Archived: Diablo 3 thread
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Diablo 3 thread
06/12/12 2:19 pm | #1
who has D3? I'm looking for people to play with so post your accounts here!
Re: Diablo 3 thread
06/12/12 6:01 pm | #2
I don't play with nubs ^^^^
Re: Diablo 3 thread
06/14/12 12:30 am | #3
so anyone have D3 or what?
Re: Diablo 3 thread
06/14/12 2:28 am | #4
I play! I haven't played much because of busy crap going on in my life lately, but if anyone wants to play my email is
Re: Diablo 3 thread
06/14/12 4:16 am | #5
OMG Ashley you're still alive!! <3 <3 <4
Re: Diablo 3 thread
06/14/12 12:40 pm | #6
I play too but i'm currently having computer issues. Will post once resolved.
Re: Diablo 3 thread
06/17/12 4:01 am | #7
so does no one play D3 here at all?
Re: Diablo 3 thread
06/17/12 11:26 am | #8
I did until my account got hacked. When Blizzard pretty much told me to go fuck myself and "buy an authenticator" I quit playing it.
Re: Diablo 3 thread
06/17/12 9:38 pm | #9
i got it
Re: Diablo 3 thread
06/19/12 9:19 pm | #10
just got my copy, can't play it until next week though when my new laptop arrives.

Re: Diablo 3 thread
12/30/12 6:31 pm | #11
Anyone here still play this? I have been playing this a lot and I am looking for more people to play with. I have 2 characters so far, a level 60(5) wizard and a level 33 Demon Hunter.
Re: Diablo 3 thread
02/20/13 7:59 pm | #12
I play it on occasion.
but wow diablo 3 is coming to current and next gen systems!!!!!
but wow diablo 3 is coming to current and next gen systems!!!!!
Re: Diablo 3 thread
07/23/13 8:32 am | #13
So who is going to be picking this up for 360? I call dibs on the Witch Doctor.
Re: Diablo 3 thread
07/23/13 9:42 am | #15
I played this on PC for awhile and enjoyed it a lot even though I had to run it on minimum settings. It was a friend's laptop anyway.
I have a 360 copy pre-ordered, can't wait to get back in to it. I never did beat the second difficulty level, Hell I think?
I had one of each character and they were all really fun. Barbarian and Witch Doctor were my favourites.
I pre-ordered my copy at GameStop, I gotta find out about this $10 off thing.
I have a 360 copy pre-ordered, can't wait to get back in to it. I never did beat the second difficulty level, Hell I think?
I had one of each character and they were all really fun. Barbarian and Witch Doctor were my favourites.
I pre-ordered my copy at GameStop, I gotta find out about this $10 off thing.