But thus, I am forced to pick it up Tuesday afternoon, and waiting until the weekend to really enjoy what is going to be AWESOME!
Archived: ODST question
Posted Under: Gaming
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Re: ODST question
09/20/09 9:23 pm | #46
I got a text message from gamestop telling me that it's going to be in stores monday at 12:01. If it wasn't for the fact the I have a "9-5" (really 5am-4:30pm) job, I'd be right in line picking it up.
But thus, I am forced to pick it up Tuesday afternoon, and waiting until the weekend to really enjoy what is going to be AWESOME!
But thus, I am forced to pick it up Tuesday afternoon, and waiting until the weekend to really enjoy what is going to be AWESOME!
Re: ODST question
09/20/09 9:27 pm | #47
I'm with you man I'm SSSSOOO with you lol (working 10:30 to 7pm) Want to co-op together?? lol
Re: Re: ODST question
09/20/09 9:28 pm | #48
I'm with you man I'm SSSSOOO with you lol (working 10:30 to 7pm) Want to co-op together?? lol
Let's Do It!
Re: ODST question
09/21/09 9:23 pm | #50
hey does this game have campaign co op?
Re: Re: ODST question
09/21/09 9:23 pm | #51
Quote by Detroit SniperX:
hey does this game have campaign co op?
Re: ODST question
09/21/09 9:53 pm | #52
oh no, not another Halo game.....*sighs*
Re: Re: Re: ODST question
09/22/09 1:27 pm | #53
Quote by Mudkip:
Quote by Taco:
i thought bungie said at one point they werent gonna make this 60$??? or am i remembering wrong...
They were going to but then M$ stepped in and said no...full price game GO!!!
Not quite true. Although MS usually does poach for money, that 40 dollar expansion concept was before the game was fleshed out. I mean a 6-8 hr campaign (4 plyr co-op), a firefight mode (once again, 4 plyr), 24 MP maps (for those who didnt get the halo 3 ones) and the reach beta. All in all I dont think thats a jip considering what a lot of shooters give you this gen.
Ill play it today and hopefully be able to do a full review for all glg and xba soon enough
Re: ODST question
09/22/09 1:38 pm | #54
WOOOT just picked up ODST!
Re: ODST question
09/22/09 1:50 pm | #55
I also picked it up this morning and played for an hour or so. I gotta sleep now since I have to work tonight. But I will be back at it tomorrow morning.
Re: ODST question
09/22/09 3:08 pm | #56
I picked it up this morning and played for a bit until I started feeling guilty about not doing work, so I'll play it again tonight. I thought it was ok. Nice to be back in the Halo world. I've missed fragging those cute little grunts.
Re: ODST question
09/22/09 3:22 pm | #58
Halo >>>>3<<<<
ill get this via rent...
ill get this via rent...
Re: ODST question
09/22/09 3:57 pm | #59
sweet!!i will be getting my copy on friday.