10-Lost Planet:Extreme Condition

This game is pure awesome when it comes to fantasy and Sci-Fi. You travel along with the main character Wayne to try and find out about the "Frontier Project". Now I have not finished the Campaign, so there could be a twist to this story. But this game has good game play and Tough difficulty. The difficulty of the campaign is what makes it a bit frustrating, but what would the point be if there was no challenge? I say that video games these days "Hold Your Hand"way too much as of late. The online is also good, it has a good community and lots of people still have fun. There are also a few online achievements that want to make you try your best and not mess up, which I like.
9-Mirror's Edge

This game just kick's ass! It is a one of a kind gem that is a First Person"Runner" and not shooter. What I like about this game, is just because it is a rare gem that is hard to find. The game play is also solid and the difficulty is just right. In this game you follow the main character "Faith", a runner who delivers packages and defies the law and runs away from the evil, but can put up a fight if needed. She finds out that her sister is kidnapped and she sets out to try and find the person who did it, she takes a trip around the whole world of Mirror's Edge and will do anything to find her sister. The time Trials in this game are a one of a kind gem, as there is also DLC time trials. There are "Speed Runs" and "Time Trials" which will keep you busy trying to get a 3 star in time trials. All in all, this game is a great game that should be tried out or try buying for $20. It is well worth it's price that it sells for.
8-Sonic Unleashed

This game is one of the best 3D Sonic games I have EVER played before in a long time. Sonic is out to save the world again with his new friend "Chip", he tries to help Chip find his memories while stopping the force that is "Dark Gaia". The Day game play is just brilliant. The stage design is beautiful and is set up very well, and there is lots of speed! The Night stages you play as a "Werehog" where you do a lot of platforming and fighting enemies. This can be enjoyable once you level up there Werehog, but it is boring at first, but if you like Beat'em ups and not running then this will be the best part of the game for you.
7-Tekken 6

This is my very first time playing a Tekken game, and I have to say, it is fun as hell! It is a classic arcade fighter brought into full blown action/adventure style in the "Scenario" mode. I enjoyed it quite much, I loved using the Flamethrower when I got the chance. The achievements are really easy, except a few use skill in Scenario mode like "Beat the Nightmare Train level". The online is also excellent, if you can get some good friends, you can have a great match so there is no spamming. That is the only flaw online is that that there are many spammers. Also, they have just added a Co-Op Online function to Tekken 6 for Scenario Mode, so it will make it easier to get past the story with a friend along for the ride.
6-The Beatles:Rock Band

This game is chock full of classic Beatles songs, along with DLC to boot if you want to download those extra Beatles songs. Harmonix made this game gold! The Backgrounds when the Beatles are in their studio are just beautiful and exciting to look at. When The Beatles were on tour, Harmonix also did a great job of trying to make it look exactly what it was like, so they did a good job of making it look realistic. The achievements will make you play this game for a long time, as they are really hard to get if you are not a Rock Band Expert that can Gold Star every song in a Rock Band game. All in all, a pretty fun game that is also enjoyable with the family.
5-Pac-Man Championship Edition
Pac is back in a whole new redrawn and colorfully artistic 2D remake. This brings Pac-Man back to his rightful glory with the ghosts returning and the same setup with where he once began his life. There are different "Modes" which have different styles and colors. These are timed modes each with "5 Minutes" and "10 Minute" sections. Every time you clear all the Dots on one side, you will have to eat a fruit or item for them to appear again, also sometimes it will change what the map looks like whenever you eat a fruit or item. All in all, a REALLY good remake which everyone should try out, the achievements aren't that tough either if you are looking for a good arcade waffle.
4-WWE:SmackDown vs Raw 2010

