Archived: Im excited
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Im excited
01/06/10 6:06 pm | #1
I just got put on the review request list for Dante's Inferno and Mass Effect 2! Cant wait!
Re: Im excited
01/06/10 6:07 pm | #2
huh? care to elaborate?
Re: Im excited
01/06/10 6:29 pm | #3
This is officially the second thread of the day to blow my mind.
Re: Re: Im excited
01/06/10 6:51 pm | #5
Quote by BoyzRFlatt:
huh? care to elaborate?
Im reviewing them for the site I Co-Founded, Abstract360. fortyseven, EA's press company, is putting me on the list to receive the games to review.
Re: Im excited
01/06/10 6:56 pm | #6
Hey I think you are one of my cousins and family is supposed to share so hook ur cuz up LOL.
Re: Im excited
01/06/10 7:04 pm | #7
I dont suspect you will be allowed to play them while connected to xbox live am I correct?
Re: Im excited
01/06/10 8:07 pm | #8
i get it now! DAMN you're lucky! haha i want to be one of those kind of people someday. i dont have enough time though. between school and being the future president of my youth group :/ but its still freaking cool!
Re: Re: Im excited
01/06/10 8:18 pm | #9
Quote by SeanTM22:
I dont suspect you will be allowed to play them while connected to xbox live am I correct?
Nah. When I do get it, I Just cant talk about it until the embargo. But most of the time we're lucky to get the game on release date. Typically we receive copies within a week.
Re: Im excited
01/06/10 11:40 pm | #10
That's pretty sweet... I'd play em then sell em on ebay early for loadsa cash

Re: Re: Im excited
01/07/10 10:05 pm | #11
Quote by AJ:
That's pretty sweet... I'd play em then sell em on ebay early for loadsa cash 

Most of the time thats illegal. The majority of companies make sure you know that its not for resale. Hah.
*Sigh* They invited me to sit in on an interview via teleconference, but Ill be taking midterms.

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