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Random Gaming
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Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
09/07/14 12:28 pm | #1111
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by BackHolePuncher:
For the Xbox 1 is the EA access pass worth it. And how exactly does it work??? I am confused does not take much to confuse me.
if you subscribe you can download the games for free, when it runs out you can't play them anymore.
think of it like xbl for ea games.
How long does it last. I mean you say until it runs out. What runs out the period I'm paying for, or is it like a timed event???
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
09/07/14 2:22 pm | #1112
Quote by BackHolePuncher:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
if you subscribe you can download the games for free, when it runs out you can't play them anymore.
think of it like xbl for ea games.
How long does it last. I mean you say until it runs out. What runs out the period I'm paying for, or is it like a timed event???
30 bucks for a year or 5 buck a month
Re: Random Gaming
09/08/14 11:56 am | #1113
I apologize if people take offense to this, or downvote- but Vermillion did start this topic. Nobuo Uematsu's music. More people need to understand how much of a genius this man is. He's only 55, so I hope in the future, more and more people like me, who grew up with his music, give him the recognition he deserves. I know there are a few other videogame composers who can stand next to him... but to me, he's my go-to. Would be awesome, in the future, if composers like him, are regarded with the respect they deserve.
Anyone else have any gaming music composers they admire?
Re: Random Gaming
09/08/14 1:53 pm | #1114
batman Arkham night releases June 2nd
Re: Re: Random Gaming
09/08/14 4:49 pm | #1115
Quote by SeanPCannon:
]I apologize if people take offense to this, or downvote- but Vermillion did start this topic. Nobuo Uematsu's music. More people need to understand how much of a genius this man is. He's only 55, so I hope in the future, more and more people like me, who grew up with his music, give him the recognition he deserves. I know there are a few other videogame composers who can stand next to him... but to me, he's my go-to. Would be awesome, in the future, if composers like him, are regarded with the respect they deserve.
Anyone else have any gaming music composers they admire?
It's offensive when I start a topic now? I'm sensing I missed something.
Also Nobuo is the man. Nobody else comes close.
Well maybe this song...
Re: Random Gaming
09/08/14 7:34 pm | #1116
FINALLY! Popped the last fable anniversary achievement I had left, the damn card pairs is the worst laggy mini game hands down, I would suggest beating that first if anyone is grinding or hasn't played it yet,huge pain in the ass, also the money trick,after reaching oakvale as an adult,buy all the emeralds the store has then sleep for a few days and buy the rest,then sell them all back at once to reap HUGE profit,rinse and repeat until you have a fortune.
Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
09/09/14 12:22 am | #1117
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Quote by SeanPCannon:
]I apologize if people take offense to this, or downvote- but Vermillion did start this topic. Nobuo Uematsu's music. More people need to understand how much of a genius this man is. He's only 55, so I hope in the future, more and more people like me, who grew up with his music, give him the recognition he deserves. I know there are a few other videogame composers who can stand next to him... but to me, he's my go-to. Would be awesome, in the future, if composers like him, are regarded with the respect they deserve.
Anyone else have any gaming music composers they admire?
It's offensive when I start a topic now? I'm sensing I missed something.
Also Nobuo is the man. Nobody else comes close.
Well maybe this song...
I just meant that you started the (random gaming) topic i.e. the forum.
Sorry for the weird language, was pulling an all-nighter, and had some Nobuo FF music come up on my iTUNES playing in the background... made me feel better. Felt like random gaming was the place to post, since you're an RPG guy. Helped me push through the workload-
Re: Random Gaming
09/09/14 6:20 am | #1118
Well the most hyped game of the past 10 years (Destiny) did not disappoint!
Other then that Velocity (Free PS Plus game) ended up being a extremely well done space adventure in it's own right. It's a science fiction kind of month and i'm loving it. The only thing that could make it better is if Guardians of the Galaxy was already out on DVD.
Re: Random Gaming
09/09/14 3:40 pm | #1119
APB coming to Xbox one in 2015
and of course sunset overdrive has a season pass
what else is new
Re: Random Gaming
09/09/14 9:42 pm | #1120
Defiance is having some issues so I guess I will get to that Algebra homework that I have been avoiding.....
Re: Random Gaming
09/10/14 7:42 pm | #1121
Re: Re: Random Gaming
09/11/14 12:45 am | #1122
Quote by heathkilljoy:
http://www.xboxachievements.com/game/duck-dynasty/achievements/ game of the year lol
Well, I hope that this game is an easy 1K and I hope it's released for both the xboner and the 360. 
Re: Random Gaming
09/11/14 2:20 pm | #1123
the achievements for falling skies also look easy.
Dying light releases 1/27/15
metal gear solid collection was announced but with no details about what it is or what systems it's for.
any Tokyo game show predications before the show next week?
Re: Re: Random Gaming
09/11/14 8:26 pm | #1124
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
any Tokyo game show predications before the show next week?
I want them to announce Final Fantasy 1-6 for download on XBLA and XB1.
Chances of this happening: 0
I also want them to announce that the upcoming Onechanbara game will release in the US and on XB1.
It has bonus costumes that are just pieces of fruit!!
NSFW: Spoiler: Click here to toggle spoiler
I wonder who those two girls on the left are, they weren't in the 360 game. Also, it's kind of terrible that the third girl from the left gets this risque costume too, because she was like 12 years old in the last game
Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
09/11/14 9:12 pm | #1125
Quote by Meta:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
any Tokyo game show predications before the show next week?
I want them to announce Final Fantasy 1-6 for download on XBLA and XB1.
Chances of this happening: 0
I also want them to announce that the upcoming Onechanbara game will release in the US and on XB1.
It has bonus costumes that are just pieces of fruit!!
Spoiler: Click here to toggle spoiler
I wonder who those two girls on the left are, they weren't in the 360 game. Also, it's kind of terrible that the third girl from the left gets this risque costume too, because she was like 12 years old in the last game

yes yes yes yes yes
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