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Introduce Yourself Threads
ThreadThread StarterRepliesViewsLast Post
yeah...i'm a noob DZ The Punisher101,474

11/09/09 3:28 pm
by Biscuit

Hello! NextRiot172,201

11/09/09 2:19 pm
by Durtie

Sort of new sjanuary99131,500

11/09/09 2:12 pm
by Devils Bayou

Wait, what am I doing here? Oddbrother302,417

11/09/09 1:56 am
by DeafeningLime

I am new FPS GLIMMER252,677

11/08/09 6:51 pm
by DeafeningLime

Hello Everyone Ricky101,552

11/08/09 4:44 pm
by PureEvil x21

HEY WHATS UP I AM JOSEPH inboardpunisher272,447

11/07/09 9:50 pm
by Golden138

why hello there KevinJustin152,053

11/07/09 8:48 pm
by ComptonFaSho

Hey Friendo ComptonFaSho141,529

11/07/09 8:34 pm
by El Gallinero14

Hello Fleekz232,497

11/07/09 6:00 pm
by Bay

Hey! TestingFate192,510

11/07/09 10:20 am
by Devils Bayou

hi! Sephiroth Sonic192,224

11/07/09 10:17 am
by Devils Bayou

Hello all XSerial GamerX212,207

11/07/09 5:15 am
by XSerial GamerX

Hi just another new guy. Vend3tta Ins4ne212,328

11/06/09 8:46 pm
by PureEvil x21

Hello everybody QUIKFIR3222,171

11/06/09 7:25 pm
by Noah 9000

Hey Everyone Chet You Bet162,104

11/05/09 8:26 pm
by Durtie

what's up all... ohjay08172,070

11/05/09 3:40 am
by Dvader83

hey am new here gungrave05332,737

11/03/09 7:05 pm
by ReAl ImPuLsE

what up salty dunkets172,123

11/03/09 4:10 am
by Dvader83

Hey all darthmushu182,192

11/02/09 7:30 pm
by PureEvil x21

Hello World! xI Berlioz Ix232,103

11/02/09 3:12 pm
by Minioger

finally saying "Hello" UberToast252,275

11/02/09 10:27 am
by Devils Bayou

Hello Everyone jerasmussen1161,352

11/02/09 10:24 am
by Devils Bayou

hello glenbiz192,310

11/01/09 12:50 pm
by DeafeningLime

yo P8ntbolkeeng192,063

11/01/09 9:40 am
by Nemesis Mask