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Introduce Yourself

Introduce Yourself Threads
ThreadThread StarterRepliesViewsLast Post
Hello guys! HernanCraft174,265

03/04/17 3:26 pm
by Moo Lissa

New to the website, not gamin... xKaYDeNx126,352

10/19/16 10:54 am
by BoyzRFlatt

Hey guys! alzapa11,898

10/17/16 11:22 pm
by Mo the Surfer

Allow me to reintroduce myself Swag Barrel31,622

09/06/16 10:06 pm
by Mo the Surfer

Introduction Mandalore058861,966

06/25/16 9:41 am
by Mo the Surfer

Can a moderator please approve my account The King Monk3y213,038

06/24/16 4:29 pm
by ShadowMachine X

Hey! Not new but returning. StL Hive122,384

06/12/16 2:21 pm
by Bardfor

How do I add my xbox profile??? DeathAndPainzor22,279

06/04/16 10:01 pm
by Meta

Brand New HolyNumber2133,706

03/11/16 11:48 am
by Moo Lissa

hi I'm new here The Snapple Cap81,893

01/13/16 7:45 pm
by ShadowMachine X

is it working today Siegel_Scarface22013,650

11/28/15 7:31 pm
by unkled20

Lets try this again.. Lol Bugsy Siegel 8931,882

07/21/15 1:51 am
by ShadowMachine X

I'm new and was curious how.. Bugsy Siegel 8992,329

07/12/15 12:02 am
by ShadowMachine X

Closed: That moment you join a forum... Nesmaster41,507

02/21/15 6:52 pm
by Nesmaster

Closed: That moment you join a forum... Nesmaster31,474

02/21/15 6:49 pm
by Nesmaster

Hello Lord Kirken Morder91,976

02/16/15 11:42 am
by Repo Man 360

Very Late Introduction Q8J3 Austin162,644

01/14/15 12:32 pm
by Q8J3 Austin

Hey Everyone! (I'm New) Wretched Poet152,622

01/14/15 3:24 am
by Dvader83

Hello Everybody Pauls HDGaming152,736

01/11/15 3:34 pm
by Cangemi

Closed: hello everyone feistiestcoast4594,463

12/25/14 11:47 pm
by AJ

Closed: New on here DHG KAME186,125

11/27/14 8:01 pm
by Mo the Surfer

Enough Is enough Beyond Telos234,463

08/27/14 3:26 pm
by d0ubleinfinity

Hello! xWJaguar29Wx202,613

08/17/14 5:05 am
by Buster2099

Introducing myself d0ubleinfinity304,043

08/09/14 6:56 pm
by Mo the Surfer

Just Singed Up SailorGoon 56132,154

07/28/14 5:02 am
by ShadowMachine X