Archived: Random Sports Talk
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Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Not even all the NY Teams together are worth 14 Billion dude.
Forbes has the NY Giants listed as having a value 806 Million. With a 175$ Million in annual revenue.
They are not worth 14 Billion dollars.
EDIT: Guess I was looking at older data. Evol has the newest which has them at 1.3 Billion.
Quote by Detroit:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Not even all the NY Teams together are worth 14 Billion dude.
Forbes has the NY Giants listed as having a value 806 Million. With a 175$ Million in annual revenue.
They are not worth 14 Billion dollars.
EDIT: Guess I was looking at older data. Evol has the newest which has them at 1.3 Billion.
wow, just to compare this to hockey, the Forbes report for the Boston bruins in 2010 had them est at around 300million bucks(5th in the league), i had a hard time believing the browns were worth that much but i guess it makes sense since the NFL is so popular.
Quote by BeaverHunter:
Quote by theoneandonly99:
The thing that is most shocking to me is that someone wanted to buy the Browns for over a billion dollars. I would agree for a team like the Patriots or Steelers but not the Browns.
A billion actually seems reasonable to me for the Browns. Also I'm sure he didn't become a billionaire by making bad investments. I was wrong about him being part owner of the Steelers, he was a minority investor. So his money was there but he had no say in day to day operations. Either way a guy willing to put down a billion obviously has a plan & as much as I hate the Steelers they are a well run franchise.
I understand where you are coming from. The reason I was really surprised is because of the fact that the last two NFL teams that were sold the Rams and the Jaguars were sold for around $750million. Who have been much more relevant than the Browns lately.
Here is the complete rankings:
Quote by theoneandonly99:
Here is the complete rankings:
Quote by theoneandonly99:
Here is the complete rankings:
im pretty happy with my USC Trojans at number 3.i think they should be ahead of bama seeing as the trojans didnt really lose anyone to the nfl draft besides a LT and a DE and alabama lost most of their defense lol but whatever.
Anyway, I still believe USC should be #1. They should only have one or two problem games this year. Stanford is rebuilding, so Oregon is about it in the PAC. Maybe Washington, but I don't really buy that and Notre Dame has yet to show the consistency that is needed for me to pick them over USC.
My prediction is USC v. LSU for the National Championship.
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Couldnt agree with you more,this is the entire reason why the nba is a dying league and its the reason why there are teams who are losing money in the league.when players like dwight howard bitch and complain about getting traded and pretty much forces his team to trade them they set back their orginal team for years to come and make them pretty useless in the nba.
if everyone loves all the great players playing together,then get rid of the small market teams and only have 12 teams stacked full of the best players,because that will happen eventually with how the league is going now
is a great site to find almost anything you might be on the lookout for from any one of your fav teams in any sport, they are a bit expensive but they have quite a bit of merch.
also i had a question, i haven't bought a sports jersey in a long time and wanted to know what the average price tag of a hockey jersey would cost? (authentic) im interested in buying a home bruins jersey but i don't want to get screwed on the price tag,check out this bruins baseball jersey i was looking at:

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