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Random Gaming
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Re: Random Gaming
01/13/17 11:42 am | #2716
I'm still waiting for a new actraiser.
Re: Random Gaming
01/14/17 1:15 am | #2717
I accidentally pre-ordered so many Switch related things today... and I'm not sure if I want the Grey or the Neon console... since I kinda want both for collector's purposes, but having a $420 CAD paperweight seems like a terrible idea.
Re: Random Gaming
01/14/17 2:22 am | #2718
You want gray- and you want to send me the neon. 😂
Re: Random Gaming
01/17/17 4:20 pm | #2719
Goddam Historian achievement for the remastered BioShock didn't pop for me. I use the
visual walkthrough and made sure I had each audio diary before advancing the the next level. Even had to go back and get one I missed when cross checking the list before I went on to fight Fontaine. Looking at the achievement list/tracker on smartglass and it says I'm at 99% completed for that cheevo. Horse shit.
Re: Re: Random Gaming
01/17/17 4:50 pm | #2720
Quote by IRiSH:
Goddam Historian achievement for the remastered BioShock didn't pop for me. I use the
visual walkthrough and made sure I had each audio diary before advancing the the next level. Even had to go back and get one I missed when cross checking the list before I went on to fight Fontaine. Looking at the achievement list/tracker on smartglass and it says I'm at 99% completed for that cheevo. Horse shit.
Would you kindly re-play the game... ?
Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
01/17/17 5:06 pm | #2721
Quote by Bardfor:
Would you kindly re-play the game... ?

this guy gets it
Re: Re: Random Gaming
01/18/17 8:56 pm | #2722
Quote by IRiSH:
Goddam Historian achievement for the remastered BioShock didn't pop for me. I use the
visual walkthrough and made sure I had each audio diary before advancing the the next level. Even had to go back and get one I missed when cross checking the list before I went on to fight Fontaine. Looking at the achievement list/tracker on smartglass and it says I'm at 99% completed for that cheevo. Horse shit.
That's 100% ass. I had to go back to get it in the 360 version and it sucked. I was so fucking paranoid that I was going to miss one.
Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
01/18/17 11:25 pm | #2723
Quote by theEVOL1:
Quote by IRiSH:
Goddam Historian achievement for the remastered BioShock didn't pop for me. I use the
visual walkthrough and made sure I had each audio diary before advancing the the next level. Even had to go back and get one I missed when cross checking the list before I went on to fight Fontaine. Looking at the achievement list/tracker on smartglass and it says I'm at 99% completed for that cheevo. Horse shit.
That's 100% ass. I had to go back to get it in the 360 version and it sucked. I was so fucking paranoid that I was going to miss one.
Exactly. I earned it after my 3rd or 4th run-thru on the 360 version using that same guide. When googling it yesterday, I saw where I'm not the only one who it's glitches on with the remaster.
Re: Random Gaming
01/20/17 1:46 am | #2724
So, my oldest son, who is 18 and is in college, asked me to download the demo for Overwatch. No problem, right? Wrong. There doesn't seem to be a demo version of the Overwatch game...or am I missing something?
Re: Re: Random Gaming
01/20/17 4:03 am | #2725
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
So, my oldest son, who is 18 and is in college, asked me to download the demo for Overwatch. No problem, right? Wrong. There doesn't seem to be a demo version of the Overwatch game...or am I missing something?
Pretty sure there's not.
Re: Random Gaming
01/20/17 8:39 am | #2726
Go to best buy and buy it used. I didn't know that they really priced matched but they did. The guy was also cool enough to match it with a used copy from amazon and say it was from target. I think I got it for 25$ or less.
Re: Re: Random Gaming
01/20/17 11:52 am | #2727
Quote by bluntedGRINCH:
Go to best buy and buy it used. I didn't know that they really priced matched but they did. The guy was also cool enough to match it with a used copy from amazon and say it was from target. I think I got it for 25$ or less.
I dunno. My son wants to try it out, he loves the Halo games and he's heard a lot about Overwatch. I am not sure I want to spend anything on a game just to see whether or not he likes it. Not too long ago they had an Overwatch free to play weekend. I guess I may have to wait for one of those events.
Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
01/21/17 4:12 pm | #2728
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by bluntedGRINCH:
Go to best buy and buy it used. I didn't know that they really priced matched but they did. The guy was also cool enough to match it with a used copy from amazon and say it was from target. I think I got it for 25$ or less.
I dunno. My son wants to try it out, he loves the Halo games and he's heard a lot about Overwatch. I am not sure I want to spend anything on a game just to see whether or not he likes it. Not too long ago they had an Overwatch free to play weekend. I guess I may have to wait for one of those events.
My 14 year old is obsessed with Overwatch. To me, it's like a new version of TF2, but whatever. Every game Blizzard makes is crack for gamers.
ETA: why not get it used from GameStop and just return it if he doesn't like it?
Re: Random Gaming
01/30/17 9:25 am | #2729
Lost Odyssey - started playing it again on an older save but I have found that I did a lot of the game just to get through it. I figured I could go back and get stuff later on. Not so. Be warned now - there are a lot of areas that are no longer going to be accessible once you hit disc 4.
So I have started over......
Re: Random Gaming
01/30/17 1:11 pm | #2730
Woooo I finally got a Hardcore character to level 70 in Diablo, only 4 years late! Now if I can just get that damn 50 objects destroyed callout the completion will be in sight.
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