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Closed: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
05/09/13 9:43 pm | #7216
Quote by Kat:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Let me guess, if your boiled it all down, your ex is being vindictive?
I wish it were that simple. But I guess- that's a big part of it. Except he doesn't think so. He doesn't care who he hurts to get what he wants. His life goes the way he wants, no matter who he has to ignore or neglect.
Ok, vindictive is out. So, then my guess would be that he's a sociopath? 
Can I buy a vowel?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
05/09/13 11:08 pm | #7218
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by Kat:
I wish it were that simple. But I guess- that's a big part of it. Except he doesn't think so. He doesn't care who he hurts to get what he wants. His life goes the way he wants, no matter who he has to ignore or neglect.
Ok, vindictive is out. So, then my guess would be that he's a sociopath?
Can I buy a vowel?
Sociopath is perfect.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
05/10/13 5:35 pm | #7220
Quote by xSirSwish:
Quote by Kat:
I wish it were that simple. But I guess- that's a big part of it. Except he doesn't think so. He doesn't care who he hurts to get what he wants. His life goes the way he wants, no matter who he has to ignore or neglect.
I'm sorry that you're in a rut there, I hope it gets better for you!
Ehhh- we were together less than 2 years and have been divorced for almost 11 now so it's nothing new. Like everything else, some days it grates more than others.
On topic, what grinds my gears is people who think they know you based on a stance you take politically. Also, people who don't have kids who think they know how to raise them, or refuse to believe that having kids changes your views on things. (Except my ex, who remains unchanged, hahaha)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
05/10/13 5:40 pm | #7221
Quote by Kat:
Quote by xSirSwish:
I'm sorry that you're in a rut there, I hope it gets better for you!
Ehhh- we were together less than 2 years and have been divorced for almost 11 now so it's nothing new. Like everything else, some days it grates more than others. On topic,
what grinds my gears is people who think they know you based on a stance you take politically. Also, people who don't have kids who think they know how to raise them, or refuse to believe that having kids changes your views on things. (Except my ex, who remains unchanged, hahaha)
This also factor in religious beliefs.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
05/10/13 5:44 pm | #7222
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Quote by Kat:
Ehhh- we were together less than 2 years and have been divorced for almost 11 now so it's nothing new. Like everything else, some days it grates more than others. On topic, what grinds my gears is people who think they know you based on a stance you take politically. Also, people who don't have kids who think they know how to raise them, or refuse to believe that having kids changes your views on things. (Except my ex, who remains unchanged, hahaha)
This also factor in religious beliefs.
Well then you're just talking about Facebook in its entirety.
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
05/10/13 5:46 pm | #7223
Facebook in it's entirety.
Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
05/10/13 5:56 pm | #7224
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Facebook in it's entirety.
Lolz you guys should all add me of FB!
people who cancel at this last minute when you changed plans around to see them grind my gears, ample amount of time about something coming up but won't tell you util the day of is incredibly frustrating and a waste of a day/afternoon.
well time to go pick up some beer since its the weekend!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
05/10/13 11:53 pm | #7225
Quote by Kat:
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
This also factor in religious beliefs.
Well then you're just talking about Facebook in its entirety.

You must have a LOT more right wing friends than I do. I have a handful but none so far to the right that I want to delete them.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
05/11/13 1:33 am | #7226
Quote by IRiSH:
Quote by Kat:
Well then you're just talking about Facebook in its entirety.

You must have a LOT more right wing friends than I do. I have a handful but none so far to the right that I want to delete them.
That's funny because I've wanted to delete your friends before!
I do have a bunch though, and most of my family is farrrr right, but it's friends of friends that really piss me off. Like today my friend posted a link to an article about like- the first documented victim of cyber bullying and what he's up to 10 years later, and this guy starts posting about how the guy is a whiner and needs to hit the gym, and people need to fight bullies. I pointed out that you can't fight the Internet and there are some determined trolls out there... There are kids bullied on the Internet to the point that it's actually a crime, you know?
So he goes off on how I'm one of "those" moms and he hopes their dad gave my kids some balls because I didn't... And blah blah blah, every word makes him feel more sorry for me and my kids... And how liberal parents need to teach their kids self defense and shit.
He's a very very very far right leaning which is weird because our mutual friend is Muslim and he always talks shit about them... But to just say that I'm a bad parent because 1) I lean left and 2) I think bullying on the Internet is pretty serious is ridiculous.
Anyone who thinks words don't hurt probably doesn't choose their own carefully enough. :/
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
05/11/13 2:25 pm | #7227
it's probably funny he says fight them, because he's probably one of those guys that's all talk and doesn't back it up smh.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
05/11/13 2:26 pm | #7228
Quote by Kat:
Quote by IRiSH:
You must have a LOT more right wing friends than I do. I have a handful but none so far to the right that I want to delete them.
That's funny because I've wanted to delete your friends before! 
I do have a bunch though, and most of my family is farrrr right, but it's friends of friends that really piss me off. Like today my friend posted a link to an article about like- the first documented victim of cyber bullying and what he's up to 10 years later, and this guy starts posting about how the guy is a whiner and needs to hit the gym, and people need to fight bullies. I pointed out that you can't fight the Internet and there are some determined trolls out there... There are kids bullied on the Internet to the point that it's actually a crime, you know?
So he goes off on how I'm one of "those" moms and he hopes their dad gave my kids some balls because I didn't... And blah blah blah, every word makes him feel more sorry for me and my kids... And how liberal parents need to teach their kids self defense and shit.
He's a very very very far right leaning which is weird because our mutual friend is Muslim and he always talks shit about them... But to just say that I'm a bad parent because 1) I lean left and 2) I think bullying on the Internet is pretty serious is ridiculous.
Anyone who thinks words don't hurt probably doesn't choose their own carefully enough. :/
Hmmm. I wonder who you could be referring to.
My resident Ayn Rand fan club member?
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
05/11/13 2:47 pm | #7229
I tried reading atlas shrugged omg that book is so boring, even the movie is boring and split up into 3 parts, no thanks.
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
05/11/13 5:33 pm | #7230
Snap! Read Sophie's World instead.
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