Archived: Best RPG game ever
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Re: Best RPG game ever
08/22/09 9:36 pm | #61
lol thats mean....only thing thats true is the elevators do take long
Re: Re: Best RPG game ever
08/22/09 10:03 pm | #63
Quote by Lady Evol:
When did I say mainstream meant bad? WTF? If Bioshock hadn't had the rpg elements... the engaging story that included stumbling across backstory, the morality choices, the other characters that really fleshed out the feeling of the game... and the horror game elements, no, I wouldn't have played it- how many people would have?? I don't like shooters, most of them are boring, cookie cutter crap. The point I was making is that while the 360 IS making gaming mainstream (which I list as a good thing) and mixing genres together to make games that are interesting to large markets of people (also a positive) they're getting rid of the genre structure that we have previously been used to. Does someone like Taco who LOVES Fallout 3 love RPGs? Nope, I doubt he'd be able to sit through 10 hours of one of the games I love. If you say "Well, I play Fallout, Oblivion and Mass Effect, so I am a huge fan of RPGs, but all turn based RPGs suck," you're a hypocrite. You DON'T like RPGs, you like ACTION games, and you overlook the RPG elements to play them. I LIKE Fallout, I LOVED Oblivion... I HATED Blue Dragon. Clearly I don't choose my games strictly by their genre. I don't say "Action games with RPG elements suck" and I don't hate games that I don't classify as RPGs, while blindly loving all games I DO classify as RPGs. All I have said from the beginning, when Rev and I had this discussion over a year ago is that I am more stringent with the use of the genre label "RPG" than some people are. Like them or love them, I don't give a rats ass. I guarantee you that your opinion of turn based RPGs isn't going to keep either myself of Evol up at night. It's not going to go back and make some of the incredible RPGs that we've played LESS of masterpieces. The opinion of Mr. Whoosits from GA isn't going to make or break the Japanese economy. However, I don't think reading a book once in a while would be such a bad move for you...
I don't like turn base rpg's. But I am a fan of Xbox 360 rpgs. I guess thats the best way I can put it to you. I guess your one of them people. Like my dad that argues that pac man is a REAL video game. I'd rather be new school than old school. I guess we can settle this like real gamers. Halo 3, you and me. What do you say? If you want, we can take turns shooting each other, see how fun that will be. Oh, and about the whole me needing to read a book. I'm a psychology major at the university of georgia. So I don't think I need to add any more books to my already long list of them. Hell, maybe when I graduate, I can offer you a free session, cause you gotta be crazy to like turn base rpg's. lol
ps. I love you lady evol
Re: Re: Best RPG game ever
08/22/09 10:27 pm | #65
Quote by Lady Evol:
lol NO WAY!!! Have you seen my Halo stats??? I only use Halo to settle stuff when I WANT to lose!!!
Yeah, I guess us rednecks should stick to the shooters and I'll let you handle the RPG stuff. Sorry I got carried away. I still respect you as a fellow gamer. One to many beers for me maybe. lol.
Re: Best RPG game ever
08/22/09 10:27 pm | #66
pac-man IS a real video game!
Re: Best RPG game ever
08/22/09 10:32 pm | #67
yep, and cruisin usa and the bomb..........
Re: Best RPG game ever
08/22/09 10:37 pm | #68
cruisin usa wat the
Re: Best RPG game ever
08/22/09 10:37 pm | #69
Thread title is an oxymoron....Best and RPG don't go together. It should be, what is the Least terrible RPG ever.
Re: Best RPG game ever
08/22/09 10:41 pm | #70
i guess u dont like any rpg's i assume
Re: Best RPG game ever
08/22/09 10:53 pm | #71
LMAO good luck with that.
you don't even have to say "turn based rpg"
"turn based" is just fine.
anyone ever play a turn based strategy game? I HAVE!
you don't even have to say "turn based rpg"
"turn based" is just fine.
anyone ever play a turn based strategy game? I HAVE!

Re: Best RPG game ever
08/22/09 10:56 pm | #72
So I just say turn base huh? Man, know I feel so cool. Does Battleship count as a turn based strategy game? If it does, then yes, I've played it and yes, I will sink your battleship
Re: Re: Best RPG game ever
08/22/09 10:57 pm | #73
Quote by Noah 9000:
LMAO good luck with that.
you don't even have to say "turn based rpg"
"turn based" is just fine.
anyone ever play a turn based strategy game? I HAVE!
you don't even have to say "turn based rpg"
"turn based" is just fine.
anyone ever play a turn based strategy game? I HAVE!

Ghengis Khan for the NES. Best Ever. We played that game so much the battery died and we couldn't save our game anymore so we'd leave the nintedo turned on for days.
Re: Re: Best RPG game ever
08/22/09 11:08 pm | #75
Quote by Intense Element:
Come on Kent, a true gamer can't survive off of basketball games and shooters. ya gotta mix it up. Me and my girlfriend(import chic ) is gonna go out and buy a turn base rpg and invite Lady Evol for a turn based orgy, lol
YouTube or it didn't happen