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Introduce Yourself Threads
ThreadThread StarterRepliesViewsLast Post
hey!, im a new member here. MeonOne262,687

09/11/11 9:08 pm
by NateDogg

Zombies Anyone? LuvCake69131,546

09/08/11 11:04 am
by safemachine

Back again. Primeval Panda141,443

09/07/11 10:36 pm
by Primeval Panda

Hello Downriverslider192,072

09/07/11 1:41 pm
by Brandon

And it has begun... regularfunk202,294

09/07/11 10:06 am
by Meta

Sup in a noob Viewtifull303,140

09/07/11 8:25 am
by safemachine

Long time no talk! skyNET212,366

08/27/11 6:48 pm

Hello All! Spanish Assault162,230

08/27/11 1:17 am
by DeafeningLime

Starting a Thread! NITRO667202,687

08/25/11 4:44 pm
by rygar6672


08/25/11 3:27 pm
by Eliiite7

XBL Dutch XBL Dutch162,150

08/24/11 7:27 pm
by hellspawnjuggalo

hello xba sk8gillz22182,043

08/24/11 12:04 pm
by UberAffenKonig

Hello! AndersonVision191,882

08/24/11 10:34 am
by TK Chillin

Closed: COD: Black Ops Zombies Moon! NITRO66721,634

08/23/11 6:26 pm
by Minioger

Closed: IW or 3arc? Elemental Sonik81,486

08/21/11 4:35 pm
by PureEvil x21

Hello Xbox America Liandral181,994

08/20/11 2:01 pm
by Dutchman 2008

Closed: GEARS OF WAR 3 Elemental Sonik21,636

08/20/11 10:30 am
by Revelation1318

Hello Xbox America. Temperante212,075

08/20/11 3:16 am
by Dvader83

finally dragon has risen from the ash onebadassdragon373,408

08/19/11 6:54 am
by Meta

clan matches Elemental Sonik141,705

08/18/11 12:46 pm
by Brandon

Final Fantasy 13 Elemental Sonik131,629

08/17/11 8:30 pm
by Vermillion Haze

hey. im new Maniac970222,922

08/17/11 10:19 am
by Heaven In Vain

im new here Elemental Sonik212,257

08/16/11 12:18 am
by Elemental Sonik

whats up everybody judge08182,024

08/15/11 11:24 am
by Enamelized420

eZ A C Ke here! eZACKe121,581

08/14/11 3:20 am
by Dvader83