Random Thoughts
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Quote by Wrothgar2009:

Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by Wrothgar2009:

Got back about a hour ago. I have a huge headache and not from the booze. I had like 8 jello shots and 3 cups of some really strong gin/vodka mixed drink. Got a little buzzed, but lost it on the count of the horribly loud music. There wasn't much food either. Sloppy Joes was the only thing to eat besides macaroni salad/potato salad/pasta salad. So I came home hungry as hell.
About 13 kids under the age of 5 running around and screaming. Also I almost punched someone out. The guy was my cousin's boyfriend and he's a real piece of shit. I hate that son of a bitch. The guy thinks he's king shit and he treats women like they're garbage.
If my wife didn't have to work tomorrow (who has a wedding on a Sunday night?) we would have stayed and passed out drunk somewhere. Been a while since I did that.

Quote by IRiSH:

Yeah that's the 3rd trashiest wedding I've heard of.

Quote by Kat:
Quote by IRiSH:

Yeah that's the 3rd trashiest wedding I've heard of.

Oh you guys... get married already

Which means Octoberfest is coming up!!!

God dammit! I hate buying my own movie... $13!? I have a meeting tomorrow and the guy wants a copy... so I have to give him mine. I'm basically paying $13 for packaging. This guy better ****** invest. He can't download the torrent like everyone else? Oh wait, probably not a good idea to tell an investor... fine. You get my ONE copy. Probably doesn't know what a torrent is. Currently 18 people on Pirate Bay seeding it.

I could do a lot with $13. That's like, a classy date

Quote by SeanPCannon:

God dammit! I hate buying my own movie... $13!? I have a meeting tomorrow and the guy wants a copy... so I have to give him mine. I'm basically paying $13 for packaging. This guy better ****** invest. He can't download the torrent like everyone else? Oh wait, probably not a good idea to tell an investor... fine. You get my ONE copy. Probably doesn't know what a torrent is. Currently 18 people on Pirate Bay seeding it.

I could do a lot with $13. That's like, a classy date

I kind of pictured you having a closet full of unopened copies to give to guests, mailmen, Jehova's witnesses, trick or treaters, process servers, pizza delivery guys, lost kittens etc.
Genuinely shocked you only had one personal copy

*edit Vermillion
haha, nope, just had the one UK copy, and one Blu-Ray german copy. I didn't get shit free. Trying to get the sequel off the ground, is why. That and the horror stuff. (obligatory but watching your film is torture-horror joke)
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Yup, brought my motorcycle to the dealer today for winter storage.
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