Archived: Is Rap Music
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Re: Is Rap Music
03/02/09 6:55 am | #31
I'm personally not a rap fan, but I know a lot of people that like it. I listen to more metalcore/hardcore/screamo.
Re: Is Rap Music
03/02/09 7:22 am | #32
I would have never guessed with your gamertag being Underoath
Re: Is Rap Music
03/02/09 7:33 am | #33
Most people usually can't, hahah. It usually takes them by surprise. You don't know how many people ask me if I like UnderOATH on xboxlive. I usually just say, "who is that?" and play dumb
Re: Is Rap Music
03/02/09 7:41 am | #34
Yeah its like if your gamer tag is xAllxthatxremainsx do you really need to ask if you like them?
Re: Is Rap Music
03/02/09 9:28 am | #35
well you know, under oath can be a confusing gamtertag. some people might think of it as being under oath, like you would be in court. which would then make it seem like your in court alot, for whatever reason.
Re: Is Rap Music
03/02/09 9:30 am | #36
i've never even heard of under oath, so yes, if i were to see that GT randomly on live i'd just think it was something random, hahaha.
Re: Is Rap Music
03/02/09 11:01 am | #37
have you heard asher roth he is nutz for a whjite rapper
Re: Is Rap Music
03/02/09 11:19 am | #38
i have the underoath theme on my xbox...
Re: Is Rap Music
03/02/09 12:03 pm | #39
i....i don't think rap is music. it's just words. the beats are music though.
Re: Is Rap Music
03/02/09 12:04 pm | #40
never heard of asher roth but i'll check it out.
Re: Is Rap Music
03/02/09 12:54 pm | #41
Its music, i listen to pretty much anything though. But i do agree, some of them sing about pointless crap lol
Re: Is Rap Music
03/02/09 1:31 pm | #42
some dude made fun of rap/hip-hop songs and how they sing about random crap and no one knows what theyre saying...lemme find the vid
Re: Is Rap Music
05/21/09 4:45 pm | #43
R-etards A-ttempting P-oetry
Re: Is Rap Music
05/21/09 4:51 pm | #44
only eminem