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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/04/15 2:49 pm | #24106
Quote by Kat:
Quote by Kimberly cx:
I broke down and got McDonalds on my way home from work. I feel like I just gave up on life a little bit...
Note: I need to get my wisdom teeth pulled but you guys are making me not want to...
My dad is such a chicken, he will be 60 in June and he still hasn't had his out. They frequently get infected so he just deals with that instead. :/
Side note- my ex got them out when he was in the army. I want to say they scheduled it on a Friday so he only missed one day of work and pt. maybe it was a Thursday. But it wasn't much.
I just got mine pulled about 3 months ago and im 30. They were super impacted also and it really wasnt that bad. You will just be hungry for a week or so. Also you arent supposed to pick up anything over 25lbs or so for about a week or two.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/04/15 5:37 pm | #24107
Quote by bluntedGRINCH:
Quote by Kat:
My dad is such a chicken, he will be 60 in June and he still hasn't had his out. They frequently get infected so he just deals with that instead. :/
Side note- my ex got them out when he was in the army. I want to say they scheduled it on a Friday so he only missed one day of work and pt. maybe it was a Thursday. But it wasn't much.
I just got mine pulled about 3 months ago and im 30. They were super impacted also and it really wasnt that bad. You will just be hungry for a week or so. Also you arent supposed to pick up anything over 25lbs or so for about a week or two.
I work in the back warehouse at Walmart... I pick up things 25+ pounds all day every day. Spent a majority of yesterday moving 62 bags of 50lb dog food...
Re: Random Thoughts
02/04/15 10:02 pm | #24108
Take a couple days off and have your doctor write you a note that says you cant. You should be good in 4-5 days.
Re: Random Thoughts
02/05/15 6:51 am | #24109
Went to sleep at 1015pm and I am up at 330 - wide awake. I am not sure if classifies as insomnia or something else. What ever it's called, it still ticks me off.
Re: Random Thoughts
02/05/15 8:18 am | #24110
Anyone else see or checked out this game Life is Strange? How is it?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/05/15 9:15 am | #24111
Quote by Kimberly cx:
Quote by bluntedGRINCH:
I just got mine pulled about 3 months ago and im 30. They were super impacted also and it really wasnt that bad. You will just be hungry for a week or so. Also you arent supposed to pick up anything over 25lbs or so for about a week or two.
I work in the back warehouse at Walmart... I pick up things 25+ pounds all day every day. Spent a majority of yesterday moving 62 bags of 50lb dog food...
The majority? Are we talking like 6 hours of an 8 hour shift? I imagine using a pallet jack would have made things easier?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/05/15 9:36 am | #24112
Quote by Xandler:
Quote by Kimberly cx:
I work in the back warehouse at Walmart... I pick up things 25+ pounds all day every day. Spent a majority of yesterday moving 62 bags of 50lb dog food...
The majority? Are we talking like 6 hours of an 8 hour shift? I imagine using a pallet jack would have made things easier?
Well there was 3 pallets and they had to be condensed to 2 and put in 2 different parts of the store so I had to take the 3rd pallet and separate it into 2 carts then take the pallets and carts to the 2 display areas and restack it all.
That's just what I was told to do.
Re: Random Thoughts
02/05/15 11:53 am | #24113
I can't believe we've been talking about teeth for like... 3 days. Here's a random thought about teeth http://youtu.be/t0CR1IJKMPo
Re: Random Thoughts
02/05/15 12:26 pm | #24114
There's this girl that works on 3rd shift that's like obsessed with me and my boyfriend and thinks we always have the coolest stuff (hoodies, backpacks, hats, fucking keychains, anything) so as soon as she sees me or him with something new she buys the same damn thing and it makes me want to set her on fire. Is that normal?
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/05/15 12:44 pm | #24115
Quote by Kimberly cx:
There's this girl that works on 3rd shift that's like obsessed with me and my boyfriend and thinks we always have the coolest stuff (hoodies, backpacks, hats, fucking keychains, anything) so as soon as she sees me or him with something new she buys the same damn thing and it makes me want to set her on fire. Is that normal?
Re: Random Thoughts
02/05/15 4:08 pm | #24116
Nothing like getting a parking ticket in your condo building's lot for "permit parking only." Called the police station who refused to help. Then called the village, promptly received a call from the chief of police who personally voided the ticket and apologized. That was neat.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/05/15 4:34 pm | #24117
Quote by Daemon:
Anyone else see or checked out this game Life is Strange? How is it?
IMO it's better than anything Telltale's done since Walking Dead. I'm a sucker for the high school setting though, and a female lead- but the art style's pretty cool, the music is top notch, and the last 25% of chapter one makes things pretty interesting. It's got easy achievements too, so you could do worse for $4.99
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/05/15 8:57 pm | #24118
Quote by AJ:
Nothing like getting a parking ticket in your condo building's lot for "permit parking only." Called the police station who refused to help. Then called the village, promptly received a call from the chief of police who personally voided the ticket and apologized. That was neat.
Sounds like there's a rookie who is going to be on the late shift for a while longer.....
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/05/15 10:21 pm | #24119
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by AJ:
Nothing like getting a parking ticket in your condo building's lot for "permit parking only." Called the police station who refused to help. Then called the village, promptly received a call from the chief of police who personally voided the ticket and apologized. That was neat.
Sounds like there's a rookie who is going to be on the late shift for a while longer.....
Apparently I wasn't the first complainant. Or the 30th...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/06/15 10:04 am | #24120
Quote by AJ:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Sounds like there's a rookie who is going to be on the late shift for a while longer.....
Apparently I wasn't the first complainant. Or the 30th...
...And the boss had to clear this up? That guy is on the short list of potential staffing cuts.
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