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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/25/11 1:35 am | #6631
Stocks nose dived when the news broke about that.
Re: Random Thoughts
08/25/11 10:37 am | #6632
Random thought - I am actually making money this week, not tapping into my savings.
Re: Random Thoughts
08/25/11 12:11 pm | #6633
Anyone know anything stupid to report your neighbors for? I need a lot of stupid shit to report to the cops because this war is just beginning. The story:
Ok so my friend just got a ton of "citations" from her "best friend" neighbor who called the cops on her. She got one for parking a car in the yard, one for the side of her house "looking like a jungle," one for a tree they haven't cut up that has been sitting there 2-3 days now, the driveway having a visible trash can, etc....stupid shit....sooooo....we are looking for something to call the cops on her neighbor for...lol anyone know any of those stupid laws or anything to check for to report to the cops? I am going to be looking tonight because I have school today and I hate this neighbor of hers (I am at my friends house like 2-3 days a week so its almost like my own haha). I have told my friend that this neighbor was a bitch and she didn't believe me until today....5 years too late lol.
Anyone has any suggestions, then please let me know
Re: Random Thoughts
08/25/11 12:58 pm | #6634
Okay..... neighbors away..... check
Back yard gate unlocked...... check
Operation Infiltrate Swimming Pool is a go.
Re: Random Thoughts
08/25/11 3:35 pm | #6636
theres a law that you can't say Oh Boy in public in GA.......Also, its a law in NC that you cant use Elephants to plow fields
also in GA....it's illegal to bury your pet in the backyard
and all sex toys are BANNED!
Re: Random Thoughts
08/25/11 6:31 pm | #6638
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/25/11 7:31 pm | #6639
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
That was fast
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/25/11 7:33 pm | #6640
Quote by Nick:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
That was fast
Lol ikr? We joined the SAME WEEK.
Re: Random Thoughts
08/25/11 7:36 pm | #6641
That's what happens when you're every other post in every forum games threads.
Re: Random Thoughts
08/25/11 7:48 pm | #6642
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/25/11 9:21 pm | #6643
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by Ashley:
Anyone know anything stupid to report your neighbors for? I need a lot of stupid shit to report to the cops because this war is just beginning. The story:
Ok so my friend just got a ton of "citations" from her "best friend" neighbor who called the cops on her. She got one for parking a car in the yard, one for the side of her house "looking like a jungle," one for a tree they haven't cut up that has been sitting there 2-3 days now, the driveway having a visible trash can, etc....stupid shit....sooooo....we are looking for something to call the cops on her neighbor for...lol anyone know any of those stupid laws or anything to check for to report to the cops? I am going to be looking tonight because I have school today and I hate this neighbor of hers (I am at my friends house like 2-3 days a week so its almost like my own haha). I have told my friend that this neighbor was a bitch and she didn't believe me until today....5 years too late lol.
Anyone has any suggestions, then please let me know
I'm trying to imagine your friends house... all overgrown, garbage in the driveway and a car in the front yard... Is she MY neighbor? Cause I might have been the one to call the cops!

But seriously... wow.
Her house actually doesn't look bad. They got the tree taken away, paid some Mexicans to clean the side of the house that "looked like a jungle," put the trash can next to the house...her house did look like shit compared to most other people's and ours but lol They have 6 cars to fit in a small driveway so there is still 2 cars in the yard, they just made a spot on the side of the yard. She got a citation again tonight about the pinestraw around the trees needing to be renewed....lol I swear she's never going to be able to make this neighbor happy. Where I live we have a homeowner's association that does shit like this to keep us on top of it all, so I am not used to this. Live in Chapel Hills in Douglasville

she lives on 166 if that says anything (figured you might know living in GA and all haha)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/25/11 9:38 pm | #6644
Quote by Ashley:
Quote by Melissa Evol:
I'm trying to imagine your friends house... all overgrown, garbage in the driveway and a car in the front yard... Is she MY neighbor? Cause I might have been the one to call the cops!

But seriously... wow.
Her house actually doesn't look bad. They got the tree taken away, paid some Mexicans to clean the side of the house that "looked like a jungle," put the trash can next to the house...her house did look like shit compared to most other people's and ours but lol They have 6 cars to fit in a small driveway so there is still 2 cars in the yard, they just made a spot on the side of the yard. She got a citation again tonight about the pinestraw around the trees needing to be renewed....lol I swear she's never going to be able to make this neighbor happy. Where I live we have a homeowner's association that does shit like this to keep us on top of it all, so I am not used to this. Live in Chapel Hills in Douglasville

she lives on 166 if that says anything (figured you might know living in GA and all haha)
How old is this neighbor? I don't know if I would be able to handle all of that, I'd be knocking on her door for an exchange of verbal abuse.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/25/11 11:28 pm | #6645
Quote by iKidd:
Quote by Ashley:
Her house actually doesn't look bad. They got the tree taken away, paid some Mexicans to clean the side of the house that "looked like a jungle," put the trash can next to the house...her house did look like shit compared to most other people's and ours but lol They have 6 cars to fit in a small driveway so there is still 2 cars in the yard, they just made a spot on the side of the yard. She got a citation again tonight about the pinestraw around the trees needing to be renewed....lol I swear she's never going to be able to make this neighbor happy. Where I live we have a homeowner's association that does shit like this to keep us on top of it all, so I am not used to this. Live in Chapel Hills in Douglasville

she lives on 166 if that says anything (figured you might know living in GA and all haha)
How old is this neighbor? I don't know if I would be able to handle all of that, I'd be knocking on her door for an exchange of verbal abuse.
The lady is about 28 years old and her husband is in his late 40s...he pulled a gun on my friend's dad earlier after the whole citation thing. Her dad went over to confront him and see what the hell is going on, that happened, cops were called, shit is settled I guess...lol what an ending to the day...I wish I were there to witness all this shit
Back to normal random thoughts...I just bought my 6th copy of Borderlands!! This time on Steam
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