message me if you need more people for your league either on here or my
Archived: Random Sports Talk
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message me if you need more people for your league either on here or my
Quote by X:
message me if you need more people for your league either on here or my
lol hockey.
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by X:
message me if you need more people for your league either on here or my
lol hockey.
laugh all you want but hockey is the one of the only major sports that isn't predominately African American, im not racist but the fact remains baseball,basketball and football are all made up of more African American's than white guy's AND compared to the other sports it's up there with football in terms of the athletes physical conditioning, and among the average salary for players in any sport hockey players fall behind all three of the pre mentioned sports in terms of the cash they make.
i can understand why people diss or look past the NHL but it is one of the best sports in the world.
Quote by X:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
lol hockey.
laugh all you want but hockey is the one of the only major sports that isn't predominately African American, im not racist but the fact remains baseball,basketball and football are all made up of more African American's than white guy's AND compared to the other sports it's up there with football in terms of the athletes physical conditioning, and among the average salary for players in any sport hockey players fall behind all three of the pre mentioned sports in terms of the cash they make.
i can understand why people diss or look past the NHL but it is one of the best sports in the world.
60% of baseball players are white compares to 8% being African American, so yeah.
hockey is almost as boring as baseball and soccer, without almost as dumb rules as well.
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by X:
laugh all you want but hockey is the one of the only major sports that isn't predominately African American, im not racist but the fact remains baseball,basketball and football are all made up of more African American's than white guy's AND compared to the other sports it's up there with football in terms of the athletes physical conditioning, and among the average salary for players in any sport hockey players fall behind all three of the pre mentioned sports in terms of the cash they make.
i can understand why people diss or look past the NHL but it is one of the best sports in the world.
60% of baseball players are white compares to 8% being African American, so yeah.
hockey is almost as boring as baseball and soccer, without almost as dumb rules as well.

Quote by X:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
lol hockey.
laugh all you want but hockey is the one of the only major sports that isn't predominately African American, im not racist but the fact remains baseball,basketball and football are all made up of more African American's than white guy's AND compared to the other sports it's up there with football in terms of the athletes physical conditioning, and among the average salary for players in any sport hockey players fall behind all three of the pre mentioned sports in terms of the cash they make.
i can understand why people diss or look past the NHL but it is one of the best sports in the world.
If you have to say "I'm not racist" after you say something, then you probably are.
I'm just not understanding your point here about it being mostly white. Are you saying it's better than football and basketball because the players are mostly white?? And then why is the baseball stat irrelevant? Especially since you brought up baseball in the first place?
And don't get me started talking about "physical conditioning" of hockey vs other sports... The only people who would believe that are hockey fans who don't know how other sports train.
Quote by Kat:
And don't get me started talking about "physical conditioning" of hockey vs other sports... The only people who would believe that are hockey fans who don't know how other sports train.
I've played organized football, basketball, vollyball and hockey. This involved training, full season scedule etc. I will say that, of course all are difficult and you must be physically fit to play any of them.
I actually got into this discussion with some friends not too long ago. We looked online to see if we could find a study on the subject. We found this:
Of course, this is just one study, chart or article on the subject. I'm sure there are many more out there, so take it as you will.
Quote by unkled20:
Quote by Kat:
And don't get me started talking about "physical conditioning" of hockey vs other sports... The only people who would believe that are hockey fans who don't know how other sports train.
I've played organized football, basketball, vollyball and hockey. This involved training, full season scedule etc. I will say that, of course all are difficult and you must be physically fit to play any of them.
I actually got into this discussion with some friends not too long ago. We looked online to see if we could find a study on the subject. We found this:
Of course, this is just one study, chart or article on the subject. I'm sure there are many more out there, so take it as you will.
The problem with things like this (and any discussion comparing sports) is that it's all subjective. Any discussion on sports, each sport's fan thinks theirs is the toughest. But every sport uses different skills and needs different training.
conditioning i would go to soccer but if its just between hockey,football,and baseball i would have to go with hockey.i played all three in highschool and got scholarships to play hockey and football. training for hockey was a lot harder on me then football or baseball but that might be because i had to bulk up and down a lot for the sports.
Quote by unkled20:
I'm not trying to dismiss hockey. I'm saying all PROFESSIONAL athletes have to be in top physical conditioning and train brutally. X was dismissing any sport other than hockey and football and that's bullshit.
