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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/20/13 2:03 am | #18946
Quote by Wrothgar2009:
Quote by Q8J3 Austin:
I need some serious help. Today I got an expander from the orthodontist on the top of my mouth. It hurts a bit, is extremely uncomfortable, and makes my words slur a bit. Oh, and I got food stuck in it earlier. Has anybody ever had what I have, and if so, how did you deal with it?
I had one about 15 years ago (I was 15). I will tell you this much.....you're in for some hell. I had mine for a total of 2 1/2 years before mine was taken out. Of course the one they used for me was a prototype that they were testing out and it didn't go so well.
The part they cement in on the back teeth were inside a plastic piece that went over 4 of the back teeth and gums. Since I couldn't brush my back teeth (because of the plastic) the gums grew over my back teeth. So they had to take it out and modify it by taking the plastic bit out.
After my gums had went back to normal (about 2 weeks) they put the damn thing back in and I was stuck with it another year and a half. I don't know how they do it now, but mine was turned every day. A friend of mine said his was turned once a week. That was a few years after I had mine.
Eating with it in sucked. Especially peanut butter sandwiches. Food constantly got stuck the roof of my mouth and made my breath smell and taste awful. The pain was terrible, especially for 2 hours after turning the key. Even my mom says to this day how horrible she felt that I had to go through that.
I'm probably not helping much, but uh, good luck?
This is sort of what mine looked like before they took the plastic bit out.

< major orthodontist work for ~4yrs, then didn't wear a retainer. bottom front teeth now slightly off. I thought most orthodontist devices now are plastic & infinitely better than when we were kids? Wrothgar's was from his childhood too... is yours plastic or metal?
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/20/13 11:51 am | #18947
Quote by Wrothgar2009:
Quote by Q8J3 Austin:
I need some serious help. Today I got an expander from the orthodontist on the top of my mouth. It hurts a bit, is extremely uncomfortable, and makes my words slur a bit. Oh, and I got food stuck in it earlier. Has anybody ever had what I have, and if so, how did you deal with it?
I had one about 15 years ago (I was 15). I will tell you this much.....you're in for some hell. I had mine for a total of 2 1/2 years before mine was taken out. Of course the one they used for me was a prototype that they were testing out and it didn't go so well.
The part they cement in on the back teeth were inside a plastic piece that went over 4 of the back teeth and gums. Since I couldn't brush my back teeth (because of the plastic) the gums grew over my back teeth. So they had to take it out and modify it by taking the plastic bit out.
After my gums had went back to normal (about 2 weeks) they put the damn thing back in and I was stuck with it another year and a half. I don't know how they do it now, but mine was turned every day. A friend of mine said his was turned once a week. That was a few years after I had mine.
Eating with it in sucked. Especially peanut butter sandwiches. Food constantly got stuck the roof of my mouth and made my breath smell and taste awful. The pain was terrible, especially for 2 hours after turning the key. Even my mom says to this day how horrible she felt that I had to go through that.
I'm probably not helping much, but uh, good luck?
This is sort of what mine looked like before they took the plastic bit out.

With the exception of the plastic, that's exactly what it looks like! I just tried eating a PB&J sandwich, and I just couldn't do it. I even had cream of mushroom soup last night, and I STILL have a piece of mushroom stuck in the top from last night. I'm just gonna pull the motherfucker out. And I do videos on youtube that I need to record for, but the lisp will ruin that

Re: Random Thoughts
12/20/13 5:19 pm | #18948
Has anyone ever stayed at a 1 or 2 star hotel before? Its my only option to book for new years and idk what to expect.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/20/13 5:24 pm | #18949
Enjoy the bugs, dirty room, and terrible service.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/20/13 5:34 pm | #18950
anyone care that the shareholders that put an ass load of $$$ into BF4 are now suing EA?
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/20/13 5:47 pm | #18951
Quote by misterman08:
anyone care that the shareholders that put an ass load of $$$ into BF4 are now suing EA?
The shareholders probably care.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/20/13 5:49 pm | #18952
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Has anyone ever stayed at a 1 or 2 star hotel before? Its my only option to book for new years and idk what to expect.
I've stayed at hostels in Europe, you're fine. I wouldn't use the sheets (sleep in what you're wearing, above the covers, leave the bed alone. And if you don't have flip-flops for the shower, just make sure to wash the soles of your feet really well, before exiting.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/20/13 6:51 pm | #18953
Quote by AJ:
Enjoy the bugs, dirty room, and terrible service.
The perfect environment to bring a female back too.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/20/13 7:13 pm | #18954
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by AJ:
Enjoy the bugs, dirty room, and terrible service.
The perfect environment to bring a female back too.
That's what the back seat of your car is for.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/20/13 8:45 pm | #18955
Quote by SeanPCannon:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
The perfect environment to bring a female back too.
That's what the back seat of your car is for.
but then they can't enjoy the nice amenities a 1 star hotel provides.
also ended up with a 3 star for about the same price, I was looking online and the hotel is notorious for having a low price on the website but charging more (and more then i would of paid at current hotel i booked) so fuck that.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/21/13 2:33 am | #18956
Saved my Mom from drowning today in Malibu. The ONE time I get to have a Baywatch moment, be all 'Hoff-like, and it's my Mother. I got a free dinner out of it though. I had to pay for valet, however

$10. For a guy. To park my car.
Blue Dog pub burgers & beer a block from my place- ****
Fancy Restaurant on the Beach that almost swept my Mom out to sea- 1/2*
I give it a 1/2* because of the service. Eating leftovers now.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/21/13 10:50 am | #18957
Wow so I'm out $80 because this non English speaking fuck on amazon demanded a return because he didn't read in my product description the xbox sold to him was broken the best part is he doesn't even have to return it, Fuck him and fuck amazon seller for debiting my account without permission.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/21/13 11:05 am | #18958
Quote by SeanPCannon:
Saved my Mom from drowning today in Malibu. The ONE time I get to have a Baywatch moment, be all 'Hoff-like, and it's my Mother.
You gave your mom mouth to mouth resuscitation along with pumping her chest with your hands? That's hot. Pics or didn't happen.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/21/13 11:31 am | #18959
Double post!
I just saw this and lmfao. Read the mother struggles review.
Amazon Review
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/21/13 12:22 pm | #18960
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Double post!
I just saw this and lmfao. Read the mother struggles review.
Amazon Review
I think Hank was code for Heath.
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