For reference, "waffle" is a term we came up with here on Xbox America. It is basically a replacement for the word 'whore' as in 'Gamerscore Whore' or 'Achievement Whore'. This means that a "waffle" title is a game that is either a quick or easy 800-1000Gs (or 200G if it's XBLA).
If you are less concerned about subjective "fun" and just want easy Gamerscore titles, click here.
The reason I make this list is that not all wafflers are fun! Hence, I'm not going to bother putting most sports games on here*. I will take any additional suggestions in to consideration, and you all are of course welcome to discuss these and give us your opinions concerning the wafflitude of these games.
+NOTICE: Spoilers may be present in some entries+
In no particular order:
Avatar the Last Airbender: The Burning Earth - The mother of all waffles. You start the game and, during the tutorial, basically hit B 50 times for ranged attacks. If you don't get hit at all, that will pop all 5 Achievements for 1000Gs. Takes maybe 4-8 minutes! Friends may judge you

Backyard Football '10* - Yeah it's a sports game but it's very fast and easy. Set length to 15 minutes and difficulty to medium (Easy doesn't allow you to specify receivers). Focus on making your passing and running plays with the same players each time and you should pop all relevant Achievements before the 1st quarter is even up. If you are having trouble getting the sacks and tackles, use a second controller on the opposing team. Thanks to 1lovE for the tip about difficulty.
Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian - A short, fun movie tie-in. The collectibles and coins on each level are very easy to find. Get as many as you can when you first start a level, before doing the story mission. Don't forget to get the souvenir penny before leaving a level. You can ignore optional quests like audio logs. Only 2-3 hours for a sweet 1000Gs.
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs - This movie game is an excellent waffle. You can get all the Achievements in a single playthrough with just a few levels replayed. The collectibles are easy to locate with minimal effort and progress in the game involves using different pre-set gadgets. The only thing to note of this one is that you are not able to get every food pod on the first two ice cream-themed levels until your heat gun is fully upgraded. Including replays for all blueprints, you can expect to have 1000G out of this one in 6-8 hours.
Disney-Pixar Up - Most of the collectibles are easy to find but use Aksh0le's guide as a checklist while you play. Break everything you can, and use Russel to collect bugs and butterflies. Use Carl for dog ambushes. Takes about 4-5 hours total.
Viking: Battle for Asgard - This is actually one of my favourite rentals ever. Start the game on Hard and just play through, paying attention to get all skulls before you start the big army fights. A single playthrough on Hard will pop all Achievements for 1000Gs. You do not need to collect all kegs. A guide for finding the skulls can be found here.
Beowulf - This is another personal favourite. Getting all Achievements will require 1.75 playthroughs for 1000Gs. Do one playthrough on Legend (hard) focusing on Carnal, and do other on Thane (default) focusing on Heroic. I recommend Hard/Carnal first. Make sure to find all the Legendary Weapons on one of the playthroughs; a guide can be found here. The last Achievement should pop on your second playthrough while you are fighting Hel, which is about 2/3 through the game. Steak also discovered a glitch where grabbing a collectible while the game is auto-saving can cause it not to count. Don't grab anything while the save symbol is displayed!
Terminator: Salvation - This has a few small, difficult moments but overall is fun and quick. Play through on Hard and after 3-5 hours, the final Achievement will pop at the end of the game for 1000Gs total. You can also use a glitch to get all Achievements on Easy.
Hannah the Movie - Weehaw I love me some Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana. This game is a quick 1000Gs but does have a couple annoying moments. Check your Achievement list while you are playing the carnival mini-games so you know exactly what you need to do. Again, friends will judge you so you may want to turn on your 'Away' status on Live while playing this

Galaga - This XBLA gem is an easy 200Gs because after dying, you can start again at the last level you were on. If you don't know this game's "trick", you'll want to, at some point in the game, let a Galboss capture your fighter and then destroy him when he flies at you so you get a double Fighter. You'll also want to destroy a red captured fighter at least once.
New Rally-X - This is another classic on XBLA and the 200Gs can be attained fairly easily just by paying attention to the game's mini-map and starting over at the last level you completed. The "do 7 levels without dying" is slightly glitched so if it doesn't pop right away, die and start over again on the 7th level and finish it.
Cars: Mater-National - To me, this game was much less painful and slightly more fun than the first Cars title. Just do everything in the game and 1000Gs is yours. No terrible postcard collectin' here!
