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Random Gaming
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Re: Re: Random Gaming
09/24/14 2:22 am | #1171
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Syndicate is on sale this week, has anyone played this game and it it any good?
Syndicate is a pathetic excuse of a reboot of the classic 90's franchise. The series had traditionally been tactical but for some god awful reason they changed it into a generic FPS...plenty of those on the bargain bin.
Other then that it's 6 hours long and doesn't stand out. It has no glaring faults other then the story (and insult to it's franchise roots) though. Might be someones cup of tea if they are desperate for a co-op experience.
Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
09/24/14 9:28 am | #1172
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Syndicate is on sale this week, has anyone played this game and it it any good?
Syndicate is a pathetic excuse of a reboot of the classic 90's franchise. The series had traditionally been tactical but for some god awful reason they changed it into a generic FPS...plenty of those on the bargain bin.
Other then that it's 6 hours long and doesn't stand out. It has no glaring faults other then the story (and insult to it's franchise roots) though. Might be someones cup of tea if they are desperate for a co-op experience.
That's exactly what I wanted to know. Thanks!! I will save my money for something else.
Re: Random Gaming
09/24/14 7:56 pm | #1173
Anyone heard about
Deep Down yet?
It seems like Capcom is trying to recreate a free to play Dragons Dogma.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
09/24/14 8:08 pm | #1174
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
D4 is the only thing on XBO I really want to play right now.

it's weird as hell.
i've been taking my time with it to interact with as many objects and do as many side missions as possible. i haven't finished episode 1 yet.
I'm liking it as well. I recently did a side-gig show with a woman that acts JUST like Amanda. She thinks she's a cat- all that shit. She hasn't run at me with a dead rat in her mouth yet, though... Holly Meowy if you google her. "Meowy". I highly doubt she was the inspiration for the character, but they do look pretty similar.
Re: Random Gaming
09/25/14 12:00 am | #1175
I always forget when I'm not playing it how much I love Warriors Orochi. Then I start playing and it's like "just one more mission!"
I like dw gundam too- but I think WO is maybe a little more fun.
Re: Re: Random Gaming
09/25/14 12:08 am | #1176
Quote by Kat:
I always forget when I'm not playing it how much I love Warriors Orochi. Then I start playing and it's like "just one more mission!"
I like dw gundam too- but I think WO is maybe a little more fun.
WO is easily the best franchise they have. I do like DW Empires though...
Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
09/25/14 12:15 am | #1177
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Quote by Kat:
I always forget when I'm not playing it how much I love Warriors Orochi. Then I start playing and it's like "just one more mission!"
I like dw gundam too- but I think WO is maybe a little more fun.
WO is easily the best franchise they have. I do like DW Empires though...
I'm not sure why I can't get into the dynasty warriors or samurai warriors games, yet I love wo.
Re: Random Gaming
09/25/14 3:47 am | #1178
Just FYI for JRPG fans. Fairy Fencer is great! It's battle system resembles Hyper Dimension Neptunia mixed with Agarest War.
Re: Random Gaming
09/25/14 8:53 pm | #1179
Thinking of getting the Disney infinity's marvel next month, would I get sick of it within a few days? Also wondering if I should be saving some cash up for the upcoming steam console,pretty tempted by the number and selection of games available,any thoughts?
Re: Re: Random Gaming
09/25/14 9:03 pm | #1180
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Just FYI for JRPG fans. Fairy Fencer is great! It's battle system resembles Hyper Dimension Neptunia mixed with Agarest War.
these are not real games stop lying
Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
09/25/14 10:34 pm | #1181
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Just FYI for JRPG fans. Fairy Fencer is great! It's battle system resembles Hyper Dimension Neptunia mixed with Agarest War.
these are not real games stop lying
Oh? What 32nd identical p.o.s Naruto game are you playing today? Does it have sexy jutsu? I hear the new One Piece game is good too.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
09/25/14 10:53 pm | #1182
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
these are not real games stop lying
Oh? What 32nd identical p.o.s Naruto game are you playing today? Does it have sexy jutsu? I hear the new One Piece game is good too.
Ok I know you're being Sarcastic but NEVER, EVEN WHEN JOKING, SAY ONE PIECE IS GOOD
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
09/25/14 11:11 pm | #1183
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
these are not real games stop lying
Oh? What 32nd identical p.o.s Naruto game are you playing today? Does it have sexy jutsu? I hear the new One Piece game is good too.
do you really want to get in a discussion about playing bad games
you are notorious for enjoying bad games bro don't even try that garbage
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
09/26/14 7:24 am | #1184
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Oh? What 32nd identical p.o.s Naruto game are you playing today? Does it have sexy jutsu? I hear the new One Piece game is good too.
do you really want to get in a discussion about playing bad games
you are notorious for enjoying bad games bro don't even try that garbage
Bad games? I'm almost done playing through this.
On the HARD difficulty. Why? Just have two bosses to go... game kills you so cheap, so often. But there are little moments of unintentional fun, enough that I want to finish it.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
09/26/14 8:23 am | #1185
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Oh? What 32nd identical p.o.s Naruto game are you playing today? Does it have sexy jutsu? I hear the new One Piece game is good too.
do you really want to get in a discussion about playing bad games
you are notorious for enjoying bad games bro don't even try that garbage
Did somebody say bad games???
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