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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/26/11 6:21 pm | #6661
Quote by Mudkip:
Quote by AJ:
Thanks for the Fallout 3 PC help, Mudkip. I got it, lol.
Glad to help man, was it the resolution problem?
No, I had to uninstall some Infrared Driver. Otherwise the typing didn't show up and I couldn't add achievements.
@Snapple, go back and look at Mo's posts in any game thread. He's EVERY OTHER post for the last like 15 pages for all of the threads. The day he got Haxxor he even said he's already aiming for Seriously...
@Nick, correct.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/26/11 6:54 pm | #6662
Quote by Ashley:
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Yeah, that says it all... LOL. That's the funny thing about GA, different areas are SOOOO different. There are the stereotypical deep south trailers and shitty houses, and the super expensive areas that rival anywhere else in the country in style and are all bitchy about appearances. My Aunt lives out in Waco, and the other day her FB status was "With all the cars in my yard, why doesn't ONE work???" and she's never had any complaints... My parents used to live in Powder Springs, and they got a $200 fine from their HOA because they had to paint their house every year and they were late one year.
Yeah sounds like our HOA...we have to pay fines for the dumbest shit. One time we got a fine because our mailbox red flag was not the proper shade of red...my mom took them to court because they instantly fined her $300 for a MAILBOX FLAG?! lol needless to say, we haven't gotten a citation since

We used to get them for not having the cars in our driveway facing the road, not having the mailbox the appropriate height...though we hadn't messed with it, but anyways....pinestraw/wood mulch in our islands in our yard being over a year old...etc. stupid shit....once I let my dogs out to chase the bitch outta our yard when she was inspecting the outside of our house and she wrote us one for the leash law shit...lol I thought I was being smart to run her off. I've had the cops called on me once for being at the pool at 10:03pm when the pool closed at 10pm...when the cops came too we had our stuff in hand ready to leave, so we were leaving anyways...the cop rolled his eyes as he was telling us the rules or the HOA pool crap and he was like I am getting sick of these dumb calls when I can be doing real stuff so please just watch the time.
Random thought: I wish Steam would hurry up and download my new games already
What the hell happens when you don't pay the HOA fines? Or you tell them to fuck off!?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/26/11 7:13 pm | #6663
Quote by Nick:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
pot calling the kettle black.
As I recall he only spammed the last 500-600 posts before 5K
That's picture was from August 9th. So AJ held onto that pic for over two weeks to troll someone? I don't know if I'm weirded out by it or impressed by it?
Re: Random Thoughts
08/26/11 7:15 pm | #6664
Yo Dawg, I herd you like screenshots, so I took a screenshot of my screenshot showing the date of the screenshot I took, YESTERDAY.

Inceptioned your ass.
Re: Random Thoughts
08/26/11 7:18 pm | #6665
What screen were you looking at? It looked like the Recent Posts section. I used the search bar and searched for Multi Theft Auto. The last post was done by Mo on August 9th.
Ohhhh....I see where you got it from.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/26/11 7:18 pm | #6666
Quote by AJ:
Inceptioned your ass.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/26/11 7:36 pm | #6667
Quote by iKidd:
Quote by Ashley:
Yeah sounds like our HOA...we have to pay fines for the dumbest shit. One time we got a fine because our mailbox red flag was not the proper shade of red...my mom took them to court because they instantly fined her $300 for a MAILBOX FLAG?! lol needless to say, we haven't gotten a citation since

We used to get them for not having the cars in our driveway facing the road, not having the mailbox the appropriate height...though we hadn't messed with it, but anyways....pinestraw/wood mulch in our islands in our yard being over a year old...etc. stupid shit....once I let my dogs out to chase the bitch outta our yard when she was inspecting the outside of our house and she wrote us one for the leash law shit...lol I thought I was being smart to run her off. I've had the cops called on me once for being at the pool at 10:03pm when the pool closed at 10pm...when the cops came too we had our stuff in hand ready to leave, so we were leaving anyways...the cop rolled his eyes as he was telling us the rules or the HOA pool crap and he was like I am getting sick of these dumb calls when I can be doing real stuff so please just watch the time.
Random thought: I wish Steam would hurry up and download my new games already
What the hell happens when you don't pay the HOA fines? Or you tell them to fuck off!?
If you don't pay it they can take you to court and get you kicked out of your house if it got down to that. Usually they end up reducing the fine a lot or changing it to a warning. They get rid of people all the time though for not paying some pool/community upkeep fine crap.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/26/11 7:51 pm | #6669
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by iKidd:
What the hell happens when you don't pay the HOA fines? Or you tell them to fuck off!?
They foreclose on your house. HOAs are lien holders on your house. They basically have the right to sell your house to recover their dues or fines.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/26/11 9:07 pm | #6671
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by iKidd:
Right? They serve their purpose, but they're a pain in the ass...
Random thought- what the hell happened to Malice?????
that...is a VERY good question!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/26/11 9:08 pm | #6672
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by iKidd:
Right? They serve their purpose, but they're a pain in the ass...
Random thought- what the hell happened to Malice?????
Her account was deleted. Not sure what happened, but just did a search and saw that it was gone.
Re: Random Thoughts
08/26/11 9:10 pm | #6673
aiee why is Malice gone again oh no
Re: Random Thoughts
08/26/11 9:15 pm | #6675
If anyone cares, Pink Knight DLC is now free for Castle Crashers. They'll donate $1 to the Keep a Breast Foundation for each of the first 50k downloads
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