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Sticky: Xbox America Trade In Center
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Re: Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
05/25/11 10:41 pm | #1291
Quote by CRAWFORD696:
Add DiRT 2 to my list plz and thanx
Quote by CRAWFORD696:
Add Modern Warfare 2 to my list plz
Quote by Leo Ascendent:
Please add:
Clash of the Titans
Where the Wild Things Are
Star Ocean: TLH
Quote by mattd411:
I sold some of the games on my list to here is an updated list
NCAA Football 2009
Brutal Legend
Need For Speed Undercover
Saints Row
Street Fighter 4
Fear 2
Quake Wars
Fear 2
madden 10
Overlord 2
Shaun White Skateboarding
Fable 3
X-Men Origins
List updated with this list.
Quote by z Siilent x:
Can you add Lego bat-man to my list please

thank you
Um, did you change your name? You want me to add Lego Bat-Man to your list, but I do not know who you are. Are you already on the list and changed your name here, or would you like to be added to the list. I assume you want added, let me know.
Quote by Wildpanther9212:
Hi, I'm Wildpanther9212 on xbox live and I have some games I no longer need and would like to trade. They are:
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
Spiderman: Friend or Foe
NBA Ballers
and I'll probably add more to that list later, but for now, that's all I have. Thanks~
Added. Welcome to the Trade Thread. Please become familiar with the rules in the 3rd post.
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
05/26/11 7:27 am | #1292
yes i want added im new-er to the site ( 5 days)
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
05/26/11 6:39 pm | #1293
Please add Gears 2 Flashback map pack DLC code and Halo Reach Mark V Flaming Helmet avatar item code to my list.
If anyone has a golden Hammerburst code, now is the time to trade!
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
05/29/11 2:58 pm | #1294
Oh snap, didn't even notice this, I believe I have made 3 trades,
which grants me the Barter Award does it not?
Re: Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
05/30/11 1:06 am | #1295
Quote by Leo Ascendent:
Oh snap, didn't even notice this, I believe I have made 3 trades,
which grants me the Barter Award does it not?
Send a message to Minioger about getting the award, try to find out which 3 trades you have done.
On a sidenote, please remove Kinect and Kinect Adventures.
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
05/31/11 10:54 pm | #1296
Received DiRT from Daniel today. Trade complete. ^_^
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
06/01/11 4:00 pm | #1297
hey sorry i havnt been on in awhile i was having some issues with my internet, if you could update my games these are all the games i have,
viva pinata party animals
guitar hero 3
kinect adventurescod 4 modern warfare
sega superstar tennis/arcade compilation disc
halo 3 odst 2disc
crysis 2
cod world at war
left 4 dead
x men origens
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
06/01/11 6:08 pm | #1298
trading cannibalx88 my time shift for jerhico
shipping tom
Re: Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
06/01/11 6:25 pm | #1299
Quote by killa klown 009:
trading cannibalx88 my time shift for jerhico
shipping tom
you meant to put bioshock, not timeshift, right?
if so, confirmed
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
06/01/11 8:40 pm | #1300
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
06/01/11 8:53 pm | #1301
Please add L.A. Noire and Brady Official Stategy Guide to my list..thank you
Re: Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
06/01/11 10:58 pm | #1302
Quote by z Siilent x:
yes i want added im new-er to the site ( 5 days)

Added Lego Batman for you. Welcome to the Trade Thread. Please become familiar with the rules of the thread in post #3.
Quote by Meta:
Please add Gears 2 Flashback map pack DLC code and Halo Reach Mark V Flaming Helmet avatar item code to my list.
If anyone has a golden Hammerburst code, now is the time to trade!
Quote by Cuddly Aardvark:
Received DiRT from Daniel today. Trade complete. ^_^
Noted. I removed the games from you guys' lists as the trade is now complete.
Quote by killa klown 009:
hey sorry i havnt been on in awhile i was having some issues with my internet, if you could update my games these are all the games i have,
viva pinata party animals
guitar hero 3
kinect adventurescod 4 modern warfare
sega superstar tennis/arcade compilation disc
halo 3 odst 2disc
crysis 2
cod world at war
left 4 dead
x men origens
Updated. In the future please capitalize your games, so they match the rest of the games lists in the 3rd post, I did it this time, but it''l be up to you after this.
Quote by CannibalX88:
Quote by killa klown 009:
trading cannibalx88 my time shift for jerhico
shipping tom
you meant to put bioshock, not timeshift, right?
if so, confirmed
Quote by Moon Knight 875:
Please add L.A. Noire and Brady Official Stategy Guide to my list..thank you.
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
06/02/11 11:50 am | #1303
sent jericho to killa klown
dc# 0311 0820 0000 5231 2679
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
06/05/11 10:47 am | #1304
PureEvil x21 You must have missed my post about removing Kinect and Kinect Adventures, please try to do so this time around or I will have to remove you from your position of authority =P
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
06/05/11 11:35 am | #1305
My list has changed a bunch again. Here it is
NCAA Football 11
NBA 2k11
Dragon Age Origins Collectors Edition
Dirt 2
Forza 3
Tomb Raider Anniversary
Tomb Raider Underworld
Midnight Club LA
Skate 2
Tiger Woods 10
Forza 3 / Halo 3 ODST Combo
Borderlands GOTY
Battlefield Bad Company 2
White Chatpad and Headset
White Wireless Controller
Black Wireless Controller
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