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Random Gaming
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Re: Random Gaming
09/27/18 7:51 am | #3286
Gems of War Question
Has anyone been able to complete a Pet Rescue?
If so any tips? What was your team? I cannot seem to get past the 5th battle. I am Level 230 and I have 2 mythics and still cannot.
Re: Re: Random Gaming
09/27/18 8:26 am | #3287
Quote by DeWayne:
Gems of War Question
Has anyone been able to complete a Pet Rescue?
If so any tips? What was your team? I cannot seem to get past the 5th battle. I am Level 230 and I have 2 mythics and still cannot.
I have been able to. I had Mang (destroys armor and gives it to you as attack then does a set amount of damage), Bugbear, Hobgoblin and Princess Fizzbang. It basically comes down to get stupidly lucky though. Basically I got fizzbang up and hoped she did her destroy gems then used Mang when I could. I have a way better dwarf team now than those goblins, and I still can hardly get to battle 6 or 7.
Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
09/27/18 2:25 pm | #3288
Quote by Xandler:
Quote by DeWayne:
Gems of War Question
Has anyone been able to complete a Pet Rescue?
If so any tips? What was your team? I cannot seem to get past the 5th battle. I am Level 230 and I have 2 mythics and still cannot.
I have been able to. I had Mang (destroys armor and gives it to you as attack then does a set amount of damage), Bugbear, Hobgoblin and Princess Fizzbang. It basically comes down to get stupidly lucky though. Basically I got fizzbang up and hoped she did her destroy gems then used Mang when I could. I have a way better dwarf team now than those goblins, and I still can hardly get to battle 6 or 7.
I must have the wrong team format or just very unlucky because I dont even come close to beating 5. Its to the point where after 3 failed attempts I just turn it off. I would rather delve to increase my horde.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
09/27/18 6:19 pm | #3289
Quote by DeWayne:
Quote by Xandler:
I have been able to. I had Mang (destroys armor and gives it to you as attack then does a set amount of damage), Bugbear, Hobgoblin and Princess Fizzbang. It basically comes down to get stupidly lucky though. Basically I got fizzbang up and hoped she did her destroy gems then used Mang when I could. I have a way better dwarf team now than those goblins, and I still can hardly get to battle 6 or 7.
I must have the wrong team format or just very unlucky because I dont even come close to beating 5. Its to the point where after 3 failed attempts I just turn it off. I would rather delve to increase my horde.
I can’t beat 6. It drives me crazy. Evol just sits down and beats the whole thing in 2 seconds, and I feel like the fucking game is actively working against me. I have to turn it off, I start yelling at the tv and I feel like Evol playing madden.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
09/28/18 7:59 am | #3290
Quote by Moo Lissa:
Quote by DeWayne:
I must have the wrong team format or just very unlucky because I dont even come close to beating 5. Its to the point where after 3 failed attempts I just turn it off. I would rather delve to increase my horde.
I can’t beat 6. It drives me crazy. Evol just sits down and beats the whole thing in 2 seconds, and I feel like the fucking game is actively working against me. I have to turn it off, I start yelling at the tv and I feel like Evol playing madden.
I've only beaten the thing once and I got crazy lucky...if the enemy gets any skull matches in the later battles its basically instant lose.
Re: Random Gaming
09/28/18 2:12 pm | #3291
Princess Fizzbang is so awesome and fun, I put her on my prime team even though there's no other goblins. I love random/either-or effects in strategy games, and in Germs of Werr I love any super that gives you an extra turn.
Re: Random Gaming
09/28/18 6:19 pm | #3292
Anyone experiencing issues with xbox one profiles not wanting to load? I go to view a full profile and it tells me to try again...
Re: Re: Random Gaming
09/28/18 7:02 pm | #3293
Quote by Meta:
Princess Fizzbang is so awesome and fun, I put her on my prime team even though there's no other goblins. I love random/either-or effects in strategy games, and in Germs of Werr I love any super that gives you an extra turn.
I use her in my team too, with goblin king and queen grapplepot. It’s a goblin team, except for my character lol.
Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
09/28/18 9:58 pm | #3294
Quote by Moo Lissa:
Quote by Meta:
Princess Fizzbang is so awesome and fun, I put her on my prime team even though there's no other goblins. I love random/either-or effects in strategy games, and in Germs of Werr I love any super that gives you an extra turn.
I use her in my team too, with goblin king and queen grapplepot. It’s a goblin team, except for my character lol.
I am running with Luther, Spring Imp, Abhorath, and myself
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
09/30/18 6:15 am | #3295
Quote by DeWayne:
Quote by Moo Lissa:
I use her in my team too, with goblin king and queen grapplepot. It’s a goblin team, except for my character lol.
I am running with Luther, Spring Imp, Abhorath, and myself
You have an abhorath. 🤬
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
09/30/18 6:02 pm | #3296
Quote by Moo Lissa:
Quote by DeWayne:
I am running with Luther, Spring Imp, Abhorath, and myself
You have an abhorath. 🤬
Yep and he is a level 20 mythic
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
09/30/18 9:34 pm | #3297
Quote by DeWayne:
Quote by Moo Lissa:
You have an abhorath. 🤬
Yep and he is a level 20 mythic
I just got some mythic yesterday. He’s the giant one. Jotnar stormshield or something. Idk- he’s ok...
Re: Random Gaming
09/30/18 11:33 pm | #3298
Abhorath sounds like the name of a dude in a black metal band. I'm going to look out for him now.
My current goal is to make a "slut squad" with Lust, Succubus and some others. BTW I cannot express how pissed I am at you people for getting me back in to this stupid fucking game
Re: Re: Random Gaming
10/01/18 4:39 am | #3299
Quote by Meta:
Abhorath sounds like the name of a dude in a black metal band. I'm going to look out for him now.
My current goal is to make a "slut squad" with Lust, Succubus and some others. BTW I cannot express how pissed I am at you people for getting me back in to this stupid fucking game

All the female characters, basically? Hahaha they’re drawn by 15 year old boys I think.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Gaming
10/01/18 8:18 am | #3300
Quote by Moo Lissa:
Quote by DeWayne:
I am running with Luther, Spring Imp, Abhorath, and myself
You have an abhorath. 🤬
I have him too...but he's only a level 19 legendary or something...
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