Aegis Wing - This free XBLA title turned out to be one of my favourites. To get all 200Gs, you will need to get a really good score in the game (185k+). To do this alone, just make sure you use the beam weapon to destroy all the red asteroids you can, they are worth big points. You will have to play with 3 other people at least once to get the 4-way-ship-connecting Achievement, and with 1 other person once so you can beat a level without firing. Nothing too hard here.
Clive Barker's Jericho - This is an easy 1000Gs because, if you need to, you can use cheats and still get Achievements. You will need to grind melee & ghost bullet kills, the rest of it is just playing the game. Start on Hard to get all Achievements in one playthrough.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, aka TMNT - All you have to do for 1000Gs here is play through the game, taking the time to get all the bonus coins needed. The combat is simple and the platforming is like Prince of Persia. I don't know why so many people hate this game, I found it very enjoyable.
CSI: Hard Evidence - I consider this the least fun waffle on this list, but it isn't as terrible as people say. The important thing is to use a walkthrough to maximize time efficiency, and to skip through dialog unless you're a CSI fan. I recommend this guide.
Assassin's Creed - Getting all 1000Gs in this game is a pain and moves it out of waffle territory, but if you just play through the game, doing the main missions and a few side missions, and talk to Lucy every chance you get, you can score a nice 700-800Gs without the damn flags.
Assassin's Creed 2 - More fun than the first game, and a better waffle too! Just playing through the story, doing a couple misc Achievements and ignoring side missions, will net you a solid 800G. Upgrade your stronghold ASAP, especially the bank. If you take the time to get all the Subject 16 videos and raid all the assassins' tombs, you'll get another 140G. To get the last few points, you'll need to collect every feather which will give you the family cape to flaunt. About 10-12 hours.
Fight Night Round 3* - This is an exception to my no sports waffles rule. Why? Because it's damned fun, and damned easy. Make a custom boxer you like, give him a good signature punch (I recommend Joe Frazier's), and just play through the career. I skipped most of the workouts/training. If you run into a really tough opponent, you can lower the difficulty and still get Achievements. A terrific 1000Gs.
GUN - If you are more interested in waffling this game rather than really plumbing its depths, just playthrough once on whatever difficulty you prefer, and then use cheats to get the rest of the Achievements. Note: you'll still need to get all weapons and gold mines to get all 1000Gs. Consult this guide.
Jumper - This is another that isn't as bad as people say. Just play through it for an easy 850-950Gs, and consult an online guide for the last couple Achievements. May run in to difficulty getting the time-completion and all collectibles Achievements.
Kung Fu Panda - One of the better "cutesy movie tie-in" games. Playthrough once on default and once on Hard for decently quick & fun 900Gs. Keep an eye out for collectibles or use an online guide (like this one) if you want the full 1000Gs.
IRiSH OH says, "Thought I'd point out the cheats don't disable 'cheevos in case you wanted to make a note of it on your list. Go to extras:"
Infinite Chi - Down, Right, Left, Up, Down
Invulnerability - Down, Down, Right, Up, Left
4x Damage Multiplyer - Up, Down, Up, Right, Left
Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3 - This is another personal favourite XBLA game. To get all 200Gs, play through the game once by yourself on medium difficulty (I recommend using Coyote, the red dude), then again with 2 other people on the hardest one. Look out for false walls that can be destroyed to get all POW's and secret areas. You will know them by the red flower or flags on the wall that indicate where you need to throw a grenade. Other than that, just make sure you get a 24x multiplier at least once on every level. If you have hardcore 8-bit skills, then you can get everything yourself in a single play through using Fox (the green lady).
Scene It? Lights, Camera, Action! - Just playing this game and paying attention will get you 700-800Gs. If you don't know a question, try guessing a movie title that has already appeared multiple times. You can pause and check IMDB online if you want the last few Achievements.
Golden Axe - This XBLA game is easy, the only Achievement that may give you trouble is beating the game without continuing. Enlist the aid of a friend for this! Set lives and energy to max in the options menu. 200Gs.
Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection - If you enjoyed Sega Genesis games back in the 16-bit days, you'll love this. The game-specific Achievements aren't difficult at all, they simply require you playing the game enough to know how to do what is required. The ones for Flicky, Comix Zone and Columns may take some practice. Vector-Man can be played using cheats from GameFAQs. For all 1000Gs, you will also need to unlock everything, view every video and play every arcade title. Note that you can use the games' menus to lower difficulty, increase lives, etc., and still get Achievements.
Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection - This is the EU version of Sonic's UGC so if you liked that game and can play this one, do it! The Achievements stack and all the same tips apply.
Spider-Man: Friend or Foe - The first 900Gs or so simply requires you to play through the game, getting the couple Achievements in every level. Tips: break everything you can, and back-track if you can't find something. I definitely recommend you do this with a friend, as it gets very tedious alone. To get the last Achievement or 2, you will need to grind until every character is leveled up all the way. I recommend doing this on the final level ad nauseum. Achievements won't pop till after the game saves so don't panic.
Surf's Up - A lot of people despised this game but I found it somewhat fun. The surfing mechanics are simple but effective, and the visuals are decent. To get 900-950Gs, just play through the game. The last 50 will require you getting every item from every level, which gets very tedious.
X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Fun and gory, this game is almost pure action and makes a terrific waffler. Start on Normal and just play through for a nice 600-700Gs. I recommend using the Experience mutagen as soon as you get it, and the Samurai (faster combat reflex increase) one next. To get the full 1000G, you'll need to play the game a second time, on Hard difficulty, and make sure to grab every dogtag & max out your combat reflexes.
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - I hesitated to add this to the list because it's far more rewarding to play the game on default settings and really explore everything. However, if you are more interested in the points & Achievements, Oblivion can be waffled. Make a character with good Wisdom and Endurance stats, and specialize in one weapon and either Security or Alteration magic for opening locks. Go to options and lower the difficulty slider to make all fights easy. For maximum wafflage, try not to level up too much and play in this order: Start with the Mages Guild to gain access to the Arcane University for spellmaking and item enchantment. Next, complete the Dark Brotherhood to gain the fastest horse in the game. Do Fighters Guild next, and then the Arena. Completing the Thieves Guild quests will be much easier at this point, and finally, complete the game's main storyline for 1000Gs. For the Shivering Isles, just make sure you save before talking to Sheogorath and doing the Ritual of Mania or Dementia, that way after one Achievement pops you can load your save and do the other one.
WANTED: Weapons of Fate - Drunk3nDuffman says: Wanted is fun to play and pretty easy to 1k. The only hard part is the collectibles, and there are guides for those. The difficulty achievements stack. But you have to play through once to unlock the hardest difficulty. I ran through the hardest difficulty and only died twice. If you like the movie than you will love the game. The game picks up 5 hours after the movie ends. Even if you've never seen the movie the game is fun. You can also cheat three of the achievements. They are for playing through the game in three different unlockable modes. But done right you only have to play through the last level once for each achievement. This guide has a video walk through for each level for the collectibles and other random achievements: ClickMe
Scene It? Box Office Smash! - You will need to win a long game with 85k points, a short game with 60k, and then win 13 more games in any mode. You can go to Custom Game - Solo Mode to make this quicker. You can't pause this time, but questions seem to repeat more often. Most of the rest of the Achievements will come from completing puzzles and answering questions from different genres and eras. You will also need to win 10 online games for the last 45G. DLC is required for completion.
Arkadian Warriors - This is a fun Arcade hack 'n slash, think Diablo Lite. You only need to play all the way through with a single character to get most of the Achievements. The other couple are for killing X amount of monsters with the combustible vases (easiest to do during the first 2 quests which you can replay to grind) and then playing all the characters at least once--there are 3 total. You will also need to do a quest or two with someone in co-op mode; this works local or over Live. Easy and fun 200G though it gets repetitive towards the end.
Eat Lead! The Return of Matt Hazard - LOWlifeSpIdEr says I know Eat Lead is on the list of pending wafflage but I'm gunna say its an Easy 920 if you play through on the lowest difficulty setting then you can get the 60 points that are left over if you really want to 1k it. If you want to go for the full 1000 in one run there is a code that unlocks the hardest difficulty level right away without locking the achievements.
Altered Beast - An easy 200 pointer on XBLA. Why? Because you can save anywhere! Make liberal use of this. If you need someone to start an online game with, ask around or send me a message.
