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Random Gaming
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Re: Random Gaming
08/05/14 7:56 pm | #976
it can be frustrating playing with randoms who go off on their own though.
Re: Random Gaming
08/06/14 9:44 pm | #977
For real gaiz... Sacred 3 yesterday, risen 3 next Tuesday, Diablo 3 the Tuesday after that.
Open the floodgates!!!!!!
Re: Random Gaming
08/07/14 8:22 am | #978
About to beat Zelda 2 on my Ouya... 1st time since 1999, but I saw a Wii U NES Remix challenge, to beat 2 Shadow Links at once (Zelda 2's last boss). Wasn't expecting it to go so well... (rainbow) means best of the best. So I'm thinking this should go well. Underrated game. I like the RPG level-up elements, with Zelda. Apparently (via GameTheorists on youTUBE), Ocarina of Time was originally suppose to be a Zelda 2 type game... as seen in an early N64 demo. Nintendo saved the (lock on) element, & made it 3D, instead of a 2D plain, and the rest is history. But I kinda like this black sheep in the franchise. Got it for Christmas in Florida, at my Grandmom's house, but a year later, we lost the cart, so I was never able to play it again, until a senior in high school. Anyway... I think (Link to the Past) is the best in the series, but Zelda 2 is above a lot of the others. I like more RPG, in my Zelda, personally.
Re: Random Gaming
08/08/14 10:11 pm | #979
Has anyone bought an external hard drive for the xboner yet? I'm just wondering if it helps with the fucking ridiculously slow menu bullshit. It's like having a Corvette that tops out at 35 Mph.
Re: Random Gaming
08/08/14 10:23 pm | #980
No, but I've noticed mine has slowed down to nearly the speed of the 360 dashboard. I still have about 30% left on HD too.
Re: Random Gaming
08/09/14 7:49 am | #981
There's something magical about late-night ebay game-shopping. Scored a game at $5 that has been $25+ everywhere else, recently (Command & Conquer 3 Kane's Wrath), it says condition "good" with game & box- figure I'm fine if it's not as advertised. Only other game I'm hunting, is Star Trek Legacy.. oldie, but I want to get it below $15. Something about an easy-achievement / Bethesda Star Trek game, that's been on my radar a few years-- and I feel like I should play it before the coming storm, this October (technically late-September, with Destiny).
Anybody score any great ebay deals, recently? Been bidding a bunch, but always outbid, so I prefer the (buy it now) options, like these.
Re: Random Gaming
08/09/14 7:51 pm | #982
So....currently redownloading all my DLCs for Assassin's Creed 3 to check how many animal interactions I have instead of just starting a new game because it won't let me load the file due to missing DLC -.-....this is how bored I am right now...
Re: Re: Random Gaming
08/10/14 1:57 am | #983
Quote by SeanPCannon:
There's something magical about late-night ebay game-shopping. Scored a game at $5 that has been $25+ everywhere else, recently (Command & Conquer 3 Kane's Wrath), it says condition "good" with game & box- figure I'm fine if it's not as advertised. Only other game I'm hunting, is Star Trek Legacy.. oldie, but I want to get it below $15. Something about an easy-achievement / Bethesda Star Trek game, that's been on my radar a few years-- and I feel like I should play it before the coming storm, this October (technically late-September, with Destiny).
Anybody score any great ebay deals, recently? Been bidding a bunch, but always outbid, so I prefer the (buy it now) options, like these.
I loved Star Trek Legacy. That's a hell of a find.
Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
08/11/14 4:28 am | #984
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Quote by SeanPCannon:
... other game I'm hunting, is Star Trek Legacy.. oldie, but I want to get it below $15. Something about an easy-achievement / Bethesda Star Trek game, that's been on my radar a few years...
I loved Star Trek Legacy. That's a hell of a find.
It's a good game, and goes up to great if you're a Trek fan of any sort as it does a fine job covering the different generations within the universe, but it is unfortunately not an easy achievement waffler. You won't have too much trouble finishing the game once on Easy or Normal, but finishing it on max difficulty and getting all the misc cheevs is going to be a pain in the buttocks.
Also, once you get your hands on it, don't let the cumbersome gameplay and wonky controls deter you. After an hour or so you'll be in the zone and the ships won't seem like drunk whales in a pool of molasses anymore.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
08/11/14 7:19 am | #985
Quote by Meta:
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
I loved Star Trek Legacy. That's a hell of a find.
It's a good game, and goes up to great if you're a Trek fan of any sort as it does a fine job covering the different generations within the universe, but it is unfortunately not an easy achievement waffler. You won't have too much trouble finishing the game once on Easy or Normal, but finishing it on max difficulty and getting all the misc cheevs is going to be a pain in the buttocks.
Also, once you get your hands on it, don't let the cumbersome gameplay and wonky controls deter you. After an hour or so you'll be in the zone and the ships won't seem like drunk whales in a pool of molasses anymore.
I'm not a 1k achievement whore, I gauge it on price & genuine interest, vs time, & ease. I think that's the best way to go about it. Seems like you get 500g just for the campaign, on easy, more or less, which's what I just did for Medal of Honor Warfighter ($9.99 on amazon). Knew it's shit-- but 565g if you beat the campaign on Rookie. 3rd stage-- sniper level had me cursing-- until I saw you're suppose to aim WAY up, for the last targets-- thanks youTUBE.
Sad this may be the last (Medal of Honor) game, since that one ruined the franchise. Maybe EA will pull it back, as a historical series, where it belongs. 2010 Medal of Honor was decent... but this... nope. Good for one run-through, though, at that price.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
08/11/14 9:30 am | #986
Quote by SeanPCannon:
Quote by Meta:
It's a good game, and goes up to great if you're a Trek fan of any sort .
I'm not a 1k achievement whore, I gauge it on price & genuine interest, vs time, & ease. I think that's the best way to go about it.
Right on, this is how I go about it too. I don't give a wat about completions and such.
In this case, yup, Legacy will be perfect for you. What sucks is the campaign is all Federation so you won't really get a chance to screw around with fun stuff like Romulan Warbirds, Klingon Birds-of-prey or Borg Cubes unless you can find someone to boost MP with.
Re: Random Gaming
08/11/14 2:27 pm | #987
Mass Effect creators quit the industry and it's our fault! It's not like we had any reason to be upset or anything.
Re: Random Gaming
08/12/14 12:55 am | #988
I know I'm late to the South Park TSOT train, but man. This game is so much more fucked up than the show. XD
Re: Re: Random Gaming
08/12/14 1:44 am | #989
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Mass Effect creators quit the industry and it's our fault! It's not like we had any reason to be upset or anything.

Nah, I am sure it had more to do with the EA overlords.... 
Re: Re: Random Gaming
08/12/14 2:29 am | #990
Quote by Kimberly cx:
I know I'm late to the South Park TSOT train, but man. This game is so much more fucked up than the show. XD
Yeah I liked it a lot- my only complaint is the collectables could've been designed better- i.e. it's very possible to miss a friend or such, & they're locked out for good
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