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Cuddly Aardvark

Personal Information
Join Date:Sep 21, 2009
BirthdayJune 24th, 1993
Favorite GameRock Band 2
Least Favorite GameFall Out 3, GOW 1&2
Hardest AchievementPlatinum Artist/Bladder Of Steel
Funniest AchievementHorse Puncher
Location:Nor Cal
Biography:Look at Xbox Bio, That pretty much sums it up.
Cuddly Aardvark's Awards
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 25,000 or higher.

Bronze Waffle
Bronze Waffle

This user has achieved a gamerscore of 50,000 or higher.

360Voice Group
360Voice Group

This user is a member of Xbox America's group on 360Voice.com.


This user has completed 3 or more game trades and is in good trading standing.


This user introduced himself or herself in the Introduce Yourself forum.


This user used the Xbox America search bar.

Gamercard Lover
Gamercard Lover

This user has posted one of his or her official Xbox America gamercards on another website.

Gamertag Info
GamertagCuddly Aardvark
MottoRead Bio For Info
<3 Acer <3 Joe Current game of choice: Animal Crossing New Leaf. (Message me if you want to trade 3DS Friend Codes and Wii U Usernames.) First off Im a Realist. I am Sursumdeorsumphobic. Im Twi-Hard and a Truebie. Dr. Jack Kevorkian is my hero. (R.I.P. Jack 5/26/1928 - 6/3/2011) I'm Female (w0w, g1rls pl4y v1d30 g4m3s?) Scion xB = <3 I play for fun, And Achievments. (0mG P30pl3 St1ll Pl4y V1d30 G4m3s F0r Fun?)
Cuddly Aardvark's Shoutbox
safemachine - 13 years ago

hey what would you trade for monopoly.sorry i am not sure if i am suppose to contact you like this or on the forum i am very new to this trading center

Nick - 14 years ago

LOL@ ur shout at the new gamesaver

The Chairman - 14 years ago

Repo Man 360, he is the one that collect faceplates. Sorry about that but yes i have been around those parts. The only faceplate I have though is the FF13 that came with the bundle.

Meta - 14 years ago

let me borrow your solar keyboard

MizTian Cage - 14 years ago

No problem. :p

EnemyBritBomber - 14 years ago

i will do! i've added you to the list as we spoke, what online achievements do you need in turok?

EnemyBritBomber - 14 years ago

hey, yea we can boost those, GTA IV though we need 8 or more people so we can control the lobbies and boot non boosters

Meta - 14 years ago

hey! i don't even know what they're running for but we can't let Lou win! want to join my cabinet? Snap is the thing and i am the vice thing!

Meta - 14 years ago

Happy birthday lady! Do something fun.

BillJones0302 - 14 years ago

Happy Birthday!

DeafeningLime - 14 years ago

Happy Birthday!

El Gallinero14 - 14 years ago

Happy Birthday!

MizTian Cage - 14 years ago

Hey missy, happy bday.

- 14 years ago

Happy Birthday!

Daniel - 14 years ago

I see you finally recieved DiRT, again, sorry or the delay :s

MizTian Cage - 14 years ago

Hahaha. I've learned games based on movies and shows tend to be a let down. LOST!!!!

MizTian Cage - 14 years ago

I've never watched the show honestly. The game is ok, but I've never been great at stealthy games so I'm doing my best.

MizTian Cage - 14 years ago

Enjoying Viking? :p

Meta - 14 years ago

so you DO know Jack >_>

Meta - 14 years ago

No, it was just a contract gig and Pi shut down their QA division shortly after I left anyway. It was a great job & very unique life experience though! One time I did a hundred jump ropes.

Meta - 14 years ago

psst, I tested the AC/DC track pack. Look at your manual, under Pi Studios testers. Name's Joshua Causey. WHAT? NO PHOTOS PLEASE, I'M JUST A REGULAR GUY, PLEASE, CALM DOWN, OK I'LL SIGN YOUR MAMMARY.

MizTian Cage - 14 years ago

Should get your game today, hopefully, but as soon as I do I'll ship yours out and get you made a blue trader.

Meta - 14 years ago

WTF did you get carded for at Gamestop??

Meta - 14 years ago

Hey how are you liking Aqua? I somehow completely missed it when it came out, but randomly found it and downloaded the trial one day and it seemed pretty damn incredible. Also give me your RB3 achievements or you're banned.

Meta - 14 years ago

marry me and come help me get Bladder of Steel and i'll buy u a pony

MizTian Cage - 14 years ago

BULLSHIT, God has horns!

Meta - 14 years ago

nice lederhosen, they'd look great crumpled up on my avatar's game room floor

AJ - 14 years ago

So you like Dexter, huh? As so I. Stupid HBO, that's my way around it!

Meta - 15 years ago

You better stop checking this site so much, people might stalk you. You lookin forward to Reach? Did you play in the beta any?

Meta - 15 years ago

you BASTAGE completing rb2.... argh, i am missing 2 stupid Achievements