Monsters vs. Aliens - Overall it's fun for a movie tie-in, and there's no annoying collectibles! Gameplay is split between platforming and light puzzles with B.O.B., on-rails action with the giant girl, and action platforming with The Missing Link. For the first 600-700Gs, just play through the game. Co-op Achievements can be done with a second controller. There are secret Achievements for completing each chapter without dying/failing more than 10 times--I don't know if failures are cumulative but play it safe and drop out to the dashboard if you fail something more than once. I recommend you wait until after beating the game (don't forget to watch the credits for 5Gs) and then go into the DNA Lab. If you want the full 1000Gs, you'll need to grind-farm DNA, purchase & unlock everything in the lab and get a gold medal in every Challenge.
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows - This is by far the best Spiderman game on 360, but that isn't saying much. If you've played a spider game before, you'll know what to expect here, except that the combat is a lot more fun this time around even if it is still repetitive. I got 800Gs in this game just by playing all the way through once, doing some side missions, and only grabbing the collectibles I saw (I never actually hunted for any). If you want the full 1000Gs, you'll need to do 2 playthroughs, one all "Red choices" and one all black. You'll also need to grab a lot of collectibles.
G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra - On Casual difficulty, this is pretty much a run-and-gun shooter. I played all the way through, grabbing a few misc. Achievements here and there for 670G, very easy and mostly fun. Make liberal use of the heavy weapons characters! To get the rest of the points, you'd have to buy every character and beat every mission on Hardcore while attaining the best rating.
Prince Caspian (Chronicles of Narnia) - Another decent movie tie-in, a single play through the game's story will net you 770Gs. If you can get a friend to do 15 missions co-op with you, it's worth another 55G. The last 175G will require finding & opening every treasure chest in the game.
Bully Scholarship Edition - This is a sandbox title in the vein of GTA or Crackdown, albeit with a smaller map. Doing every mission & race in the game and grabbing the misc. Achievements will take 12-15 hours and net you 875G. It's pretty fun, nothing frustrating, and has decent variety. The final 125G will require you to 100% the game--the collectibles will be mapped out by that point, but you'll also have to track down every student to photograph them and pass every class.
Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes - Easy mix of action-platforming and run-and-gun sections. There are a ton of retarded jumps and you will die a lot but it's no problem because there's no penalty and checkpoints are frequent. A single playthrough on Hard, grabbing a few misc. cheevs, will net you about 600G. For the full 1000 you'll need to play through a second time, doing every Clone mission as Cad Bane and every Jedi mission as Ahsoka & Anakin, making sure to get Gold on every mission and challenge as well as grabbing every artifact. Bring a friend or activate a second controller at the end of each mission.The purchasable "cheats" in the game don't disable Achievements; make liberal use of Full Combo Meter & Invulnerability. You can grind Mission 7's first challenge to quickly purchase everything from the store.
Where the Wild Things Are - Pretty good action-platformer, especially considering it's a movie tie-in. I haven't seen the movie or read the book but Nemesis Mask says they aren't anything like the game. Anyway, play though once on Hard and then go back and mop up any levels where you missed stuff. Most of the collectibles are easy enough to find, just break everything you can. Make a point to grab all the rock collectibles (Geodes) first as this will give you a GPS-like arrow to find everything else. About 8 hours, 1000Gs.
WWE Legends of Wrestlemania* - Not terrible for a wrestling game. Start off by going to options, setting difficulty to Easy and adjusting sliders. Make a wrestler and use him to play through Legend Killer mode. Use the middle statue to spend exp. Next, go to Wrestlemania mode and do all Relive, Redefine and Recreate matches, making sure to get Gold medals in Relive by doing certain moves. Lastly, mop up the misc Achievements (can be done in any mode unless otherwise specified). The first secret Achievement is for winning an Exhibition Singles match with a Manager (just hit Start after you pick your wrestler and choose a manager). The second secret 'cheev is for completing the Favorite Legends tier in Legend Killer, this will become available after you have played with 10 different characters from the game. The trick to this game is spamming whichever attack you have a higher stat in, Strikes or Grappling. Honky Tonk Man makes a good opponent when going for 'cheevs. Note that you don't have to do the imported SvR09 tier in Legend Killer.
