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Archived: What do you want the most from Bethesda?
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Re: Re: Re: Re: What do you want the most from Bethesda?
08/12/13 10:08 am | #151
Quote by Dvader83:
Quote by Miss Allen86:
I feel like the only gamer that hasn't used Steam.
Pretty sure you're not; I know I haven't.
That makes 3 of us, then. I don't have a gaming PC so Steam is out of the question for me.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What do you want the most from Bethesda?
08/12/13 10:44 am | #152
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by Dvader83:
Pretty sure you're not; I know I haven't.
That makes 3 of us, then. I don't have a gaming PC so Steam is out of the question for me.
4. I honestly would use Steam, though, if I had a better PC as its interface is nice and the overhead is relatively low. It likes to be real sneaky about turning/keeping itself on in the background though so you have to stay on top of it.
Re: What do you want the most from Bethesda?
08/12/13 10:54 am | #153
I can't believe so many of you haven't used steam
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What do you want the most from Bethesda?
08/12/13 11:28 am | #154
Quote by Meta:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
That makes 3 of us, then. I don't have a gaming PC so Steam is out of the question for me.
4. I honestly would use Steam, though,
if I had a better PC as its interface is nice and the overhead is relatively low. It likes to be real sneaky about turning/keeping itself on in the background though so you have to stay on top of it.
Re: What do you want the most from Bethesda?
08/12/13 11:46 am | #155
I got a shit laptop.. Maybe when I upgrade I'll look into steam..
Re: What do you want the most from Bethesda?
08/12/13 11:49 am | #156
there's still games you guys can play, not every game is like crysis 3 and needing high specs to run. there's still a ton of great games that computer with low specs can run like hotline Miami, gunpoint, ftl, etc.
Re: What do you want the most from Bethesda?
08/12/13 11:55 am | #157
Yea if only Snapple would just buy us all new PCs, then we'd be able to see how awesome Steam really is.
Wellll, my B-Day is coming up and Snap said he'd buy me one...so don't know about you guys.
Re: Re: What do you want the most from Bethesda?
08/12/13 12:12 pm | #158
Quote by Miss Allen86:
Yea if only Snapple would just buy us all new PCs, then we'd be able to see how awesome Steam really is.
Wellll, my B-Day is coming up and Snap said he'd buy me one...so don't know about you guys.

Re: Re: Re: What do you want the most from Bethesda?
08/12/13 12:18 pm | #159
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by Miss Allen86:
Yea if only Snapple would just buy us all new PCs, then we'd be able to see how awesome Steam really is.
Wellll, my B-Day is coming up and Snap said he'd buy me one...so don't know about you guys.

Well I'm not surprised you don't remember telling me that, you were pretty intoxicated at the time. You also said some other things...but I won't embarrass you on here.
Re: Re: What do you want the most from Bethesda?
08/12/13 1:33 pm | #161
I think I have you added, although I'm not sure bc I don't remember what your display name is.
Re: Re: Re: Re: What do you want the most from Bethesda?
08/12/13 3:48 pm | #163
Quote by Mudkip:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
I think I have you added, although I'm not sure bc I don't remember what your display name is.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure you have me added. Right now my display name is Rabdrien Brody.
i just want to say i love mudkip sig it awesome
Re: Re: Re: Re: What do you want the most from Bethesda?
08/12/13 11:43 pm | #165
Quote by Mudkip:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
I think I have you added, although I'm not sure bc I don't remember what your display name is.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure you have me added. Right now my display name is Rabdrien Brody.
makes me want to start a group on steam where we have well known actors names but make them offensive.
I'll be Channing Rapem
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