Closed: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
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Quote by The Snapple Cap:

You need to lay off the caffiene.

But seriously, has there been anything changed in your life the past few weeks?
not that I'm aware of change wise.
Quote by The Snapple Cap:

I'm sure drinking has nothing to do with it...

Quote by xSirSwish:
Quote by AJ:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:

I'm sure drinking has nothing to do with it...

haven't been drinking much recently, been too busy with other stuff. this weekend will be a different story though.
Quote by BigZuDaddy:
Quote by Mudkip:
I swear sometimes I feel like I live in the south.
Yeah it was annoying when they did that to Bush too.
Actually, an interesting fact is that there are MANY similarities between the views of the nazi party and the Republican Party, so I can see where those comparisons may have occurred. I've wanted to make a graphic on the subject for a long time and see if it catches on.
But you can't be both Hitler and a Socialist. Obama better decide which side of the fence he's sitting on.

Quote by BigZuDaddy:
Quote by Kat:
Actually, an interesting fact is that there are MANY similarities between the views of the nazi party and the Republican Party, so I can see where those comparisons may have occurred. I've wanted to make a graphic on the subject for a long time and see if it catches on.
But you can't be both Hitler and a Socialist. Obama better decide which side of the fence he's sitting on.

Ah yes and that makes it ok to compare all Republicans to an evil dictator who killed millions of people. Forgot that all Republican are just evil.
Republicans have fascist ideals and goals.
Disbanding unions
Forming a private militia (what the brownshirts started as)
Intolerance of non-Christian religions or atheism
Hatred for communism or socialism
Blaming economic strife on the foreign people
Catering to the elite businessmen and the wealthy
Desire to end all social assistance programs
Fanatical patriotism
Saying that fascism is a far right political party isn't saying that all right wingers are murderers, it is being factually accurate based on the definition of the political party and their beliefs.
Republicans are at best poorly educated and at worst extremely selfish, not necessarily evil. No more than any other political group, anyway...
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
1) Hitler did not found the Nazi party
2) National socialism =/= socialist, first off. I can explain the differences if you want to read an essay.
3) Also, the German Democrat Republic was neither a democracy or a republic- totalitarian governments like to use words to make themselves sound like they support the people, when obviously they do not.
Hitler hated socialists and communists and filled his concentration camps with them long before he began his war on the Jews.
Bottom line- Socialism= LEFT. Nazi= RIGHT
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