Archived: ODST question
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ODST question
09/23/09 5:50 am | #63
Quote by Mudkip:
Quote by ImpureKing44:
Not quite true. Although MS usually does poach for money, that 40 dollar expansion concept was before the game was fleshed out. I mean a 6-8 hr campaign (4 plyr co-op), a firefight mode (once again, 4 plyr), 24 MP maps (for those who didnt get the halo 3 ones) and the reach beta. All in all I dont think thats a jip considering what a lot of shooters give you this gen.
Ill play it today and hopefully be able to do a full review for all glg and xba soon enough
Bungie themselves when reporting on the price change stated that even though they looked at this game as an add on and did not plan to charge full price, M$ who is publishing the game decided otherwise. So pretty much if Bungie wanted the game put out they needed to charge $60
exactly, because MS is a buncha greed foolz who price-fix their games (WHICH, i might add, they cant LEGALLY do...even tho they do it anyways)
ill prolly try n get this game for christmas so...yea. now, the wait for l4d2

Re: Re: ODST question
09/23/09 6:18 am | #64
Quote by Shockwave:
firefight puts horde to shame
Oh yeah I love the whole concept of firefight It so crazy how the set and skulls get higher and higher. the ODST smg is amazing in this mode. Does suck it isn't a matchmaking style game but playing with people u know does make it a better fighting team
Re: ODST question
09/23/09 10:21 am | #65
Played coop campaign last night for a bit with a friend using the same 56" TV. The split screen was a bit annoying, but that's mostly because I never play local MP. We also did a few rounds of Firefight. We had planned to stop at 10pm, but reluctantly quit at 11:30pm. THAT should tell you something about Firefight.
I'm looking forward to finishing up the campaign with on-line coop. Split screen just doesn't do it for me.
I'm looking forward to finishing up the campaign with on-line coop. Split screen just doesn't do it for me.
Re: ODST question
09/24/09 12:46 am | #68
i wish the skulls were more random. it seems like every time it is the same ones to start out. y not mix it up everytime to keep u guessing
Re: ODST question
09/24/09 5:19 am | #69
me and Ab Intestato played firefight last night. our longest match lasted damn near 4hours. I had 746 kills and he had 590. team ninja kills for teh win on later parts of firefight (wave 3.2 and higher)
we made it to wave 5.1.3 which was pretty impressive for us as a team on their as neither of us are big fans of halo.
needless to say we earned our first 200k achieve out of firefight!
firefight is the highlight of halo 3: odst
we made it to wave 5.1.3 which was pretty impressive for us as a team on their as neither of us are big fans of halo.
needless to say we earned our first 200k achieve out of firefight!
firefight is the highlight of halo 3: odst
Re: Re: ODST question
09/27/09 8:45 pm | #72
Quote by Top Dogs 360:
Sean here you go.
i was scrolling down and saw your post! lol
Although firefight was good, its hard to get a party of 4 together because they are probably in a game which lasts hours. The 1000g was WAAAYY to easy. and the campaign was too short, i beat it twice in a day, once on legendary. I really did have better visions for ODST, but there is really no replay value. firefight gets old quick

and yes, i do agreed now, being a halo fan i hoped for the best, and got something less
Re: Re: ODST question
09/27/09 8:52 pm | #74
Quote by Top Dogs 360:
I have a question, the multiplayer is the same on ODST and Halo 3? But firefight is only on ODST?
Yes, essentially your buying halo 3 again. The odst disc has firefight and the campaign. the other disc is ONLY the halo 3 multiplayer (with 3 new maps preloaded)
Re: Re: Re: ODST question
09/27/09 9:01 pm | #75
Quote by SeanTM22:
Quote by Top Dogs 360:
I have a question, the multiplayer is the same on ODST and Halo 3? But firefight is only on ODST?
Yes, essentially your buying halo 3 again. The odst disc has firefight and the campaign. the other disc is ONLY the halo 3 multiplayer (with 3 new maps preloaded)
I sent you a shout sean