Archived: Diablo 3 thread
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Increased gains and drops only apply to Master I - V.
Quote by Meta:
Increased gains and drops only apply to Master I - V.
Master I-V is rough on Hell. It can make a 5 minute boss fight a 15 minute one.
Quote by Meta:
Increased gains and drops only apply to Master I - V.
Hmm. I was wondering about that because I switched to hard and still am getting the same crap loot. :/
Quote by Kat:
Quote by Meta:
Increased gains and drops only apply to Master I - V.
Hmm. I was wondering about that because I switched to hard and still am getting the same crap loot. :/
Farming Nightmare Diablo is the best way I have found to get good drops early on. He is extremely weak on easy and you can load up and fight him over and over without doing the whole mission. Got 6-7 legendary and a ton of decent rares from him.
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Quote by Kat:
Hmm. I was wondering about that because I switched to hard and still am getting the same crap loot. :/
Farming Nightmare Diablo is the best way I have found to get good drops early on. He is extremely weak on easy and you can load up and fight him over and over without doing the whole mission. Got 6-7 legendary and a ton of decent rares from him.
I only get an hour or 2 to play at a time so neither of my characters are that far. I'm still on my first play through.
Quote by Kat:
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Farming Nightmare Diablo is the best way I have found to get good drops early on. He is extremely weak on easy and you can load up and fight him over and over without doing the whole mission. Got 6-7 legendary and a ton of decent rares from him.
I only get an hour or 2 to play at a time so neither of my characters are that far. I'm still on my first play through.
I don't recommend farming much on Normal. The gear differential from Normal to Nightmare is crazy. You will replace everything almost immediately.
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Quote by Kat:
I only get an hour or 2 to play at a time so neither of my characters are that far. I'm still on my first play through.
I don't recommend farming much on Normal. The gear differential from Normal to Nightmare is crazy. You will replace everything almost immediately.
Ok, that's good to know- thanks!

Quote by Kat:
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
I don't recommend farming much on Normal. The gear differential from Normal to Nightmare is crazy. You will replace everything almost immediately.
Ok, that's good to know- thanks!

If you need anything to help you get through normal just let me know. I keep pretty much everything I find to pass along to people.
I originally chose the Monk this time because he'd be a good wingman when I jumped in to other peoples' games, but he ended up being a ton of fun even when I'm alone because my internet is being all New Jersey-ish.
It's so fun to stand there dodging mallet demons' swings and punching their ankles to death

+edit+ finally hit 60 and completed Hell mode, now I can farm Inferno whee
Quote by Jared:
blizzard raised the drop rate for legendaries on pc as well, used to be almost impossible.
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by Jared:
blizzard raised the drop rate for legendaries on pc as well, used to be almost impossible.
I'll go back to the pc version eventually and give it a try. My character on there still has close to 90 million gold and is decked out. For now I'm enjoying the console version to much.
So now I'm actually playing the game again for reals, Inferno mode Master I difficulty with my monk. It's slow-going but not too terrible. Loot is of course still terrible because of where I am but the enemies aren't too bad.
I did die once when a boss zombie and her minions walled me into a corner and shocked the shit out of me, but it was a death I saw coming, not the WTF out of nowhere kind.
Oh also, I found a freakin' set piece! Hell mode Diablo dropped Inna's Vast Expanse.
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