rankine

Here's another idea. MizTian Cage202,303

02/23/11 12:49 am
by Taco

ReInvented Idea and a possible new award? MizTian Cage112,131

02/14/11 10:52 pm
by ShadowMachine X

Closed: new suggestion lll PAPOOSE lll31,923

02/07/11 9:55 pm
by Minioger

GT Change Kizyrix31,412

02/02/11 10:44 am
by Ryan

Viewing Achievements in a Game Kato Ryozo373,188

01/29/11 11:30 pm
by Kato Ryozo

Forum Post Log Out!!! Kato Ryozo191,993

01/28/11 12:34 am
by Kato Ryozo

Recent Games List HR2136151,231

01/27/11 7:51 pm
by Brandon