Random Thoughts
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Quote by BIGP 6:

Quote by BIGP 6:
Quote by Kat:

Yeah, I don't play enough RPGs to make a statement like that but out of the RPGs I do play it's definitely #1 in my book.....I even rank it higher than elder scrolls & fallout
I would throw Dragon Warrior 3, Final Fantasy 6, or Morrowind in that category. There was also an old PC game called Darklands that was way ahead of its time. It was set in medieval germany, and was truly open world- you started in a town & could go anywhere on the map, party of 1-5 people you create from scratch- like how old they are, and what your job was, from peasant, to noble. It was also based on reality, so enemies were bandits or wolves, or 'witches'.
At least Dark Souls allows you to save. If anyone remembers the old LucasArts X-Wing game, if you died in that game- or were captured after ejecting, your pilot was gone for good. No easy mode, if you make one accident & get shot down- you better hope the cut-scene is being saved by the alliance- if not, you can kiss 40hrs of campaign play down the drain.
Quote by SeanPCannon:
X-Wing was an AWESOME game... One of the first PC games I bought.
And, that's why I always made a backup copy of my pilot before each mission! Came in handy quite often!

Quote by SeanPCannon:
Quote by BIGP 6:
Yeah, I don't play enough RPGs to make a statement like that but out of the RPGs I do play it's definitely #1 in my book.....I even rank it higher than elder scrolls & fallout
I would throw Dragon Warrior 3, Final Fantasy 6, or Morrowind in that category. There was also an old PC game called Darklands that was way ahead of its time. It was set in medieval germany, and was truly open world- you started in a town & could go anywhere on the map, party of 1-5 people you create from scratch- like how old they are, and what your job was, from peasant, to noble. It was also based on reality, so enemies were bandits or wolves, or 'witches'.
At least Dark Souls allows you to save. If anyone remembers the old LucasArts X-Wing game, if you died in that game- or were captured after ejecting, your pilot was gone for good. No easy mode, if you make one accident & get shot down- you better hope the cut-scene is being saved by the alliance- if not, you can kiss 40hrs of campaign play down the drain.
If JRPGs Are included, FFVI/FFVI Advance would be the greatest of all time, Dark Souls isn't even close
EDIT: I've decided I will use this solitude to learn how to play Saria's Song on Harmonica
Quote by Daniel:
Quote by SeanPCannon:
I would throw Dragon Warrior 3, Final Fantasy 6, or Morrowind in that category. There was also an old PC game called Darklands that was way ahead of its time. It was set in medieval germany, and was truly open world- you started in a town & could go anywhere on the map, party of 1-5 people you create from scratch- like how old they are, and what your job was, from peasant, to noble. It was also based on reality, so enemies were bandits or wolves, or 'witches'.
At least Dark Souls allows you to save. If anyone remembers the old LucasArts X-Wing game, if you died in that game- or were captured after ejecting, your pilot was gone for good. No easy mode, if you make one accident & get shot down- you better hope the cut-scene is being saved by the alliance- if not, you can kiss 40hrs of campaign play down the drain.
If JRPGs Are included, FFVI/FFVI Advance would be the greatest of all time, Dark Souls isn't even close
I was just messing with BigP you guyyyyysssss.
but seriously, I really don't think of dark souls as an rpg- I know it is, but I think of it as more of a hack and slash like KuF.
I couldn't even choose a GOAT for the genre. That's so broad, and encompasses so many subgenres and systems!
Quote by SeanPCannon:
Quote by BIGP 6:
Yeah, I don't play enough RPGs to make a statement like that but out of the RPGs I do play it's definitely #1 in my book.....I even rank it higher than elder scrolls & fallout
I would throw Dragon Warrior 3, Final Fantasy 6, or Morrowind in that category. There was also an old PC game called Darklands that was way ahead of its time. It was set in medieval germany, and was truly open world- you started in a town & could go anywhere on the map, party of 1-5 people you create from scratch- like how old they are, and what your job was, from peasant, to noble. It was also based on reality, so enemies were bandits or wolves, or 'witches'.
At least Dark Souls allows you to save. If anyone remembers the old LucasArts X-Wing game, if you died in that game- or were captured after ejecting, your pilot was gone for good. No easy mode, if you make one accident & get shot down- you better hope the cut-scene is being saved by the alliance- if not, you can kiss 40hrs of campaign play down the drain.
I often overlook Dragon Warrior 3 when I think of the series because 4 was so outstanding, but right now I'm playing through DW2 and it has really dawned on me how much of an upgrade 3 was over 1 & 2. DW3 really opened the series up and paved the way for classics like 4 and 7. I'm looking forward to the end of 2 so I can get to 3 & 4!
Quote by theEVOL1:
Quote by SeanPCannon:
I would throw Dragon Warrior 3, Final Fantasy 6, or Morrowind in that category. There was also an old PC game called Darklands that was way ahead of its time. It was set in medieval germany, and was truly open world- you started in a town & could go anywhere on the map, party of 1-5 people you create from scratch- like how old they are, and what your job was, from peasant, to noble. It was also based on reality, so enemies were bandits or wolves, or 'witches'.
At least Dark Souls allows you to save. If anyone remembers the old LucasArts X-Wing game, if you died in that game- or were captured after ejecting, your pilot was gone for good. No easy mode, if you make one accident & get shot down- you better hope the cut-scene is being saved by the alliance- if not, you can kiss 40hrs of campaign play down the drain.
I often overlook Dragon Warrior 3 when I think of the series because 4 was so outstanding, but right now I'm playing through DW2 and it has really dawned on me how much of an upgrade 3 was over 1 & 2. DW3 really opened the series up and paved the way for classics like 4 and 7. I'm looking forward to the end of 2 so I can get to 3 & 4!
Yeah I'm playing through Dragon Warrior 3, the Super NES japan-only version (with english mod), so the graphics and art style are similar to Dragon Warrior 6... had a few playthroughs as a kid with the original NES version. Compared to 1 and 2, you can choose your own companions, and can switch classes at level 20, to mix stats, like a warrior that was a wizard, so they can use offense magic up to level 20. the world also opens up entirely, once you get the ship. And as a kid, this was the 1st WTF moment, when you beat the final boss, then you realize only 1/2 the game is over-- the "final boss" puts you in the Dragon Warrior 1 map, and you have to play through that whole experience, to get to the "real" final boss.
Before the inverted castle in Castlevania Symphony of the Night, that was the 1st "holy shit" moment I remember being swerved on. Especially coming from an old Nintendo game.
These July games with gold announced today... /facepalm
Quote by BIGP 6:
2. One of my co-workers shit himself today so I got a bag of depends to leave on his desk in the morning
1. No. Suikoden II. (I doubt many of you can argue given how few copies were released in the states)
2. I think he's calling in tomorrow...
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