Now I know a lot of you won't agree with this, but if you are disagreeing, please do not say"Wrestling is fake! It's gay! You are gay for wanting to watch sweaty men in underwear fight!"I do not want to put up with that, as I hear that a lot in school already. Anyways, this game is just a pure gem if you are a fan of wrestling. THQ stepped up the anti for this game. The graphics are great and look really real! They tried to make the stage look as realistic as can be and also adding a few extras to make it like the real show, like adding the "WWE" logo in the bottom corner. The game play is revamped a bit also to play just as good. One big thing that I like in this is "Create A Story Line" where you can make your own story. You can slo upload this story for the whole WWE community to see also. They also brought back that you can share your Created Wrestler with the whole WWE universe for download if you don't mind other people having it. For those achievement hunters out there, looking for a really easy waffle? Get this game now, you can get all the achievements in 2 to 3 days. All in all, a beautiful looking game and great game play, along with the Story Line maker to keep you playing for a long while.
3-Triggerheart Exelica

This game is really addicting and fun. It is a short game, but makes up for it with it's replay value and fun shoot em up style. Triggerheart Exelica is really fun for those of you who like the shoot em up genre. It is hard to come by games like this, this was a port from the 2007 Dreamcast version with the story taken out, but the game is still the same otherwise. You can play as two different characters in this game:Exelica or Crueltear, with Exelica shooting across the whole screen or Crueltear shooting just up in a straight angle at her enemies. You can also use a grappling hook to swing your enemies and destroy bigger enemies, like bosses with them. All in all, an addicting game that you should get, it is totally worth the 800 Points, and don't let the achievements keep you from getting this game, achievements or not, this is worth it for the game alone. I wasn't sure about the game at first either, but I am glad I bought it.
2-Burnout Paradise

Take me out to the Paradise City where the grass is green and the girls are pretty! This game is just gorgeous and the free roam makes this game all the better. The replay value in this game is ridiculous, just to finish the game takes probably over 100 Hours. The DLC like Big Surf Island and Cops and Robbers will keep you playing for a long time. There are tons of options to choose from: Play alone and try to unlock cool and better cars(Don't waste points on the Time Savers Pack)while trying to get your license up to the Burnout level or even, the Elite license. You can also try out online, racing, marked man, Road Rage, Stunt Run, Cops and Robber(DLC), Burnout Challenges, Time Trial Challenges, or just try and crash into people for the heck of it. All the online features can also be done offline called "Events" where every time you do one, it counts towards your next license and even gives you more cars. Also offline, you can do Burning Route, where if you get to the finish line within the time limit, you will get a better version of the car you used. You can also do "Showtime" where you can crash your cars into other cars trying to earn lots of money for taking out as many cars as possible before your boost runs out. The last thing I am mentioning, is trying to beat "Road Rules"where you try to beat a creators road rule or your friend's road rule by racing down the road and getting to the end of it before your timer gets past your friend or the creators. The achievements also tack onto the replay value, with every DLC pack having extra achievements. You can get this on "Games On Demand" as well. I recommend this game to every car game fan out there!
The best game on my list is coming! For those of the weak of heart should not look! For the terror and soul Crushing power of this pick is so devastating that you will be turned into stone by just looking at it! If you looked at it.....I warned you!.....Nah, just joking, but here is my last and final pick in my Top 10! Hope you all at least respect this decision and perhaps agree!
1-Rock Band 2

Yes, I picked Rock Band 2, this game has so much to do and has lots of replay value, it is just a never ending replay value. First, you can play in Quick Play where you can play any song you want, with friends or by yourself. You can then battle your friends in a "Tug of War" or "Score Duel"trying to do better than your opponent. Then we get to "Tour Mode"where you play at different Venues and play certain things like "Certain Songs, Make A Set List, Mystery Set List or have a little challenge added in.". Also in Tour Mode, you can do "Challenges"where they give you a set list depending on what instrument challenge it is or what type of category it is. The good thing about this is, if you get a track pack or an Album it adds onto the Challenges for more replay value. That brings me to DLC, OMG! This game has over 1,000 DLC, unbelievable right? This is what keeps the replay value going, and going, and going, AND GOING! This is the main beef of the add-on of the game that keeps making it replayable. All in all, one of THE best games ever and is a great game to play with friends. I recommend this game to all families and single players. This game is unbelievable, with it's amount of options to choose from and the DLC makes it hard NOT to buy it, so what are you waiting for? Go out and buy it now!
I REALLY hope you enjoyed seeing my Top 10, Rate and comment on it, I would like some feed back please, as I worked really hard on this.