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Suggestions & Bug Reports

Suggestions & Bug Reports Threads
ThreadThread StarterRepliesViewsLast Post
Washington State Leaderboard StophJ131,600

12/03/08 7:59 pm
by Xc Livewire cX

Not a suggestion, yet a bug muddy949401,320

11/23/08 12:23 pm
by muddy9494

Kentucky leader board mods please look dreamweaver1984524,563

11/13/08 7:57 pm
by Taco

Private Groups (Chapters) EnragedBullet192,641

10/20/08 2:23 pm
by Raine

Shout box sort of thing ChiefKEV90192,323

10/03/08 10:24 pm
by CrooklynMayo

the best slogan ever! Some random k1d6510,575

09/03/08 10:45 am
by Jared

Gaining more people... Illuminatus Obscurus323,711

09/01/08 3:49 pm
by Raine

New award "XbA Herald" Meta252,867

08/27/08 3:01 am
by Aidan

gamercards theundyingon311,592

08/25/08 6:15 am
by Jackson

How do I add games to my owned games list in my profile? Arcadius II61,711

08/11/08 12:11 am
by Arcadius II

I would be #1 in my state with GS but... Arcadius II232,914

08/05/08 12:13 am
by CrooklynMayo

Ninja Gaiden II missing MVP ReK mAyHeM31,494

08/02/08 5:56 pm
by Jackson

Blogs link at top Broken Illuminatus Obscurus81,588

08/01/08 10:11 pm
by Jackson

Closed: BE REAL WHERE YOU FROM gt realist936,918

07/30/08 2:42 pm
by Random

Adbright or what ever TK Chillin384,011

07/17/08 9:08 pm
by iKidd

help gt realist21,578

07/17/08 1:30 am
by Jackson

Tiger '08 Missing Radie42061,707

07/10/08 12:55 am
by TK Chillin

XBA Shirts TK Chillin142,102

07/02/08 3:03 pm
by iKidd

Game Icon not working on Create a Card Shockwave292,638

06/27/08 7:13 pm
by iKidd

the 'Beta tester' award Meta21,446

06/25/08 12:22 am
by CrooklynMayo

Total Members PhatCodyLee152,894

06/23/08 10:34 pm
by CrooklynMayo

I gotta question? TH3JUICEMAN393,798

06/06/08 7:37 am
by megan

XBA gamerpics theEVOL1223,200

06/01/08 7:36 pm
by Taco

Bios and mottos Craig Furious102,055

05/28/08 2:22 am
by Repo Man 360

XBA - Canada Regions Illuminatus Obscurus71,872

05/18/08 2:09 pm
by Illuminatus Obscurus