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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/06/14 7:14 pm | #20956
Quote by BeaverHunter:
Quote by X:
Thinking of preordering murdered: soul suspect, anyone getting it? Just wondering if there's anything you guys may have head about it other than the trailer, IMO it looks good but I don't preorder often so I wanted a little input on it,thanks guys.
Oxm had an article about it this month. It looks interesting, but I'll gamefly it since it doesn't look like it has much replay value.
Link to article
Hmmmm,might wait to see a little more about it before I commit,either way thanks for the link and comments guys.
Re: Random Thoughts
03/07/14 10:59 am | #20957
Way back in 1986, I was in Germany and I spent time in a bar called "Flottenstutzpunkt." Does anyone here speak German? Can you translate the meaning of that title for me? I always wondered what it meant.
Re: Random Thoughts
03/07/14 11:33 am | #20958
Its a Naval Base in Germany
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/07/14 11:45 am | #20959
Quote by DeWayne:
Its a Naval Base in Germany
I spent time (and way too much money) in a bar named after a naval base? (facepalm) It figures.... 
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/07/14 11:57 am | #20960
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by DeWayne:
Its a Naval Base in Germany
I spent time (and way too much money) in a bar named after a naval base? (facepalm) It figures....
Well it essentially translates to floating support point. It's the German word for naval base... Are you sure that's the actual name of the bar, and not a describing phrase? Like "wiedermeyer am/zum Flottenstützpunkt" or something?
Lol that's pretty funny then.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/07/14 12:23 pm | #20961
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Quote by X:
Thinking of preordering murdered: soul suspect, anyone getting it? Just wondering if there's anything you guys may have head about it other than the trailer, IMO it looks good but I don't preorder often so I wanted a little input on it,thanks guys.
It looks good enough. What clue collecting, murder solving game gets critical acclaim besides LA Noire anyway? The Sherlock Holmes games were fun as hell and got 6's and 7's.
LA Noire was fun, but it was way way too short imo, rented it a few years back, and nearly 100%ed in like 2-3 days of playing maybe 3 hours each time (only things I didnt do was the collecting junk)
Re: Random Thoughts
03/07/14 12:27 pm | #20962
Took me like 20 hours to beat la noire.
Re: Random Thoughts
03/07/14 12:49 pm | #20963
Lego Harry Potter is a stressful game.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/07/14 12:55 pm | #20964
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Took me like 20 hours to beat la noire.
The big beautiful city was a huge waste as well. There was literally NOTHING to do but look for collectibles and cars you will never use.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/07/14 12:58 pm | #20965
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Took me like 20 hours to beat la noire.
The big beautiful city was a huge waste as well. There was literally NOTHING to do but look for collectibles and cars you will never use.
Agreed open world setting wasn't needed and a waste on that game.
Re: Random Thoughts
03/07/14 1:53 pm | #20966
Thanks for all the birthday wishes yesterday, everybody! I was going to post this last night but some dummies got this thread closed.
Re: Random Thoughts
03/07/14 2:42 pm | #20967
Does anyone know if I have to have seen the first Sin City to understand the new one coming out?
Re: Random Thoughts
03/07/14 2:56 pm | #20968
I would assume so since it's a sequel
Re: Random Thoughts
03/07/14 3:17 pm | #20969
The first one was really good anyways so just go ahead and watch it sometime.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/07/14 4:13 pm | #20970
Quote by IRiSH:
Thanks for all the birthday wishes yesterday, everybody! I was going to post this last night but some dummies got this thread closed.

Wrong thread. The thank you thread has been open forever.
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