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Archived: ODST question
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Re: ODST question
09/27/09 11:02 pm | #76
Where is OD St. in the city? JK, This goes with that what does CoD mean to you thread.
But really did anyone find this game hard on lengendary? I was able to blow threw it in about 5-6 hours? I thought this was suppose to be a tough game series on its hardest setting?
And yes I know everyone likes it for its Multiplayer more than its campaign.
Re: ODST question
09/28/09 2:49 am | #77
Were you playing solo or Co-op?
Being that you can have up to 4 players working on campaign it can be very easy to win, I agree. Though, playing solo on legendary does give you a run for your money.
I think I know why halo 3 and ODST have such differences in feeling of difficulty. ODST has more long range weapons, places to cover, and less heavy vehicles to deal with. Imagine if you had either halo 1 or ODST's handgun in Halo 3? It would feel like a walk in the park. Just hang back and get some headshots.
Now take away your pistol, run and gun straight into action like Halo 2 or 3 and see if you feel the same. You would get your butt wooped.
Try taking your time and exploring. Find the audio files. Its a very good hidden story line.
Re: ODST question
09/28/09 5:34 am | #78
Going through the campaign cooperatively was fun, I can't wait to get into some Firefights
Re: ODST question
09/28/09 5:49 am | #79
Went solo, barely used the pistol, main weapons were battle rifle and plasma rifle, Sniped when ?i could to thin enemies?
Maybe it was that I felt less confined than in the other games, and yes cover was used like a mad man on legendry.
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