Based off the 2 1/2 hours i've played so far, i think this game is amazing and worth the hype it's been building for the past 2+ years. Probably one of the best looking games i've seen, action packed right from the start, and battle system is fast and pretty addicting. Story wise is still a little confusing since i'm at the beginning still so not every has been introduced yet and the names/vocabulary aren't really "with" me yet. The sounds effects and voices are top notch and are very well done, i wish i could say the same about the music however, nothing stands out to me as of yet. Overall, i highly recommend this game to any RPG fan. Even if you're not into RPGs, i'd still suggest giving this game a shot.
Sticky: Rate the last game you played
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Re: Rate the last game you played
03/10/10 1:26 pm | #286
Final Fantasy XIII - 9/10
Based off the 2 1/2 hours i've played so far, i think this game is amazing and worth the hype it's been building for the past 2+ years. Probably one of the best looking games i've seen, action packed right from the start, and battle system is fast and pretty addicting. Story wise is still a little confusing since i'm at the beginning still so not every has been introduced yet and the names/vocabulary aren't really "with" me yet. The sounds effects and voices are top notch and are very well done, i wish i could say the same about the music however, nothing stands out to me as of yet. Overall, i highly recommend this game to any RPG fan. Even if you're not into RPGs, i'd still suggest giving this game a shot.
Re: Rate the last game you played
03/10/10 2:30 pm | #287
Bad Conpany 2. 11/10. It's safe to say I've never been so excited to play a video game before.
Re: Rate the last game you played
03/10/10 2:46 pm | #288
I like Doom. 9.5 out of 10.
Re: Rate the last game you played
03/16/10 5:33 pm | #289
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 4.9999999999999999999999999999999

Re: Rate the last game you played
03/16/10 5:34 pm | #290
Mass Effect 7/10
Re: Rate the last game you played
03/17/10 1:29 am | #291
Final Fantasy XIII - 10/10
I'm in over 60 hours now and I still have a crap load of stuff to do. One of my favorite Final Fantasy games.
I'm in over 60 hours now and I still have a crap load of stuff to do. One of my favorite Final Fantasy games.
Re: Rate the last game you played
03/17/10 1:41 am | #292
Finished BFBC2's single player yesterday and played some MP, 9.5 of 10, i liked the more fast paced and quicker single player missions over the first ones single player and im really glad there were no gold bars to search for this time. MPs fun as hell.
Started Final Fantasy 13 this morning and only played for an hour or so, give it an 8/10 so far, the 2 pts bein taken away for the cheesy dialogue and lame ass music which i expected anyways lol.
Started Final Fantasy 13 this morning and only played for an hour or so, give it an 8/10 so far, the 2 pts bein taken away for the cheesy dialogue and lame ass music which i expected anyways lol.
Re: Rate the last game you played
03/17/10 5:21 pm | #293
Left 4 Dead 2, 9/10!
Re: Rate the last game you played
03/28/10 10:17 pm | #294
Devil May Cry 4 - I really like it so far, but what I won't like it finishing it and only having 100gs in it,
. I'll probably give it a try on the hard mode though, hopefully it's not too hard, easy is ridiculously easy..

Re: Rate the last game you played
03/28/10 10:21 pm | #295
Fallout 3 - 10/10
By far, the best game I've ever played.
By far, the best game I've ever played.
Re: Re: Rate the last game you played
03/28/10 10:26 pm | #296
Quote by Stake:
Fallout 3 - 10/10
By far, the best game I've ever played.
By far, the best game I've ever played.
you win!

peggle - 8/10.
very nice on the eyes, very addicting, and just plain fun.
when it comes to the achievements, however, it can be very frustrating.
i don't see myself completing it, but i'm trying.
Re: Re: Rate the last game you played
03/28/10 11:30 pm | #297
Quote by Stake:
Fallout 3 - 10/10
By far, the best game I've ever played.
By far, the best game I've ever played.
I loved this game. I spent over 110 bucks on this game( with me buying all the DLC, but hey i got a "free" Theme. lol ) and i never felt ripped off. I wanted to do every side mission and didnt want it to end.
Re: Rate the last game you played
03/28/10 11:36 pm | #298
bioshock 2 6/ bored really fast...this might actually fuck up my gamerscore, i hace about 45 gs points and dont see my self getting anymore........Just not like the first one, maybe i will give it another try, but i doubt it..........
Re: Rate the last game you played
03/28/10 11:54 pm | #299
Dead Space 9/10
There's just something strangely satisfying about stomping the shit outta some dead Necromorphs.
There's just something strangely satisfying about stomping the shit outta some dead Necromorphs.

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