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Random Thoughts
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Re: Random Thoughts
09/13/14 9:36 pm | #22861
So my wife killed my son's 360 by accident. Today we surprised him with an early bday present, his bday is the 26th which is Homecoming, so we are doing it today so all his friends could stay.
He thought he was getting a new 360, we got him the Destiny edition PS4.
We got him Madden 15 as well.
Now, I have not had a PS in the house since PS2, so any ideas on awesome games would be great. I was kinda looking at the Last of Us, but wasn't sure if it is good or not....I figure, if its in my house, I should get at least 1 game to play on it, lol.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/13/14 9:38 pm | #22862
Quote by Kat:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
I mean who answers the phone now anyway? all people so is text. if your calling me u better be dying or getting directions otherwise i am hanging up.
Omg yassss! My ex's gf calls all the time and gets pissed I don't answer. I'm like "wtf y u no text like a normal person?!?!???"
Can you both PM me your #'s? I promise not to call at like 11 at night, 4 in the morning, etc...
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/13/14 9:38 pm | #22863
Quote by PureEvil x21:
So my wife killed my son's 360 by accident. Today we surprised him with an early bday present, his bday is the 26th which is Homecoming, so we are doing it today so all his friends could stay.
He thought he was getting a new 360, we got him the Destiny edition PS4.
We got him Madden 15 as well.
Now, I have not had a PS in the house since PS2, so any ideas on awesome games would be great. I was kinda looking at the Last of Us, but wasn't sure if it is good or not....I figure, if its in my house, I should get at least 1 game to play on it, lol.
Definitely Play Infamous 2, that and The Last of Us are really the only games worth a Damn on PS4
Re: Random Thoughts
09/14/14 12:18 am | #22864
I have a cold and my head feels like a balloon. I got up to take some Advil a few minutes ago and now I can't remember if I did or not. No idea if I forgot to take any or if I took 15. :/
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/14/14 4:32 am | #22865
Quote by Kat:
I have a cold and my head feels like a balloon. I got up to take some Advil a few minutes ago and now I can't remember if I did or not. No idea if I forgot to take any or if I took 15. :/
Damn, not even 40 yet and you're already going senile. Don't forget to take your daily dose of Metamucil in the morning.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/14/14 4:46 am | #22866
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Quote by Kat:
I have a cold and my head feels like a balloon. I got up to take some Advil a few minutes ago and now I can't remember if I did or not. No idea if I forgot to take any or if I took 15. :/
Damn, not even 40 yet and you're already going senile. Don't forget to take your daily dose of Metamucil in the morning.
Yeah I've been like that my whole life! Hours of my life have been wasted driving home because I got where I was going but couldn't shake the feeling I forgot to close the garage door!!!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/14/14 10:46 am | #22867
Quote by Kat:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
...and season 2 of Wolf Among Us...
Probably before that, it hasn't been confirmed yet.
I am just trying to make the rumors come true. 
Re: Random Thoughts
09/14/14 11:39 am | #22868
Hi Guys,
I've been spending a fair bit of time writing that script for the movie I was hired to Direct this december/january. Just finished a first draft, so if anyone would like to read it, I'm making this link public. Budget and cast aren't entirely locked down, but happy with where this is at, at the moment:
I've been up since Thursday... but screw it- time to game.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/15/14 10:09 pm | #22869
Quote by Daniel:
Quote by PureEvil x21:
So my wife killed my son's 360 by accident. Today we surprised him with an early bday present, his bday is the 26th which is Homecoming, so we are doing it today so all his friends could stay.
He thought he was getting a new 360, we got him the Destiny edition PS4.
We got him Madden 15 as well.
Now, I have not had a PS in the house since PS2, so any ideas on awesome games would be great. I was kinda looking at the Last of Us, but wasn't sure if it is good or not....I figure, if its in my house, I should get at least 1 game to play on it, lol.
Definitely Play Infamous 2, that and The Last of Us are really the only games worth a Damn on PS4
Cool, I will look into those then. My son said he played Infamous at a friends house, so he wants that eventually.
Re: Random Thoughts
09/16/14 10:20 am | #22870
Double post for the win. Anyone else having issues with the last visit counter not updating? Says I wasn't here at all yesterday but I posted yesterday....
Re: Random Thoughts
09/16/14 11:55 am | #22871
Lose yourself in the moment and live with the consequences a lifetime.
Re: Random Thoughts
09/16/14 12:34 pm | #22872
One of the greatest rock bands of all time, Poets of the Fall, releases their sixth album, "Jealous Gods" this Friday. I'm so excited

Also, out of curiosity, does anyone else know of them? They did music for Max Payne 2 and both Alan Wake games.
Re: Random Thoughts
09/16/14 4:07 pm | #22873
Re: Random Thoughts
09/16/14 7:23 pm | #22874
I BROKE MY PHONE AND IT'S MY ONLY MEANS OF ENTERTAINMENT 98% OF THE TIME AND I'M GOING TO DIE. I won't have a new phone until the end of the week. :c
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
09/16/14 7:47 pm | #22875
Quote by PureEvil x21:
Double post for the win. Anyone else having issues with the last visit counter not updating? Says I wasn't here at all yesterday but I posted yesterday....
As long as you didn't lose your login streak...? 
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