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Random Thoughts
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Re: Random Thoughts
12/25/14 1:22 am | #23701
Quote by Kat:
Quote by AJ:
Quote by Kat:
I like it. :/
Yea, I love the pills. Only jackasses buy the liquid (which is also decent).
I like the liquid. It burns going down- very nice.
I like Alka-Seltzer. Plop plop, fizz fizz, bitches!
Re: Random Thoughts
12/25/14 11:34 am | #23702
Re: Random Thoughts
12/25/14 12:29 pm | #23703
I just wanted to play a game with my friend who just got an X1 for Christmas and Apparently the Lizard Fucks took down XBL again, can't tell if true or if Hundreds of thousands of new players from Christmas did.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/25/14 12:47 pm | #23704
Something bad is happening I can't get on anything
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/25/14 12:54 pm | #23705
Quote by Daniel:
I just wanted to play a game with my friend who just got an X1 for Christmas and Apparently the Lizard Fucks took down XBL again, can't tell if true or if Hundreds of thousands of new players from Christmas did.
They're also saying now that these fuck ups are responsible for the Sony hackings and not North Korea
Re: Random Thoughts
12/25/14 12:56 pm | #23706
I'm so sick of these virgin douches.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/25/14 1:03 pm | #23707
Re: Random Thoughts
12/25/14 1:28 pm | #23708
All the xbox one sigs are coming up as "invalid gamertag." Huh.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/25/14 1:50 pm | #23709
Quote by Daniel:
I just wanted to play a game with my friend who just got an X1 for Christmas and Apparently the Lizard Fucks took down XBL again, can't tell if true or if Hundreds of thousands of new players from Christmas did.
Either way this shit is getting old really fuckin fast. If M$ is going to require us to be online to play almost anything on the xboner, they need to beef up security so the disgruntled 12 year olds can't shut the whole thing down on a weekly basis. I guess it's gonna be a NES day for me.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/25/14 1:58 pm | #23710
Quote by BeaverHunter:
Quote by Daniel:
I just wanted to play a game with my friend who just got an X1 for Christmas and Apparently the Lizard Fucks took down XBL again, can't tell if true or if Hundreds of thousands of new players from Christmas did.
Either way this shit is getting old really fuckin fast. If M$ is going to require us to be online to play almost anything on the xboner, they need to beef up security so the disgruntled 12 year olds can't shut the whole thing down on a weekly basis. I guess it's gonna be a NES day for me.
ddos attacks are almost impossible to prevent.
it's not hacking or anything sophisticated, and probably the Christmas rush helped their efforts as well.
it's literally a bunch of networks or computers converging on data centers until they overload.
nothing you can do to really stop that.
it sucks but what can ya do
and psn is down as well for anyone that was curious
Re: Random Thoughts
12/25/14 2:27 pm | #23711
They could get a huge server farm instead of the 300,000 "dedicated" servers they claimed were going to be for Xbox One. That way they could handle an infinite amount of data. But instead we still have peer hosts in CoD... M$ has become a joke, not like they ever weren't though, really.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/25/14 3:06 pm | #23712
On the plus side, achievements are still unlocking on my phone. So my 100K grind by the end of tomorrow might come to fruition after all! I'm going away for a week starting saturday with no wi-fi so if I want to reach my 100K 2014 goal, i gotta finish it by tomorrow. Thank goodness I just got this phone and all of its incredibly tedious games. Any recommendations for fun ones I didn't play on my ipod 4 years ago?
Re: Random Thoughts
12/25/14 3:17 pm | #23713
Little fucking bastards shut it down when my Halo MCC was at 79% for the update. I did the download offline since I seen here that that is much quicker than doing it while online.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/25/14 3:20 pm | #23714
Quote by Kat:
I'm so sick of these virgin douches.
Clearly nobody can ever accuse them of thinking with the wrong head since they clearly never use their dicks.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/25/14 3:23 pm | #23715
Quote by AJ:
They could get a huge server farm instead of the 300,000 "dedicated" servers they claimed were going to be for Xbox One. That way they could handle an infinite amount of data. But instead we still have peer hosts in CoD... M$ has become a joke, not like they ever weren't though, really.
yeah but Xbox live isn't down everywhere, even with expanding the servers they can target specific areas (like they are doing now) to take down the servers. Xbox live is only down in about 40% of the world that uses it righ now despite it being their biggest attack.
it's all about what data centers they focus on really, and no amount of expanded servers could prevent a sudden influx of data that is outside the normal area of traffic.

I just wanna play Xbox tho
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