Jurassic: The Hunted: - AJ says: This game is DEFINITELY a waffle because it takes about 4-8 hours depending on your skill with FPS's. BUT, anyone who can complete a CoD on normal will have no problem getting the full 1,000 in this game. It requires 2 play-throughs which SHOULD net you 875gs, the last 125 require you to play-through the game on hard for a 100gs cheeve and another 25gs cheeve for using every weapon in the game to kill a dinosaur (there's a weapon you unlock after beating it once on normal, hence the second playthrough). There are also four 0gs cheeves which just require you to die 4 different ways. For more info check out the game guide. This game may not be the best shooter but it will definitely keep you amused.
Dante's Inferno - Difficulty doesn't affect Achievements so set it as low as you want. Focus on one upgrade path and max it out before you switch. When you see Virgil, talk to him multiple times until he disappears, he will give you relics. If you don't plan on playing through the game multiple times, then Absolve all the damned shades instead of Punishing. After finishing the story, you can use the Gates of Hell arena to max out the other upgrade path. Depending on whether you went Holy or Unholy, you'll finish the story after about 6 hours for 700-800G. If you use a guide or manage to find everything, you can grab all but 1 Achievement in a single playthrough. Also, Irish wants you to know that you can't go back to re-do specific levels (circles); you'll have to start a new game if you missed something.
Chaotic: Shadow Warriors - This game is part light platformer and part turn-based strategy. During the story mode, use the LT to check where you're "supposed" to go and always go the other way when the path forks. Scan every creature every time they attack; you only need 25 total blocks for the 'chiev. Get as many duplicates as you can because it can be tough getting the refine Achievement. I was able to get every item and spell in the game without trying, only missing 3 creatures, and got 785G in about 6 hours. If you scan every monster, just playing through the story will net you 940G. The last 60G will require boosting 50 Ranked matches with someone online.
Gunstar Heroes - Awesome XBLA run-and-gun shooter from the Genesis era. Just play through the entire game, you can save anywhere you want! Make a save game while fighting the mine boss--he has 3 different stages, and randomly morphs into something different during stages 2 and 3. The Crab form for the Achievement is in the 3rd stage, so if he turns in to something else then you can just quit and reload your save. 200G in maybe 20-30 minutes.
The Godfather II - This is a "sandbox"-style game where the emphasis is on building your family, killing mobsters and taking over businesses by force. You can just cruise through the story, grabbing a few misc Achievements, and net around 810G in 10 hours. If you want the full 1000G, you'll need to pay attention and start working on your execution styles early--keep an eye out for tire irons and pool cues. Make sure you keep a Safecracker with you at all times so you can hit the safes as you go. Don't use any favors until you've collected 1 of each type. There is a list of weapon locations here. After killing 5 Made Men with their specific methods, ignore the rest. If you're having trouble with the bank heists, wait until later in the game and you'll have access to armored cars.
Ben 10: Vilgax Attacks - Just before the boss fight in the first level, there is a part where you are fighting enemies on a rooftop while the boss throws bombs. Enemies will spawn indefinitely as long as you don't hit the electrical box to the left, so use this opportunity to grind out the 150 kills with each alien form as well as Ben himself. Kills count even if you die. The rest of the Achievements will come with playing through the short but clever game. If you get stuck, remember all puzzles revolve around shifting between the different aliens. You can skip the flying levels with LT and still get the "all missions" Achievement.
Iron Man 2 - Start the game on Easy and play through each mission as Iron Man. If you have any trouble, use dual Lasers with Efficiency modules. Pay attention to level-specific Achievements. After you beat the game the first time, buy the Ultimate module and equip it to all the weapons. Press Start on the HQ screen, change the difficulty to Formidable, and play through the missions again as War Machine. Dual Miniguns with armor-piercing rounds & the Ultimate module will mop up pretty much everything. After beating Ultimo on Formidable, switch the difficult back to Easy. Equip weapons you need kills for, and launch the PROTEAN mission. Trip all security beams as you go down. Kill the bots that spawn with whatever weapon, or using your Invulnerability/Omega System ability. Go through the door until the checkpoint, then pause, save the checkpoint, and return to HQ. Repeat until you get all kill Achievements. Thanks to Junior for some tips here!
