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Personal Information
Join Date:Aug 17, 2011
BirthdayOctober 10th, 1966
Favorite GameDeus Ex: Human Revolution
Hardest AchievementBuzzard Beater in Vanquish
Funniest AchievementIdiot in Risen (Fall to your death 3 times)
Occupation:Customer Support in the Internet Domain industry
Location:Vancouver, WA
Interests:Reading, Xbox, PC, games, astronomy, sci-fi, cooking
Liandral's Awards
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 25,000 or higher.

Bronze Waffle
Bronze Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 50,000 or higher.


This user introduced himself or herself in the Introduce Yourself forum.


This user used the Xbox America search bar.

Gamercard Lover
Gamercard Lover

This user has posted one of his or her official Xbox America gamercards on another website.

Gamertag Info
Motto360Voice & TA rock!
Just gaming to have fun. Why play if it feels like work?
Liandral's Shoutbox
R4WR SH4RK - 12 years ago

Happy Birthday!

BillJones0302 - 12 years ago

Happy Birthday!!

Liandral - 13 years ago

Just started Hinted: The Demon's Forge and Venetica both of which I love. I wish I'd gotten sooner. Monday, I'll have The First Templar. My friend has been playing it and after watching him, I decided it was well worth the money. I can't wait!

Meta - 13 years ago

what did you think of Dark Souls?

BillJones0302 - 13 years ago

Happy Birthday!

- 13 years ago

Happy Birthday!

safemachine - 13 years ago

Happy Birthday!

Liandral - 14 years ago

Deus Ex is an awesome game. I'm trying to do a stealth playthrough right now and pacifist, can't kill anyone but bosses and can't set off any alarms. That's hard, but fun to try. It certainly gives you your money's worth, it's a very full game with a great story line. I love personalizing my character so much and deciding how I'm going to play him.

Meta - 14 years ago

How are you enjoying Deus Ex?