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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/03/15 6:35 pm | #24091
That's kind of a bummer
I got some cool gadgets from Radio Shack back in the day when they didn't solely sell tablets and shit for your phone.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/03/15 6:57 pm | #24092
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Quote by AJ:
Oh you paid the bill...
I had thought about paying the bill, even knowing the fact that I woke without my pants. But the inexcusable fact of the whole situation was that when they returned my pants to me, they weren't my pants that I came in with.
Twilight Zone level shit.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/03/15 7:27 pm | #24093
Quote by Kimberly cx:
I broke down and got McDonalds on my way home from work. I feel like I just gave up on life a little bit...
Note: I need to get my wisdom teeth pulled but you guys are making me not want to...
My dad is such a chicken, he will be 60 in June and he still hasn't had his out. They frequently get infected so he just deals with that instead. :/
Side note- my ex got them out when he was in the army. I want to say they scheduled it on a Friday so he only missed one day of work and pt. maybe it was a Thursday. But it wasn't much.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/03/15 7:31 pm | #24094
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
That's kind of a bummer
I got some cool gadgets from Radio Shack back in the day when they didn't solely sell tablets and shit for your phone.
Seriously- that's why they're going out of business. There are no other brick and mortar stores that carry raspberry pis and arduinos and all that stuff. There's no competition, they should be focusing on that shit, not phones.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/03/15 7:37 pm | #24095
Quote by Kat:
Quote by Kimberly cx:
I broke down and got McDonalds on my way home from work. I feel like I just gave up on life a little bit...
Note: I need to get my wisdom teeth pulled but you guys are making me not want to...
My dad is such a chicken, he will be 60 in June and he still hasn't had his out. They frequently get infected so he just deals with that instead. :/
Side note- my ex got them out when he was in the army. I want to say they scheduled it on a Friday so he only missed one day of work and pt. maybe it was a Thursday. But it wasn't much.
If I can avoid going to a doctor or dentist I will. I'm pretty sure I had strep throat last week and I waited it out. "Only antibiotics get rid of it" my ass...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/03/15 8:27 pm | #24096
Quote by PureEvil x21:
Quote by AJ:
Oh you paid the bill...
The doctor wasn't talking about a shot when he said "You're going to feel a little prick"

I forgot to mention that the dentist was Meta and the dentist office was located in his van.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/03/15 8:32 pm | #24097
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Quote by PureEvil x21:
The doctor wasn't talking about a shot when he said "You're going to feel a little prick"

I forgot to mention that the dentist was Meta and the dentist office was located in his van.
Meta can't afford a can....
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/03/15 8:44 pm | #24098
Quote by Kat:
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
That's kind of a bummer
I got some cool gadgets from Radio Shack back in the day when they didn't solely sell tablets and shit for your phone.
Seriously- that's why they're going out of business. There are no other brick and mortar stores that carry raspberry pis and arduinos and all that stuff. There's no competition, they should be focusing on that shit, not phones.
We have some stores here in California called "Frys" or "Frys Electronics", they're kind of like a Costco for that kind of stuff, or Home Depot, as-in it's got a warehouse setting with lots of stuff in bulk. Radioshacks I remember were all pretty small outlets, especially around malls, which mostly died in the last decade. I do agree, if they doubled down on that, and became more like a Home Depot / Costco for electronics, even keeping the name, (if it's a large warehouse, like Frys), the "shack" part could've been ironic. Instead, someone else capitalized.
I'd like to think Frys is owned by George McFly from Back to the Future (Marty's Dad), and somewhere in the back, Biff is working storage. It's a decent store, in all honesty.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/03/15 9:23 pm | #24099
Quote by SeanPCannon:
Quote by Kat:
Seriously- that's why they're going out of business. There are no other brick and mortar stores that carry raspberry pis and arduinos and all that stuff. There's no competition, they should be focusing on that shit, not phones.
We have some stores here in California called "Frys" or "Frys Electronics", they're kind of like a Costco for that kind of stuff, or Home Depot, as-in it's got a warehouse setting with lots of stuff in bulk. Radioshacks I remember were all pretty small outlets, especially around malls, which mostly died in the last decade. I do agree, if they doubled down on that, and became more like a Home Depot / Costco for electronics, even keeping the name, (if it's a large warehouse, like Frys), the "shack" part could've been ironic. Instead, someone else capitalized.
I'd like to think Frys is owned by George McFly from Back to the Future (Marty's Dad), and somewhere in the back, Biff is working storage. It's a decent store, in all honesty.
They had frys in ga- I didn't know they sold components. Huh, that would have been helpful to know.
Re: Random Thoughts
02/03/15 10:44 pm | #24100
Frys is fucking excellent. They could call it "Bester Buy"-- it has everything you need and the stuff you want and even some setups/displays that demonstrate the "oooh" of fucking curved tv's showing pristine 4khd footage of nature.
It has all that and also has replacement grips for your controller's analog sticks, basic circuit board kits, PC case fans, and everything that made Radio Shack awesome back in the Old Testament days.
One of my wisdom teeth broke and came out piece by piece, one came out quickly and simply and one of them had the dentist having to use both hands and brace herself to pull it out. Blood actually sprayed out in a quick burst, it was hilarious in a morbid way. They did local anesthetic but messed it up a little bit.
I got the same story Daniel got: "you're going to feel a little tugging."
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/03/15 11:21 pm | #24101
Quote by Meta:
Frys is fucking excellent. They could call it "Bester Buy"-- it has everything you need and the stuff you want and even some setups/displays that demonstrate the "oooh" of fucking curved tv's showing pristine 4khd footage of nature.
It has all that and also has replacement grips for your controller's analog sticks, basic circuit board kits, PC case fans, and everything that made Radio Shack awesome back in the Old Testament days.
One of my wisdom teeth broke and came out piece by piece, one came out quickly and simply and one of them had the dentist having to use both hands and brace herself to pull it out. Blood actually sprayed out in a quick burst, it was hilarious in a morbid way. They did local anesthetic but messed it up a little bit.
I got the same story Daniel got: "you're going to feel a little tugging."
Were you disappointed that it was above the belt??
Re: Random Thoughts
02/04/15 11:53 am | #24102
Why don't flies kill zombies? Maggots eat dead tissue and zombies have plenty of that.
Re: Random Thoughts
02/04/15 12:38 pm | #24103
I think I'm going to finally get a gaming PC when I get my tax refund.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/04/15 12:50 pm | #24104
Quote by Repo Man 360:
Why don't flies kill zombies? Maggots eat dead tissue and zombies have plenty of that.
Make a movie about it
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/04/15 2:23 pm | #24105
Quote by Repo Man 360:
Why don't flies kill zombies? Maggots eat dead tissue and zombies have plenty of that.
I've heard several theories, but one is that detritivores, like maggots, are put off by the zombie-causing virus. Natural instinct tells them to stay away, similar to how wild animals often avoid eating poisonous flora or fauna. This instinct could of stemmed from either natural selection/evolution (insects, bacteria, etc. reproduce rather quickly), or perhaps the virus is similar to another already known one.
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