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands - First off, grab CrustyDirtDemon's guide for the sarcophagus collectibles. Start a new game, and after walking a few steps, pause it and lower the difficulty (there's an Achievement for doing this, and no reason not to play on Easy). Just play through and the vast majority of the 'cheevs will come naturally. Don't bother trying to grind the kill ones. If you die soon after getting a sarcophagus, go back and check to make sure it's still destroyed. Put upgrade points in to Stone Armor ASAP. When you get to the first major boss in the throne room, keep Stone Armor going and if you take damage, let him kill you. Do this again for the very last boss. If you get stuck on the gate/gears puzzle, bear in mind you can move it part way while still manipulating the track--you can't get a perfect layout from the start. If you fall during the vulture part in King's Tower and your checkpoint glitches you back, go into the Dashboard then Memory and delete the "Autosave" file, but leave the Backup Autosave. After completing the game, go to Challenge Mode and complete Enemy Tides as many times as needed to purchase all upgrades. If you can access Uplay, use your points to buy the extra EXP.
After Burner Climax - This is a fun and quick 200G on XBLA. Lower the difficulty in the Settings menu, then play through Arcade mode once with each plane. Check your EX Options each time and enable what you can. If you are having trouble getting a AAA ranking, turn on the maximum speed EX or just hold down the acceleration trigger through the entire story mode. To get the A Ending, you need to complete every Emergency Order and access and complete all the secret missions, but an easier way is to complete 20 Emergency Orders (they're cumulative) and this will give you an EX Option that turns Secret Missions to always on--from here, you just need to shoot down the 4 nukes in Mission 14 to get the A ending.
Planet 51 - AJ says: The closest thing to a kid's version of grand theft auto. The gameplay is very smooth but it's a little longer than desired when actually completing all the tasks. If you're not a douche like me and get the one collectible in the first tutorial mission then the rest of 69 collectible are found with absolutely no problem here. All in all the game's missions aren't too hard with the exceptions of the two King Klong missions, but with a little patience the game is a 10-20 hour 1k. If you don't do all the 5 and 15 pointers which take up the majority of the time you'll spend mopping up achievements you can easily get 700+ in a single playthrough.
DeathSpank - A fun & funny hack 'n slash on XBLA. You will most likely get every Achievement in a single play through of about 9-10 hours; if you don't, grind on the Prong soldiers in the castle until you reach level 20. 200G!
Costume Quest - Part adventure, part turn-based strategy, this XBLA game is easy and fun. Just play through, getting all the candy you can and buying every battle stamp possible. After you beat the final boss you can use the Continue option and backtrack to the waypoint teleporters to get anything you missed. Takes about 6 hours, 200G.
Megamind - Light action game based on the movie. The Achievements are mostly story-based & unmissable and best of all--no collectibles! There are mini-game items on a few levels but they are very easy to find. You need to beat the bosses without dying, which is not difficult; if you do fail, you can just come back with level select. The glitch with certain chapters freezing multiple times has been fixed! This game should only take 4-5 hours to 1k now.
Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince - The first fun HP game in my opinion. Still has collectibles and a lot of footwork, but gameplay boils down to Quidditch, Potions and Dueling. Play through the story first, then go back and complete each of the clubs, and save crest-hunting for last. In Quidditch, just steer through the stars and run in to dummies. In Potions, after you use an ingredient, jut drop it--you don't have to set them down neatly. When duelling, I recommend you open with Expelliarmus which will knock them down, then hit them with charged-up Stupify's. If they dodge your Expel, then use Levicorpus and spam weak Stupify's. Don't bother with Protego, just dodge. Here is a guide for the crests.
Pac-Man CE DX - This is that new, hip Pac-Man all your friends have. It is far easier in terms of completing all the Achievements than any previous XBLA Pacs--it's also more fun in my opinion. Play through the short Time Trials on the Championship II maze using a different visual style each time up to #7, then hit the 5- and 10-minute Score Attacks when you've found one you like. Getting 1 and 2 million may take a few tries, just be sure to get a nice log string of ghosts by angering the sleeping ones then eat a power pellet and combo them up. 200Gs in about 45 minutes depending on your Pac-skills.
Captain America: Super Soldier - Fun, straightforward action/beat em up. It has some platforming sections but they are practically unfailable. You can earn all the Achievements on Easy and if you're in a rush, you can just skip the collectibles and the AA guns. It has a "Challenge mode" which is useful after the story to grab the extra Achievements. Fast, fun, 850G points range in 8 hours or less, 10 if you want to go for the complete 1000G.
Happy wafflin'! Thanks to Junior, iKidd, Ralph, Krueger, Drunk Duff, VIP, Grenade, Irish, Spider, 1lovE, Orange, AJ, angrymoo and everyone else contributing. Hail waffles.