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Archived: Borderlands!
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Re: Re: Re: Borderlands!
11/04/09 11:43 am | #211
Quote by Ab intestato:
Quote by Nemesis Mask:
I meant if you join a 4 player online game, most of them will give ya the achieve
That's the only way to make new friends!
Ha I was thinking about it but nah I'd rather do it with 1 of you guys at least you wont duel me with your lvl 1,000,000,000 character
sure i will!!! ask noah how fast my combat rifle wasted him lol. altho h did get me good with his shotty once
Re: Borderlands!
11/04/09 11:46 am | #212
lol Im a level 4 solider I suck lol
Re: Borderlands!
11/04/09 11:49 am | #213
if u want the achievement send me a FR now. ill jump on for a few mins to help u before i get ready for work and shit ill be on either right now or in 45 mins. whatever works better for u
Re: Borderlands!
11/04/09 11:51 am | #214
wait till you fight my shotgun Orange,
228 x11
Re: Borderlands!
11/04/09 11:51 am | #215
ill send it right now thnx
Re: Borderlands!
11/04/09 12:05 pm | #216
If you guys are interested in TRADING legendary weapons check out my friends site.
Its definitely worth checking out.
Re: Borderlands!
11/04/09 1:21 pm | #217
Ok, this is my skill tree so far at level 25. Any thoughts or opinions would be greatly appreciated:
Re: Re: Borderlands!
11/04/09 2:46 pm | #218
Quote by Drunk3nDuffman:
Ok, this is my skill tree so far at level 25. Any thoughts or opinions would be greatly appreciated:
The question is are you playing solo or coop? Because the soldier needs to be the healer of the group. Personally I would respec getting rid of scatter shot and fitness. There are some awesome shields in the game that you will find and health really should not be your major concern. Also the reason to get rid of the scattershot is because the shotgun isnt as useful as it needs to be unless you find a really awesome one. The soldiers best friend is the assault rifle (or smg). I ran through the entire game with a good sniper/smg combo without too much difficulty. But thats just my 2 cents....
Re: Re: Borderlands!
11/04/09 2:46 pm | #219
I must have better weapons than I thought, because my shotgun and combat rifle are way better than the stuff on that site.
Re: Borderlands!
11/04/09 2:58 pm | #220
I rented it last friday and went a got a copy of my own on monday. I'm only up to level 12 or 13 so far but I'm really digging it. The driving controls take a little getting used to. I got my ass handed to me in the second round in the Arena.
Re: Borderlands!
11/04/09 3:01 pm | #221
Yea Krueger, we keep most of the really good stuff. But when it comes to trades he is pretty generous. Typically giving people whatever they want off of the site for another legendary weapon.
What kind of weapons is everyone rolling with? Type and stats (dont have to be exact).
Re: Borderlands!
11/04/09 3:04 pm | #222
228 x11
Combat Rifle:
I don't remember my other weapons because I use these more than anything.
Re: Borderlands!
11/04/09 3:10 pm | #223
Those are very nice weapons... I have an smg that does 185 with fire rate of 15 and accuracy of 92. As well as my volcano sniper rifle that does over 800 damage and 4x fire damage.
Those 2 weapons you have are very lethal.
Re: Borderlands!
11/04/09 3:12 pm | #224
lol thanks man, I also forgot to mention my shield.
recharge rate: 125 (I think)
x30 health boost
Re: Borderlands!
11/04/09 3:40 pm | #225
If anyone needs the "And they'll tell two friends" chieveo ill help out just send me a message GT bluntedGRINCH
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