This game feels like a matching of Doom (2016) and Mad Max, which is apt as it's by the same group that developed that surprisingly good game. RAGE 2 is open world, has great customization options and it looks nice.
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This game feels like a matching of Doom (2016) and Mad Max, which is apt as it's by the same group that developed that surprisingly good game. RAGE 2 is open world, has great customization options and it looks nice.
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
I really enjoyed it. I love that series. I usually beat them twice, once for myself and once for evol.
Quote by Kimberly cx:
Is it a nice ass at least?
Quote by Xandler:
Quote by Kimberly cx:
Is it a nice ass at least?
Not at all.
In better news, I am enjoying the hell out of Bloodstained Ritual of the Night, it's truly a worthy successor to CV Symphony of the Night, and the best metroidvania I've played since. 35 hours in and I've only uncovered 79% of a 200%+ map!
Now when I'm bored, I create wacky Firefight variants and go HAAM.
Since I barely remember Halo 4 I started it over, it's been better than I recall. I still think the different Promethean units & weapons are cool, and I like how Cortana gets her jollies off being buck-blue-naked all the time.
Lastly, SWAT Versus sucks and all the bad kids, sweaties and try-hards that can headshot me from across the map need to take off eh.
Quote by Meta:
Now when I'm bored, I create wacky Firefight variants and go HAAM.
Since I barely remember Halo 4 I started it over, it's been better than I recall. I still think the different Promethean units & weapons are cool, and I like how Cortana gets her jollies off being buck-blue-naked all the time.
If you wanna play some Halo MP let me know. I love swat!
Lastly, SWAT Versus sucks and all the bad kids, sweaties and try-hards that can headshot me from across the map need to take off eh.
I'll go ahead and tell Jackson to change your name back to PSO Raine

Quote by Meta:
I'll go ahead and tell Jackson to change your name back to PSO Raine

Nooo whattt??? Omg. Downloading insider hub right now.
Start Minecraft
go to REALMS
use world name "4_FRkZ3uo_M"
It may take a time or 2 to enter.
Super easy completion took me 50 minutes.
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