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Random Thoughts
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Re: Random Thoughts
10/08/14 9:41 pm | #22951
So I can't bump this, but
this happened 5 years ago.
So... You guys can all feel really old and sad now.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
10/09/14 1:33 am | #22952
Quote by Kat:
So I can't bump this, but
this happened 5 years ago.
So... You guys can all feel really old and sad now.
Congrats, but Old and sad?
I feel... I feel alive!
You now remember Johnny-5
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
10/09/14 1:48 am | #22953
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
did the new update today mess up anyone else's xbox? I can't get any apps or games to launch. it's really weird.
started working shortly after I posted this, so weird.
Re: Random Thoughts
10/09/14 1:51 am | #22954
I can't believe achievements on Xbox One still aren't popping on time. I should have Trials Fusion Xbox One done, but why the fuck would I want that?
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
10/09/14 1:52 am | #22955
Quote by AJ:
I can't believe achievements on Xbox One still aren't popping on time. I should have Trials Fusion Xbox One done, but why the fuck would I want that?
have you had the weird thing were if dlc gets added to a game (like warframe and zombie driver hd edition this week alone for me) the achievements will unlock but backdate themself to like the day you started the game or some nonsense? it's really weird but cool at the same time.
Re: Random Thoughts
10/09/14 1:54 am | #22956
Obviously if mine aren't popping at all, they're not doing that lol.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
10/09/14 1:57 am | #22957
Quote by AJ:
Obviously if mine aren't popping at all, they're not doing that lol.
yeah i know, i just was wondering if it's happened to anyone else at all. Did you try hard resetting the system by holding the power button for 10 seconds then restarting it? that worked for me when my achievements weren't unlocking right.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
10/09/14 10:03 am | #22958
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by AJ:
Obviously if mine aren't popping at all, they're not doing that lol.
yeah i know, i just was wondering if it's happened to anyone else at all. Did you try hard resetting the system by holding the power button for 10 seconds then restarting it? that worked for me when my achievements weren't unlocking right.
Yeah, so far, power-cycling like this has fixed 103% of my XB1 problems.
Re: Random Thoughts
10/09/14 10:29 am | #22959
^ Agreed with what Meta said, that's always helped for me.
Kind of digging Shadow of Mordor more, after a few days. I'm taking it the slow RPG approach, so the enemy captains keep dying, and I feel like I have the "anti-Nemesis" system, because 1/2 the captains are dead, but I didn't realize they'll keep respawning.
Their titles also seem to change, because I just killed a captain for the 3rd time, and his title was "the wounded" and his whole head was wrapped in scar-tissue. Instead of taunting me, he said (paraphasing) "Just get it over with, another scar". I have to kill them with the quicktime event / like when you're suppose to die, but I think that's pretty cool. For a loose RPG, that was interesting... like the enemy literally told me "fuck-- do what you gotta do".
I haven't ever heard that in the Mordor reviews so far, so that's my experience with it, at the moment.
Re: Random Thoughts
10/10/14 2:37 am | #22960
anyone buy or thinking about buying an external hard drive for your xbox one? I'm considering getting one but I don't know much about external storage. I'm leaning toward 1 TB 3.0 USB but i don't know which companies are worth getting and what's a good price.
can anyone help me out?
Re: Random Thoughts
10/10/14 2:43 am | #22961
Don't waste your time with one TB, that's barely double the system. Get 2 or higher. Even with 2 TB it will only hold 67ish games (assuming they're all around 30 gigs). They're really not worth it, however. I have 20 or so games on my main xb1 and it's at about 81% full but I probably only play 3-4 regularly so I have no problem deleting games I won't play again for a long while.
Re: Random Thoughts
10/10/14 9:25 am | #22962
I have a 3 TB hard drive. I got at least 20 games. I still got 2.9 TB left.
Re: Random Thoughts
10/10/14 9:40 am | #22963
I got a 4TB western digital USB from bestbuy, it was $139.99 on sale I think... comes with its own power source, so 4.5TB total storage, I have around 25 games installed and i'm at 6% full. No problems with it so far.
Re: Random Thoughts
10/10/14 1:53 pm | #22964
Getting real tired of updating my Xbox every 3-4 days. Anyone know how long the retarded "update preview" is supposed to last?
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
10/10/14 2:36 pm | #22965
Quote by AJ:
Don't waste your time with one TB, that's barely double the system. Get 2 or higher. Even with 2 TB it will only hold 67ish games (assuming they're all around 30 gigs). They're really not worth it, however. I have 20 or so games on my main xb1 and it's at about 81% full but I probably only play 3-4 regularly so I have no problem deleting games I won't play again for a long while.
any brand recommendations? I'm not looking to spend more then $100 dollars on it honestly.
and how do you have 20 games? I have like 10-12 and only 100 gigs left lol.
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