Archived: Random Sports Talk
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@Snapple, hockey being boring is obviously a matter of opinion. Just like how I find basketball boring and the NBA and absolute joke. If the NHL didnt have such an asshat commissioner, and would get back ESPN, hockey would grow again.
@Kat, I completely get what you're saying. Any athlete has to be in top condition. I just think that XmenGamer didn't word it correctly. There is like a different toughness or grit in hockey players than other sports. They take 100mph slapshots to the face, broke noses, ankles, fingers, and they still play. In 2008, Richard Zednik had a artery cut in his neck and almost died on the ice. He came back and finished the season. Now, take some Olympian runner, a NBA player or some dude who plays water polo. They are all in TOP condition, but they probably couldn't play though what hockey and NFL players play through.
Quote by Detroit:
@Snapple, hockey being boring is obviously a matter of opinion. Just like how I find basketball boring and the NBA and absolute joke.
@Kat, I completely get what you're saying. Any athlete has to be in top condition. I just think that XmenGamer didn't word it correctly. There is like a different toughness or grit in hockey players than other sports. They take 100mph slapshots to the face, broke noses, ankles, fingers, and they still play. In 2008, Richard Zednik had a artery cut in his neck and almost died on the ice. He came back and finished the season. Now, take some Olympian runner, a NBA player or some dude who plays water polo. They are all in TOP condition, but they probably couldn't play though what hockey and NFL players play through.
I mean I never said it was fact I was just stating my opinion? I never said anything more about it, obviously some like it and I don't not trying to convince anyone just saying what I feellll mannn .

Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by Detroit:
@Snapple, hockey being boring is obviously a matter of opinion. Just like how I find basketball boring and the NBA and absolute joke.
@Kat, I completely get what you're saying. Any athlete has to be in top condition. I just think that XmenGamer didn't word it correctly. There is like a different toughness or grit in hockey players than other sports. They take 100mph slapshots to the face, broke noses, ankles, fingers, and they still play. In 2008, Richard Zednik had a artery cut in his neck and almost died on the ice. He came back and finished the season. Now, take some Olympian runner, a NBA player or some dude who plays water polo. They are all in TOP condition, but they probably couldn't play though what hockey and NFL players play through.
I mean I never said it was fact I was just stating my opinion? I never said anything more about it, obviously some like it and I don't not trying to convince anyone just saying what I feellll mannn .

Well you said "hockey is almost as boring as baseball and soccer, without almost as dumb rules as well". Thats a bit preachy IMO. But whatever...
I'm not going to sit here and say that a 60 mph puck to the face wouldn't hurt like hell, but trust me, If you saw someone jump in front of a slapshot from the all-star speed competition face first, you would see him motionless in a huge puddle of blood for a long time. No amount of toughness would change that! Lol
Quote by theEVOL1:
I'm not going to sit here and say that a 60 mph puck to the face wouldn't hurt like hell, but trust me, If you saw someone jump in front of a slapshot from the all-star speed competition face first, you would see him motionless in a huge puddle of blood for a long time. No amount of toughness would change that! Lol
i totally agree you can also say that about baseball pitchers who throw 100 mph sometimes slipping out of the pitchers hand or the pitcher losing control of the pitch and hitting you either way its a little bit scary lol

Quote by lll PAPOOSE lll:
Quote by theEVOL1:
I'm not going to sit here and say that a 60 mph puck to the face wouldn't hurt like hell, but trust me, If you saw someone jump in front of a slapshot from the all-star speed competition face first, you would see him motionless in a huge puddle of blood for a long time. No amount of toughness would change that! Lol
i totally agree you can also say that about baseball pitchers who throw 100 mph sometimes slipping out of the pitchers hand or the pitcher losing control of the pitch and hitting you either way its a little bit scary lol

Well, nobody is trying to jump in front of a baseball on purpose though.
Evol, sure not every shot is 100+mph, but its on average high 80's to mid 90's. Thats still fast as shit. And yeah not every shot slaps a dude in the face lol But if it did, I bet that they would comeback and play the same game. On average there are 30 shots a game, and I bet half are hard ass slapshots from the blueline. So thats fifteen shots that 5 people are intentionally jumping in front of (and another 5 just generally in the way). People get rocked all the time.
here are the basics:
-10 teams divided in two conferences (5 per conference)
-live draft Mon, Oct 1st ,10pm EST (snake,random draft order)
-pick 6 keepers (deadline is Oct 8th to have your keepers picked,keepers will roll to next year)
This league is 100% free but not public so if your interested in joining you will need to pm me with your email and i will send you an invite. please don't waste my or other members time if your not serious about being active in a keeper league that will continue next year and so on because the members that do join are locked in regardless of their involvement so please make sure you want to be in a keeper league before hand.
*As of 8-28-12 (9) spots remain unfilled
Quote by BigZuDaddy:
Quote by Detroit:
@Snapple, hockey being boring is obviously a matter of opinion. Just like how I find basketball boring and the NBA and absolute joke. If the NHL didnt have such an asshat commissioner, and would get back ESPN, hockey would grow again.
I personally love hockey too and I agree with you on basketball being boring. But what I really agree with is that Bettman is a complete asshat. I mean, he had the NHL on Versus!(course it's now know as the NBC Sports network) But before hockey was on Versus I never heard of it. I swear I think Bettman is single handily try to destroy the NHL

bettman is the biggest douche in sports and personally i dont like having a american in charge of a canadian sport.there are teams like the panthers,Coyotes,blue jackets,Wild,and the Predators who would have a much much larger fan base and networth if they played in a canadian city but with bettman in charge that will never happen
Quote by Detroit:
Quote by lll PAPOOSE lll:
i totally agree you can also say that about baseball pitchers who throw 100 mph sometimes slipping out of the pitchers hand or the pitcher losing control of the pitch and hitting you either way its a little bit scary lol

Well, nobody is trying to jump in front of a baseball on purpose though.
Evol, sure not every shot is 100+mph, but its on average high 80's to mid 90's. Thats still fast as shit. And yeah not every shot slaps a dude in the face lol But if it did, I bet that they would comeback and play the same game. On average there are 30 shots a game, and I bet half are hard ass slapshots from the blueline. So thats fifteen shots that 5 people are intentionally jumping in front of (and another 5 just generally in the way). People get rocked all the time.
no way they would comeback with sports freaking out over concussions, and with an object going 100 mph and hitting you in the head (despite a helmet) will definitely give you at least a mild concussion.
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