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Personal Information
Join Date:Aug 19, 2010
BirthdayAugust 4th
Favorite GameDead Space
Least Favorite GameHmm, I'll need to think about this
PlayStation Network:CannibalX88
AIM:Haven't used AIM in 5 years
MSN Messenger:Never had one
Yahoo:Not here either
Twitter:I won't use Twitter
Interests:Video Games (duh), music, movies, hanging with friends
CannibalX88's Awards
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 25,000 or higher.

Bronze Waffle
Bronze Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 50,000 or higher.

360Voice Group
360Voice Group

This user is a member of Xbox America's group on 360Voice.com.

Waffle Philanthropist
Waffle Philanthropist

This user has donated three or more games to the Waffle Order thread.


This user has completed 3 or more game trades and is in good trading standing.


This user introduced himself or herself in the Introduce Yourself forum.


This user used the Xbox America search bar.

Gamertag Info
MottoOoga booga booga!
CannibalX88's Shoutbox
Junior - 12 years ago

I sent an email to gearbox support and heard nothing back and nothing has been put back to normal. My situation was identical to yours. Everything gone except one golden key. Shit sucks big time.

DeWayne - 12 years ago

No worries still only a 36 so have quite a way to go to 50.

AJ - 13 years ago

I've never had one problem with mine and it's been on about 15 hours a day since I got it. In fact, I'm at work and it's on now!

Minioger - 13 years ago

np man, couldn't remember if we had a set rule about that, I think I've awarded it to another member for doing the same, so wasn't going to rock the boat over it! :)

BillJones0302 - 13 years ago

Happy Birthday!

Mike G - 13 years ago

Happy Birthday

Mo the Surfer - 13 years ago

Happy Birthday!!!

Meta - 13 years ago

o snap happy birthday! do something fun today

Meta - 13 years ago

how are you enjoying Battlefield 3?

Chaind Insanity - 13 years ago

oh shit, i forgot to take that off. i sold it awhile back

Repo Man 360 - 13 years ago

Thanks bud!

Repo Man 360 - 13 years ago

Thanks bud!

Meta - 13 years ago


PureEvil x21 - 13 years ago

Please go to the Waffle Order 3.0 thread and vote on what game you would like to replace Bomberman with off of The Chairman's list.

IRiSH - 14 years ago

You can go into the edit feature on photobucket and adjust the brightness of your pics. Under the "basic" tab and "contrast".

MizTian Cage - 14 years ago

Sweet! Glad it got there, just sorry it was a tad late. No problems man, you earned it! Enjoy.

MizTian Cage - 14 years ago

Yeah, I got it shipped Friday, so it should get to you this week I hope. Let me know ASAP that you get it. Sorry for the delay again man.

MizTian Cage - 14 years ago

Sorry to keep you waiting dude. They returned the game for additional postage. Apparently they don't round down at the post office when something is 4.4 ounces so, they sent it back. Bastards. I'll reship again at the "proper" weight. Sorry for the delay.

MizTian Cage - 14 years ago

FYI dude, shipping out Portal 2 on Friday.

BillJones0302 - 14 years ago

Happy Birthday!

- 14 years ago

Happy Birthday!

- 14 years ago

its cool I did the same got way to hammered

- 14 years ago

damn i didnt get home till 12am your time.

- 14 years ago

Wont be able to start Gears till sunday got my kids this weekend and wont be able to concentrate on the game.

- 14 years ago

yeah im down what method are we gonna use one person on insane the other on casual?

Dvader83 - 14 years ago

Yeah, that couldn't have been too much fun. At least the good thing about that session, it got me very close to 100, so after I restarted my box, I played one wave of Horde solo and got my wings.

Dvader83 - 14 years ago

Hey, sorry about leaving so suddenly tonight from the party. My box locked up on me, so I had to restart it.

Chaind Insanity - 14 years ago

well there's Fear Factory, Sybreed, Herrschaft(more of an EBM band, but the guitars make them Industrial Metal), myGRAIN, The Interbeing(who btw, just released their debut album, but i recommend their Perceptual Confusion EP), Blood Stain Child(Japanese Industrial Metal, but they speak Japanese, so if you dont mind foreign bands, i recommend them), Rammstein, Soilwork, Black Comedy(only listen to Instigator, their other albums are WAY too Nu Metal), and Figure of Six.

Chaind Insanity - 14 years ago

lol, i just read you reply from ages ago. yeah, i do like Static-X. i have all their albums. but they've sucked as of late. so ive moved on into the Industrial Metal genre.

Meta - 14 years ago

oh yeah I have heard of Chimaira since then, their second album I think is my favourite. i'm mostly into underground black and death metal though, and some European stuff. you ever listen to Behemoth?