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Archived: Diablo 3 thread
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Re: Re: Diablo 3 thread
09/12/13 5:32 am | #226
Quote by Meta:
Got my Hardcore barbarian to level 30, thank pasta for Easy difficulty.
So now I'm actually playing the game again for reals, Inferno mode Master I difficulty with my monk. It's slow-going but not too terrible. Loot is of course still terrible because of where I am but the enemies aren't too bad.
I did die once when a boss zombie and her minions walled me into a corner and shocked the shit out of me, but it was a death I saw coming, not the WTF out of nowhere kind.
Oh also, I found a freakin' set piece! Hell mode Diablo dropped
Inna's Vast Expanse.
Wait until you encounter a pack of wallers and a pack of reflect damage bastards at the same time.

It happened to me quite a few times on pc playing on MP5. That sucks.
Also, nice find on the set piece. I've had quite a lot of legendary drops, but no set pieces.
Re: Re: Diablo 3 thread
09/12/13 6:59 am | #227
Quote by Meta:
Got my Hardcore barbarian to level 30, thank pasta for Easy difficulty.
So now I'm actually playing the game again for reals, Inferno mode Master I difficulty with my monk. It's slow-going but not too terrible. Loot is of course still terrible because of where I am but the enemies aren't too bad.
I did die once when a boss zombie and her minions walled me into a corner and shocked the shit out of me, but it was a death I saw coming, not the WTF out of nowhere kind.
Oh also, I found a freakin' set piece! Hell mode Diablo dropped
Inna's Vast Expanse.
You can even craft set pieces on D3.
Re: Diablo 3 thread
09/12/13 9:39 am | #228
LOFL check out this loot that dropped off the fat bastard in the fortress' pantry:
Re: Diablo 3 thread
09/12/13 9:44 am | #229
Lol what an outdated reference
Re: Re: Diablo 3 thread
09/12/13 12:31 pm | #230
Finally beat normal mode last night... I'm so overpowered, blasting through everyone because Weevil and I have a compulsive need to explore every inch of a map and- you know- easy mode. So much fun! A room full of dudes vs me puts the laughter in slaughter, alright!
Re: Diablo 3 thread
09/13/13 12:42 pm | #231
Found one of these last night:
Its coming in handy hunting down the damn goblins.
Re: Diablo 3 thread
09/14/13 2:42 pm | #232
Playing on normal on master I difficulty, how big of an impact will it have on loot and overall difficulty?
Re: Re: Diablo 3 thread
09/14/13 2:44 pm | #233
Quote by D3ADLYKILL3R:
Playing on normal on master I difficulty, how big of an impact will it have on loot and overall difficulty?
you're gonna die a lot.
Re: Diablo 3 thread
09/14/13 2:47 pm | #234
My DH is powering thru on normal and I'd rather take a challenge, but is a Lvl 23 DH 2/3 done with act 2 on that setting asking for too much at that point?
Re: Diablo 3 thread
09/14/13 3:33 pm | #235
I was at lvl25 when I started on act 3. As long as you group up with 3 other people, they can pick up your slack. If not, can easily try another party.
Re: Diablo 3 thread
09/14/13 3:44 pm | #236
Actually I was was taking about playing on my own
Re: Diablo 3 thread
09/14/13 4:12 pm | #237
Anyone had a problem with the game freezing. Im in act III on my nightmare play through and seems if I kill to much and use a lot of arcana power my game freezes. Anyone else had this problem.
Re: Re: Diablo 3 thread
09/15/13 9:03 am | #238
Quote by B33R30MAN:
Anyone had a problem with the game freezing. Im in act III on my nightmare play through and seems if I kill to much and use a lot of arcana power my game freezes. Anyone else had this problem.
It's froze only once for me. It was during the loading screen.
Re: Diablo 3 thread
09/16/13 10:21 am | #239
I have had a single freeze as well, it was right when I killed a treasure goblin I guess his loot was just too epic.
Re: Diablo 3 thread
09/17/13 5:44 pm | #240
Bump for great justice
If anyone finds a 1-handed Legendary weapon that summons a pet/monster of some kind, let me know.
I have an angel sword that summons an angel minion, and I also have a sword that summons a daemon but it's 2-handed.
I really want to dual-wield summoning weapons so that with my follower and mystic ally out, we will be a party of 5 just haaaaaaaaangin' out.
Also, if you are about to or just recently hit 60 and want some Legendary gear let me know, I've been keeping everything I find and some of it is aggressively decent.
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