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Sticky: Xbox America Trade In Center
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Re: Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
06/25/11 8:20 pm | #1336
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
remove my listed games and replace them with
Dungeon Siege 3
Duke Nukem Forever
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
06/26/11 12:22 pm | #1337
Please remove CSI: Hard Evidence from my list
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
06/26/11 6:58 pm | #1338
Can you remove the following from my list:
Red Faction Gurrilla
Medal of Honor
Call of Duty 4
These were given to my brother for birthday.
Re: Re: Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
06/26/11 10:22 pm | #1339
Quote by Minioger:
Quote by Cuddly Aardvark:
Can you please remove the Assassin's Creed Brotherhood DLC code from my list.
@Kiz&Cannibal - I don't know if Evil makes further notations for when the games ship, but when you both confirm receipt I will remove the games.
Also added several games from s8g irish geek via a PM I received.
Sorry about the slow update I had a guest from out of state the past few days.

Thanks again Mini.
You don't have to do all the things I do, I know you have a lot on your plate.
I will be ordering my laptop tonight or tomorrow, when my brother in law gets here to visit from college.
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
06/27/11 5:02 pm | #1340
Received Iron Man from Kiz
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
06/27/11 6:05 pm | #1341
Received X-Men Origins: Wolverine from CannibalX88
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
06/28/11 8:24 pm | #1342
Can you please add Resident Evil 5 to my list, please?
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
07/02/11 2:53 am | #1343
I got my laptop yesterday, I will update in the morning....
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
07/03/11 12:01 pm | #1344
Please add MLB 2k11 to my list
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
07/03/11 2:36 pm | #1345
I have an extra power cord and brick for the non-slim xbox models. I was going to trade it in to gamestop but they'd only give me 20 bucks for. Maybe someone will want to trade something for it.
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
07/03/11 2:45 pm | #1346
Gamestop gives $20 for those? I have 2 of em.
Re: Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
07/03/11 2:46 pm | #1347
Quote by MTB Mamba:
Gamestop gives $20 for those? I have 2 of em.
Haha, same here, I've got a 150W and a 203W.
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
07/03/11 3:00 pm | #1348
Gonna call my gamestop tomorrow if they're open and see if I can dump em for $20 for sure!
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
07/03/11 3:01 pm | #1349
remove duke nukem forever and dungeon siege 3 from my list
Star Wars force unleashed 2
Re: Xbox America Trade In Center
07/03/11 3:49 pm | #1350
Take Condemned and FF11 off my list.
FYE gave me 4 bucks in trade for Condemned.
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