@hiv- there are more old hockey players still playing than football or basketball players. Those sports destroy athletes fast. People die during football training. High school training isn't comparable to professional training- it just isn't. I know it's the only experience anyone here will have, but to judge something purely from your own personal experiences is narrow minded. I dated a guy who played high school hockey and he was fat and stupid, but on the ice he glided like he was flying and smashed the crap out of people. Terrible physical condition, no discipline to train, genius at the sport. I'm not going to come in and say hockey players are fat and stupid.
Every sport will need different conditioning, and every position in a sport has different needs. Besides that, every player is different as far as toughness goes and pain tolerance. So any broad, sweeping comparison of a sport is wrong, and really does a disservice to the guys who work their asses off in each sport.
Quote by Kat:
Sentence 1 - very, very true!
Sentence 2 first part - very, very wrong!
Sentence 2 second part - how else would I judge something? Judging something purely by someone else's experiences would be more narrow minded. I have my own experiences and others to base my opinions on.
Regardless, this discussion will never go anywhere. We all have our opinions, which is great, none of us will change our minds based on a post in this fourm. I respect all athletes, no matter the sport they play.
Quote by unkled20:
Quote by Kat:
Sentence 1 - very, very true!
Sentence 2 - very, very wrong!
Sentence 3 - how else would I judge something? Judging something purely by someone else's experiences would be more narrow minded. I have my own experiences and others to base my opinions on.
Regardless, this discussion will never go anywhere. We all have our opinions, which is great, none of us will change our minds based on a post in this fourm. I respect all athletes, no matter the sport they play.
Sentence 2- You think there are pro athletes on the forums?
Sentence 3- You don't find it narrow minded to assume everyone has exactly the same experience as you? To fit every athlete in pro sports into a mold you created based on your experience in high school or "organized sports?" That's pretty much the definition of narrow minded right there. Why would you judge something at all? That locks you into narrow mindedness. My dad's last landlord was Chinese and she tried to rip him off for his security deposit because she knew he wasn't in the state at the time. She's the only Chinese landlord he's had, and the only landlord who ever has been shady. So it's less narrow minded if he started saying Chinese are the least honest race than if he realizes that people are individuals and he can't base his opinion of something based on his experience?
I'm done though, based on the part of what I wrote that you quoted and the fact that you then go on to say we'll never agree followed by you respect athletes no matter what sport they play, it's clear you have no interest in anything but disagreeing with me.
Quote by Kat:
Quote by unkled20:
Sentence 1 - very, very true!
Sentence 2 - very, very wrong!
Sentence 3 - how else would I judge something? Judging something purely by someone else's experiences would be more narrow minded. I have my own experiences and others to base my opinions on.
Regardless, this discussion will never go anywhere. We all have our opinions, which is great, none of us will change our minds based on a post in this fourm. I respect all athletes, no matter the sport they play.
Sentence 2- You think there are pro athletes on the forums?
Sentence 3- You don't find it narrow minded to assume everyone has exactly the same experience as you? To fit every athlete in pro sports into a mold you created based on your experience in high school or "organized sports?" That's pretty much the definition of narrow minded right there. Why would you judge something at all? That locks you into narrow mindedness. My dad's last landlord was Chinese and she tried to rip him off for his security deposit because she knew he wasn't in the state at the time. She's the only Chinese landlord he's had, and the only landlord who ever has been shady. So it's less narrow minded if he started saying Chinese are the least honest race than if he realizes that people are individuals and he can't base his opinion of something based on his experience?
I'm done though, based on the part of what I wrote that you quoted and the fact that you then go on to say we'll never agree followed by you respect athletes no matter what sport they play, it's clear you have no interest in anything but disagreeing with me.
You said High School experience is the only experience anyone here will have, you didn't say professional experience. There are other levels. You made a blanket statement assuming that nobody here could have played anything other than High School sports.
I'm sure we won't agree. I do respect all athletes, I know the time and dedication that it takes to perform at your best.
I have no interest in just disagreeing with you, or anyone else. I meerly did what you did, see a post I may not have agreed with and posted my thoughts, opinions etc.
I shall now join you in your doneness, if you will, with this discussion.
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